YES!!! That's it!

Thank you! :-)

- Maurice

On Aug 28, 2013, at 02:24 PM, Ove Ewerlid <> wrote:

If this is about linux, you may be looking for acpid.
For RHEL6;

yum install acpid
chkconfig acpid on
service acpid start


On 08/28/2013 08:08 PM, Maurice Lawler wrote:
I have noticed there is latency from when I issue a reboot to when it is
actually done. I recall a program I can install on the instances to fix
this issue; however, googling has turned up on results, does anyone know
what program I am speaking of or how to correct this ?
- Maurice

Ove Everlid
System Administrator / Architect / SDN & Linux hacker
Mobile: +46706662363
Office: +4618656913 (note EMEA Time Zone)

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