Great thanks for the feedback. Will get this applied at the weekend.

Just out of interest. In an account we have users. Those users have access
to all the VMs via the Cloudstack Management interface. However they don't
necessarily have access to the VMs(i.e. They do not know its password or
their public key is not contained within the machines authorized_keys).

Is there any way to add multiple SSH Public keys to a VM without powering
it down?

Basically, I want a way for all users of an account to share access to all
VMs owned by that account without having to manually store
passwords/private-ssh-keys on a separate system. Or by being able to inject
a SSH key or password reset without changing the power state of the VM.


On 8 October 2013 16:06, Chip Childers <> wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 08, 2013 at 01:05:32PM +0000, Frankie Onuonga wrote:
> > Hi guys ,
> > From my fundamentals of security I do not think returning a public key
> is wrong .
> > What is sensitive is the private key.
> > As long as that is bit exposed in any way then all should be well.
> +1 to Frankie's comment

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