On Oct 11, 2013, at 4:43 AM, Hugo Trippaers <trip...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey Guys,
> The CloudStack collaboration conference is right around the corner. The first 
> day of the conference will be dedicated to workshops and a hackathon.
> I'm curious which developers are planning to attend the hackthon and what 
> subjects you are interested in. In Santa Clara we had a short list of some 
> subjects to discuss and some tables and discussions were already prepared in 
> advance. In the upcoming conference we can do the same, so if you have a 
> discussion or project idea that you want to work on at the hackthon let us 
> know with a reply in this thread.
> I'm also curious if there are any aspiring developers that would like to have 
> a sort of introduction into cloudstack development during the hackathon.
> If you have any other ideas, just shout.
> Cheers,
> Hugo

I am adding couple topics that I would like to see:

-API interfaces (AWS refactor, GCE, OCCI&CIMI standard): Discuss the state of 
our interfaces, plans for future, needs etc. AWS interface might need a 
refactor, GCE is a new interface, OCCI is a standard and Isaac Chiang has 
developed an interface. We are missing a CIMI interface.

-DOCs: We are having lots of talks about docs, they have been split in a 
separate repo, we need to discuss format, release life cycle, format etc.

-KVM agent: There has been discussions/wishes to re-write the KVM agent in 
something else than Java. Review architecture, define a plan, find developers :)

-Ecosystem: The are lots of tools in the cloud ecosystem, we should talk about 
docker, ansible, cloud foundry/bosh…etc.and define a plan to have great 
cloudstack support in all of those.


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