Hi Min,
Your timing is good, today I worked on this setup some more and figured out 
what is going on with it. I made some changes to it and so it is not exactly 
what I documented before but the problem is still there.

I removed the Secondary Storage from my system and installed a new secondary 
storage with just the SystemVM template on it, to see if that would fix the 
problem, but I still had the problem :(

If there is a Wiki page on this area that would be helpful, I am slowly coming 
up to speed looking at the code and becoming more familiar it. The GUI calls 
list templates with the templatefilter set to all. There is a bunch of logic 
searching the template based on lots of knobs but mostly it boils down to 
displaying what is in template_view which before I changed the secondary 
storage and now with the new secondary storage, only has the ISO in it and that 
is why it not showing any templates in the GUI. (mysql dump below.)

Since I deleted the secondary storage, TemplateServiceImpl detected and 
reinstalled the tinyLinux image in it, and it is in the Ready state in 
template_store_ref (mysql dump below.)

There was a change to template_view where it only displays items if 
vm_template.state='Active', the state of the tinyLinux is 'Allocated'. (mysql 
dump below.)

I updated it manually to Active:
mysql> update vm_template set state='Active' where id=5;

This fixed the template_view display to show the tinyLinux in template_view and 
fixed the GUI. Now the question is why is it not set to Active? May be it was 
never set to Active as the clause to display based on 
"vm_template.state='Active';" came into the system from schema-420to430.sql.

Hope this helps,

mysql> select * from vm_template;
| id  | unique_name     | name                                  | uuid          
                       | public | featured | type    | hvm | bits | url         
format | created             | removed             | account_id | checksum      
                   | display_text                          | enable_password | 
enable_sshkey | guest_os_id | bootable | prepopulate | cross_zones | 
extractable | hypervisor_type | source_template_id | template_tag | sort_key | 
size      | state     | update_count | updated | dynamically_scalable |
|   1 | routing-1       | SystemVM Template (XenServer)         | 
db876372-11c1-11e3-b37b-005056aec95c |      0 |        0 | SYSTEM  |   0 |   32 
   | VHD    | 2013-08-30 15:16:46 | NULL                |          1 | 
fb1b6e032a160d86f2c28feb5add6d83 | SystemVM Template (XenServer)         |      
         0 |             0 |         183 |        1 |           0 |           1 
|           0 | XenServer       |               NULL | NULL         |        0 
| 276162048 | Allocated |            0 | NULL    |                    0 |
|   2 | centos53-x86_64 | CentOS 5.3(64-bit) no GUI (XenServer) | 
db876c46-11c1-11e3-b37b-005056aec95c |      1 |        1 | BUILTIN |   0 |   64 
 | VHD    | 2013-08-30 15:16:46 | 2013-08-30 15:16:46 |          1 | 
b63d854a9560c013142567bbae8d98cf | CentOS 5.3(64-bit) no GUI (XenServer) |      
         0 |             0 |          12 |        1 |           0 |           1 
|           1 | XenServer       |               NULL | NULL         |        0 
|      NULL | Allocated |            0 | NULL    |                    0 |
|   3 | routing-3       | SystemVM Template (KVM)               | 
db87748e-11c1-11e3-b37b-005056aec95c |      0 |        0 | SYSTEM  |   0 |   64 
 | QCOW2  | 2013-08-30 15:16:46 | NULL                |          1 | 
6cea42b2633841648040becb588bd8f0 | SystemVM Template (KVM)               |      
         0 |             0 |          15 |        1 |           0 |           1 
|           0 | KVM             |               NULL | NULL         |        0 
|      NULL | Allocated |            0 | NULL    |                    0 |
|   4 | centos55-x86_64 | CentOS 5.5(64-bit) no GUI (KVM)       | 
db877c40-11c1-11e3-b37b-005056aec95c |      1 |        1 | BUILTIN |   0 |   64 
  | QCOW2  | 2013-08-30 15:16:46 | NULL                |          1 | 
ed0e788280ff2912ea40f7f91ca7a249 | CentOS 5.5(64-bit) no GUI (KVM)       |      
         0 |             0 |         112 |        1 |           0 |           1 
|           1 | KVM             |               NULL | NULL         |        0 
|      NULL | Allocated |            0 | NULL    |                    0 |
|   5 | tiny Linux      | tiny Linux                            | 
db8783e8-11c1-11e3-b37b-005056aec95c |      1 |        1 | BUILTIN |   0 |   64 
| http://people.apache.org/~bhaisaab/vms/ttylinux_pv.vhd                        
           | VHD    | 2013-08-30 15:16:46 | NULL                |          1 | 
046e134e642e6d344b34648223ba4bc1 | tiny Linux                            |      
         0 |             0 |          12 |        1 |           0 |           1 
|           1 | XenServer       |               NULL | NULL         |        0 
|  52428800 | Allocated |            0 | NULL    |                    1 |
|   7 | centos53-x64    | CentOS 5.3(64-bit) no GUI (vSphere)   | 
db878b86-11c1-11e3-b37b-005056aec95c |      1 |        1 | BUILTIN |   0 |   64 
| http://download.cloud.com/releases/2.2.0/CentOS5.3-x86_64.ova                 
           | OVA    | 2013-08-30 15:16:46 | NULL                |          1 | 
f6f881b7f2292948d8494db837fe0f47 | CentOS 5.3(64-bit) no GUI (vSphere)   |      
         0 |             0 |          12 |        1 |           0 |           1 
|           1 | VMware          |               NULL | NULL         |        0 
|      NULL | Allocated |            0 | NULL    |                    0 |
|   8 | routing-8       | SystemVM Template (vSphere)           | 
db879310-11c1-11e3-b37b-005056aec95c |      0 |        0 | SYSTEM  |   0 |   32 
| http://download.cloud.com/templates/4.2/systemvmtemplate-4.2-vh7.ova          
           | OVA    | 2013-08-30 15:16:46 | NULL                |          1 | 
8fde62b1089e5844a9cd3b9b953f9596 | SystemVM Template (vSphere)           |      
         0 |             0 |          15 |        1 |           0 |           1 
|           0 | VMware          |               NULL | NULL         |        0 
|      NULL | Allocated |            0 | NULL    |                    1 |
|   9 | routing-9       | SystemVM Template (HyperV)            | 
db879b30-11c1-11e3-b37b-005056aec95c |      0 |        0 | SYSTEM  |   0 |   32 
   | VHD    | 2013-08-30 15:16:46 | NULL                |          1 | 
fb1b6e032a160d86f2c28feb5add6d83 | SystemVM Template (HyperV)            |      
         0 |             0 |          15 |        1 |           0 |           1 
|           0 | Hyperv          |               NULL | NULL         |        0 
|      NULL | Allocated |            0 | NULL    |                    0 |
|  10 | routing-10      | SystemVM Template (LXC)               | 
dce6796a-11c1-11e3-b37b-005056aec95c |      0 |        0 | SYSTEM  |   0 |   64 
| http://download.cloud.com/templates/acton/acton-systemvm-02062012.qcow2.bz2   
           | QCOW2  | 2013-08-30 15:16:48 | NULL                |          1 | 
2755de1f9ef2ce4d6f2bee2efbb4da92 | SystemVM Template (LXC)               |      
         0 |             0 |          15 |        1 |           0 |           1 
|           0 | LXC             |               NULL | NULL         |        0 
|      NULL | Allocated |            0 | NULL    |                    0 |
| 200 | xs-tools.iso    | xs-tools.iso                          | 
5172892d-0d8f-499a-bdb3-59a37fecf206 |      1 |        1 | PERHOST |   1 |   64 
| NULL                                                                          
           | ISO    | 2013-08-30 22:20:19 | NULL                |          1 | 
NULL                             | xen-pv-drv-iso                        |      
         0 |             0 |           1 |        0 |           0 |           0 
|           1 | XenServer       |               NULL | NULL         |        0 
|      NULL | Active    |            0 | NULL    |                    0 |

mysql> select * from template_store_ref;
| id | store_id | template_id | created             | last_updated        | 
job_id                               | download_pct | size      | store_role | 
physical_size | download_state | error_str                                      
   | local_path                                                                 
                        | install_path                                          
     | url                                                                      
              | state | destroyed | is_copy | update_count | ref_cnt | updated  
| 11 |        2 |           1 | 2013-09-04 22:38:06 | 2013-09-05 17:50:34 | 
NULL                                 |          100 | 276162048 | Image      |  
   276162048 | DOWNLOADED     | NULL                                            
  | NULL                                                                        
template/tmpl/1/1/34b74283-916e-4562-82fd-082b387b51c5.vhd | 
 | Ready |         0 |       0 |            0 |       0 | NULL                |
| 12 |        2 |           5 | 2013-09-04 22:42:42 | 2013-09-04 22:43:56 | 
7588dd60-4c70-4a03-8fe8-767ed2a90328 |          100 |  52428800 | Image      |  
    50430464 | DOWNLOADED     | Install completed successfully at 9/4/13 10:43 
PM | 
 | template/tmpl/1/5/1f0684e3-e96e-3317-9377-1a2decd31d85.vhd | NULL            
                                                                       | Ready 
|         0 |       0 |            3 |       0 | 2013-09-04 22:44:07 |
| 13 |        2 |           5 | 2013-09-04 22:42:43 | 2013-09-05 17:50:34 | 
1a93589a-2971-4912-b16a-09d5db45dd22 |          100 |  52428800 | Image      |  
    50430464 | DOWNLOADED     | Install completed successfully at 9/4/13 10:43 
PM | 
              | template/tmpl/1/5/1f0684e3-e96e-3317-9377-1a2decd31d85.vhd | 
       | Ready |         0 |       0 |            1 |       0 | 2013-09-04 
22:42:43 |

mysql> select * from template_view;
| id  | uuid                                 | unique_name  | name         | 
public | featured | type    | hvm | bits | url  | format | created             
| checksum | display_text   | enable_password | dynamically_scalable | 
guest_os_id | guest_os_uuid                        | guest_os_name       | 
bootable | prepopulate | cross_zones | hypervisor_type | extractable | 
template_tag | sort_key | removed | enable_sshkey | source_template_id | 
source_template_uuid | account_id | account_uuid                         | 
account_name | account_type | domain_id | domain_uuid                          
| domain_name | domain_path | project_id | project_uuid | project_name | 
data_center_id | data_center_uuid | data_center_name | lp_account_id | store_id 
| store_scope | state | download_state | download_pct | error_str | size | 
destroyed | created_on_store | detail_name | detail_value | tag_id | tag_uuid | 
tag_key | tag_value | tag_domain_id | tag_account_id | tag_resource_id | 
tag_resource_uuid | tag_resource_type | tag_customer | temp_zone_pair |
| 200 | 5172892d-0d8f-499a-bdb3-59a37fecf206 | xs-tools.iso | xs-tools.iso |    
  1 |        1 | PERHOST |   1 |   64 | NULL | ISO    | 2013-08-30 22:20:19 | 
NULL     | xen-pv-drv-iso |               0 |                    0 |           
1 | db87ea22-11c1-11e3-b37b-005056aec95c | CentOS 4.5 (32-bit) |        0 |     
      0 |           0 | XenServer       |           1 | NULL         |        0 
| NULL    |             0 |               NULL | NULL                 |         
 1 | dbe29030-11c1-11e3-b37b-005056aec95c | system       |            1 |       
  1 | dbe27f96-11c1-11e3-b37b-005056aec95c | ROOT        | /           |       
NULL | NULL         | NULL         |           NULL | NULL             | NULL   
          |          NULL |     NULL | NULL        | NULL  | NULL           |   
      NULL | NULL      | NULL |      NULL | NULL             | NULL        | 
NULL         |   NULL | NULL     | NULL    | NULL      |          NULL |        
   NULL |            NULL | NULL              | NULL              | NULL        
 | 200_0          |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

From: Min Chen [min.c...@citrix.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2013 9:47 AM
To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org
Subject: Re: Template Problem

Do you have contents of template_view and vm_templates?


On 8/30/13 9:25 AM, "Soheil Eizadi" <seiz...@infoblox.com> wrote:

>It was in the original email, here it is by itself:
>mysql> select * from template_store_ref;
>| id | store_id | template_id | created             | last_updated
>| job_id | download_pct | size       | store_role | physical_size |
>download_state | error_str | local_path | install_path
>                           | url
>                                          | state | destroyed | is_copy |
>update_count | ref_cnt | updated |
>|  5 |        1 |           1 | 2013-08-28 23:10:50 | 2013-08-29 21:01:19
>| NULL   |          100 | 2101252608 | Image      |    2101252608 |
>DOWNLOADED     | NULL      | NULL       |
>template/tmpl/1/1/170c3425-6078-479e-8843-3f8fdc02aaf3.vhd |
>-xen.vhd.bz2 | Ready |         0 |       0 |            0 |       0 |
>NULL    |
>|  6 |        1 |           5 | 2013-08-29 18:16:53 | 2013-08-29 21:01:19
>| NULL   |          100 |   52428800 | Image      |      50430464 |
>DOWNLOADED     | NULL      | NULL       |
>template/tmpl/1/5/0911ae22-350f-38f5-ad3e-423e7e5d6539.vhd |
>             | Ready |         0 |       0 |            0 |       0 |
>NULL    |
>2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
>From: Chiradeep Vittal [chiradeep.vit...@citrix.com]
>Sent: Friday, August 30, 2013 9:22 AM
>To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org
>Subject: Re: Template Problem
>Just the contents of template_store_ref
>On 8/30/13 9:17 AM, "Soheil Eizadi" <seiz...@infoblox.com> wrote:
>>What do you want me to lookup, before I clean up my system?
>>From: Wei ZHOU [ustcweiz...@gmail.com]
>>Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 3:16 PM
>>To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org
>>Subject: Re: Template Problem
>>Chiradeep, Thanks.
>>I cannot give more information as the environment has been cleaned.
>>Maybe Soheil can. I think it is the same issue.
>>2013/8/29 Chiradeep Vittal <chiradeep.vit...@citrix.com>
>>> It should be template_store_ref
>>> On 8/29/13 2:34 PM, "Wei ZHOU" <ustcweiz...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >It is the same issue to what I described in comment of
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >Wei
>>> >a
>>> >dded
>>> >a comment - 29/Aug/13
>>> >22:24
>>> >
>>> >Edison, after I redeploy the environment (clean db, restore devcloud
>>> >original, reploydb), the system is up.
>>> >Th systemvms (ssvm and cpvm) are running and the state are up, but I
>>> >not see tinylinux in template list. the template_host_ref table is
>>> >
>>> >Wei
>>> >a
>>> >dded
>>> >a comment - 29/Aug/13
>>> >23:10
>>> >
>>> >It works well on 4.2-forward branch.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >2013/8/29 Soheil Eizadi <seiz...@infoblox.com>
>>> >
>>> >> I migrated my development environment to the top of trunk which
>>> >>to
>>> >> 4.3 now. I created a new CloudStack runtime environment running
>>> >>XenServer
>>> >> 6.2, for my Secondary Store I replicated another NFS Server that has
>>> >>images
>>> >> for preRC CloudStack version 4.2 SystemVM and TinyLinux on it.
>>> >>
>>> >> I have the CS running and it creates the SSVM and it is healthy, but
>>> >> don't see any Templates in the UI, from the database I would expect
>>> >>see
>>> >> the "tiny Linux" and "SystemVM Template" in the Templates view.
>>> >>
>>> >> I have restarted the management server and the problem is
>>> >>
>>> >> What is the next steps to debug this further?
>>> >> -Soheil
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> Here is some logs below:
>>> >>
>>> >> From SSVM:
>>> >> /usr/local/cloud/systemvm/ssvm-check.sh
>>> >> ================================================
>>> >> First DNS server is
>>> >> PING ( 56 data bytes
>>> >> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=1.038 ms
>>> >> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.359 ms
>>> >> --- ping statistics ---
>>> >> 2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet loss
>>> >> round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 0.359/0.699/1.038/0.340 ms
>>> >> Good: Can ping DNS server
>>> >> ================================================
>>> >> Good: DNS resolves download.cloud.com
>>> >> ================================================
>>> >> NFS is currently mounted
>>> >> Mount point is /mnt/SecStorage/3667905e-f9c2-388e-a8c6-112cb96a98a9
>>> >> Good: Can write to mount point
>>> >> ================================================
>>> >> Management server is Checking connectivity.
>>> >> Good: Can connect to management server port 8250
>>> >> ================================================
>>> >> Good: Java process is running
>>> >> ================================================
>>> >> Tests Complete. Look for ERROR or WARNING above.
>>> >>
>>> >> From MS log:
>>> >> WARN  [c.c.c.ClusterManagerImpl] (Cluster-Notification-1:null)
>>> >> management server join event took 21 ms
>>> >> INFO  [c.c.n.s.SecurityGroupListener]
>>> >> (AgentConnectTaskPool-2:ctx-b401ef43) Received a host startup
>>> >>notification
>>> >> INFO  [o.a.c.s.i.TemplateServiceImpl]
>>> >> (AgentConnectTaskPool-2:ctx-b401ef43) Template Sync found routing-1
>>> >>already
>>> >> in the image store
>>> >> INFO  [o.a.c.s.i.TemplateServiceImpl]
>>> >> (AgentConnectTaskPool-2:ctx-b401ef43) Template Sync did not find
>>> >>routing-3
>>> >> on image store 1, may request download based on available hypervisor
>>> >>types
>>> >> INFO  [o.a.c.s.i.TemplateServiceImpl]
>>> >> (AgentConnectTaskPool-2:ctx-b401ef43) Template Sync did not find
>>> >> centos55-x86_64 on image store 1, may request download based on
>>> >>available
>>> >> hypervisor types
>>> >> INFO  [o.a.c.s.i.TemplateServiceImpl]
>>> >> (AgentConnectTaskPool-2:ctx-b401ef43) Template Sync found tiny Linux
>>> >> already in the image store
>>> >> INFO  [o.a.c.s.i.TemplateServiceImpl]
>>> >> (AgentConnectTaskPool-2:ctx-b401ef43) Template Sync did not find
>>> >> centos53-x64 on image store 1, may request download based on
>>> >> hypervisor types
>>> >> INFO  [o.a.c.s.i.TemplateServiceImpl]
>>> >> (AgentConnectTaskPool-2:ctx-b401ef43) Template Sync did not find
>>> >>routing-8
>>> >> on image store 1, may request download based on available hypervisor
>>> >>types
>>> >> INFO  [o.a.c.s.i.TemplateServiceImpl]
>>> >> (AgentConnectTaskPool-2:ctx-b401ef43) Template Sync did not find
>>> >>routing-9
>>> >> on image store 1, may request download based on available hypervisor
>>> >>types
>>> >> INFO  [o.a.c.s.i.TemplateServiceImpl]
>>> >> (AgentConnectTaskPool-2:ctx-b401ef43) Template Sync did not find
>>> >>routing-10
>>> >> on image store 1, may request download based on available hypervisor
>>> >>types
>>> >> INFO  [o.a.c.s.i.TemplateServiceImpl]
>>> >> (AgentConnectTaskPool-2:ctx-b401ef43) Skip downloading template
>>> >>routing-10
>>> >> since current data center does not have hypervisor LXC
>>> >> INFO  [o.a.c.s.i.TemplateServiceImpl]
>>> >> (AgentConnectTaskPool-2:ctx-b401ef43) Skip downloading template
>>> >>routing-9
>>> >> since current data center does not have hypervisor Hyperv
>>> >> INFO  [o.a.c.s.i.TemplateServiceImpl]
>>> >> (AgentConnectTaskPool-2:ctx-b401ef43) Skip downloading template
>>> >>routing-8
>>> >> since current data center does not have hypervisor VMware
>>> >> INFO  [o.a.c.s.i.TemplateServiceImpl]
>>> >> (AgentConnectTaskPool-2:ctx-b401ef43) Skip downloading template
>>> >>routing-3
>>> >> since current data center does not have hypervisor KVM
>>> >> INFO  [o.a.c.s.i.TemplateServiceImpl]
>>> >> (AgentConnectTaskPool-2:ctx-b401ef43) Skip downloading template
>>> >> centos53-x64 since current data center does not have hypervisor
>>> >> INFO  [o.a.c.s.i.TemplateServiceImpl]
>>> >> (AgentConnectTaskPool-2:ctx-b401ef43) Skip downloading template
>>> >> centos55-x86_64 since current data center does not have hypervisor
>>> >> INFO  [c.c.c.AgentHookBase] (AgentConnectTaskPool-1:ctx-81d176bd)
>>> >> Successfully sent out command to start HTTP handling in console
>>> >>agent
>>> >> INFO  [c.c.a.m.AgentManagerImpl] (ClusteredAgentManager Timer:null)
>>> >>Could
>>> >> not to find a Discoverer to load the resource: 2 for hypervisor
>>> >>null
>>> >> INFO  [c.c.a.m.DirectAgentAttache] (AgentTaskPool-2:ctx-0f928c9f)
>>> >> StartupAnswer received 2 Interval = 60
>>> >> INFO  [c.c.n.s.SecurityGroupListener] (AgentTaskPool-2:ctx-0f928c9f)
>>> >> Received a host startup notification
>>> >> INFO  [c.c.h.x.r.CitrixResourceBase] (AgentTaskPool-1:ctx-36b7c165)
>>> >> Private Network is cloud-public for host
>>> >> INFO  [c.c.h.x.r.CitrixResourceBase] (AgentTaskPool-1:ctx-36b7c165)
>>> >>Guest
>>> >> Network is cloud-public for host
>>> >> INFO  [c.c.h.x.r.CitrixResourceBase] (AgentTaskPool-1:ctx-36b7c165)
>>> >>Public
>>> >> Network is cloud-public for host
>>> >>
>>> >> Database:
>>> >>
>>> >> mysql> select * from template_host_ref;
>>> >> Empty set (0.00 sec)
>>> >>
>>> >> mysql> select * from template_store_ref;
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>------------+---------+---------+
>>> >> | id | store_id | template_id | created             | last_updated
>>> >>  | job_id | download_pct | size       | store_role | physical_size |
>>> >> download_state | error_str | local_path | install_path
>>> >>                           | url
>>> >>                                        | state | destroyed | is_copy
>>> >> update_count | ref_cnt | updated |
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>------------+---------+---------+
>>> >> |  5 |        1 |           1 | 2013-08-28 23:10:50 | 2013-08-29
>>> >>21:01:19
>>> >> | NULL   |          100 | 2101252608 | Image      |    2101252608 |
>>> >> DOWNLOADED     | NULL      | NULL       |
>>> >> template/tmpl/1/1/170c3425-6078-479e-8843-3f8fdc02aaf3.vhd |
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>r-xen.vhd.bz2| Ready |         0 |       0 |            0 |       0 |
>>> >>NULL    |
>>> >> |  6 |        1 |           5 | 2013-08-29 18:16:53 | 2013-08-29
>>> >>21:01:19
>>> >> | NULL   |          100 |   52428800 | Image      |      50430464 |
>>> >> DOWNLOADED     | NULL      | NULL       |
>>> >> template/tmpl/1/5/0911ae22-350f-38f5-ad3e-423e7e5d6539.vhd |
>>> >> http://people.apache.org/~bhaisaab/vms/ttylinux_pv.vhd
>>> >>               | Ready |         0 |       0 |            0 |       0
>>> >>NULL
>>> >>    |
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>------------+---------+---------+
>>> >> 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>

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