
1/ For me, its not about the debate of Java VS python, or supporting anything 
to re-write existing already. Its an effort, learning,idea and thought of 
contribution being new.  Having said that, we worked earlier on  building an 
agent  prototype where we had to deploy agents and push policies, to multiple 
agents residing on multiple machines. While working on this, we chose python 
and it went smooth. I agree to your point though, that we should not redo for 
the sake of doing some thing. 


From: Marcus Sorensen []
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2013 11:19 AM
Subject: Re: Cloudstack collab Hackathons

I'm not at all against it, I just haven't heard anyone give any reason
as to why.  Keep in mind that we'd essentially be asking anyone who
has written code for the agent to re-do their work (midonet, vxlan,
storage plugins).  My impression is that people just like the 'feel'
of it being in Python, and for good reason, but that ignores the fact
that 1) we've already done the work, and 2) features still require
java knowledge since the agent doesn't do anything the mgmt server
doesn't ask for.  Without anyone explaining why, it just sort of feels
like rearranging deck chairs on a boat with serious leaks going on
below deck. Worse, people brought their own chairs, and we threw them
overboard because they're now the wrong color.

On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 6:54 PM, Darren Shepherd
<> wrote:
> +1 for kvm in python.  I'd like to take it a step further.  I'd like to 
> create a framework for adding compute and storage with python drivers. The 
> first implementation should just happen to be libvirt/kvm.  So yeah, I'll be 
> interested in this.  I'll be landing around 10am so don't know what time I'll 
> get to the hackathon.
> Darren
>> On Oct 14, 2013, at 9:29 AM, Marcus Sorensen <> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 8:22 AM, Sebastien Goasguen <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Oct 11, 2013, at 4:43 AM, Hugo Trippaers <> wrote:
>>>> Hey Guys,
>>>> The CloudStack collaboration conference is right around the corner. The 
>>>> first day of the conference will be dedicated to workshops and a hackathon.
>>>> I'm curious which developers are planning to attend the hackthon and what 
>>>> subjects you are interested in. In Santa Clara we had a short list of some 
>>>> subjects to discuss and some tables and discussions were already prepared 
>>>> in advance. In the upcoming conference we can do the same, so if you have 
>>>> a discussion or project idea that you want to work on at the hackthon let 
>>>> us know with a reply in this thread.
>>>> I'm also curious if there are any aspiring developers that would like to 
>>>> have a sort of introduction into cloudstack development during the 
>>>> hackathon.
>>>> If you have any other ideas, just shout.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Hugo
>>> I am adding couple topics that I would like to see:
>>> -API interfaces (AWS refactor, GCE, OCCI&CIMI standard): Discuss the state 
>>> of our interfaces, plans for future, needs etc. AWS interface might need a 
>>> refactor, GCE is a new interface, OCCI is a standard and Isaac Chiang has 
>>> developed an interface. We are missing a CIMI interface.
>>> -DOCs: We are having lots of talks about docs, they have been split in a 
>>> separate repo, we need to discuss format, release life cycle, format etc.
>>> -KVM agent: There has been discussions/wishes to re-write the KVM agent in 
>>> something else than Java. Review architecture, define a plan, find 
>>> developers :)
>> What? First I've heard of it!  I'm not sure how I feel about that. On
>> one side, it seems reasonable to do it in something like python and
>> remove the java dependency on the KVM host. On the other hand, there's
>> a lot of technical debt in what's been built already, while it would
>> probably be almost trivial to set up a basic working agent, it seems
>> like a significant amount of work to transfer all of the
>> functionality, special code that works around libvirt bugs, etc. Not
>> to mention agent plugins that have already had a significant amount of
>> effort put into them. On top of that, I'm not sure there's a whole lot
>> of value if the motive is to attract non-java guys or admins, when the
>> agent's features rely on what the mgmt server can do (new
>> features/capabilities would require java code anyway, or at the very
>> least coordinated effort between multiple devs who want the same
>> feature).
>>> -Ecosystem: The are lots of tools in the cloud ecosystem, we should talk 
>>> about docker, ansible, cloud foundry/bosh…etc.and define a plan to have 
>>> great cloudstack support in all of those.
>>> -sebastien

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