On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 8:59 PM, Darren Shepherd <darren.s.sheph...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> It's actually really easy to turn this off.  If you look at the last
> commit of the branch you'll see what changes to turn it on.  So you can
> just reverse that one commit to disable it.
>  I'd rather merge this and then do the BVTs on master if possible.  I
> really want to get this committed.  Every time somebody changes a spring
> config file I have to keep making the corresponding changes.  It seems like
> people are gearing up and developing stuff right now for 4.3.  So the
> longer we wait the more headache it is for everyone.
> Again, if we find out this is a complete disaster, I can just flip some
> config settings and were back to the old style.  I had to keep
> compatibility with the old style as Awsapi and usage still use it.
> Darren

I get the desire, but *please* let's use BVT on this.  We, unfortunately,
have a poor track record with changes like this breaking things in master.
 I'm not saying this as a judgement / measurement of your branch, I'm
making a general historical statement.  We really need to hold ourselves to
the goal of keeping master stable through clear test results in feature
branches prior to a merge.

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