During CS upgrade, VRs are required to be upgraded to use newer systemVm 
template . 
The current VR upgrade procedure has following limitations:
 - takes 'long' time and the time exponentially increases with the size of the 
- no way to sequence upgrade of different parts of the cloud, i.e., specific 
clusters or pods or even zones
- there is no way to determine when a particular customer's services (e.g. VR) 
will be upgraded with the upgrade interval

Goals for this feature are to address the above issues

1. Give admin control to sequence the upgrade of the cloud by:
       - Infrastructure hierarchy: by Cluster, Pod, and Zone etc.
       - Administrative hierarchy: by Tenant or Domain 
2. Minimize service interruption to users
3. Improve the speed of the upgrade time by making as many upgrade operations 
in parallel as possible

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