Yes - it's really a bug in ApiXmlDocWriter. Please file it.


On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 4:39 PM, Demetrius Tsitrelis
<> wrote:
> Do you still think there needs to be a bug filed for the missing APIs?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Animesh Chaturvedi []
> Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2013 1:21 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Incomplete API docs?
> +1
> Radhika on the 4.3 release page I have solicited volunteers for different 
> release activities. Looks like the high level tasks could use a better 
> breakdown, do you want to take a stab at breaking doc into sub tasks and 
> folks interested can fill in their name.
> Animesh
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Radhika Puthiyetath []
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2013 3:24 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: RE: Incomplete API docs?
>> Hi All,
>> Our API documentation requires a serious refurbishment.
>> How about creating a doc sprint for enhancing API documentation ?
>> I am in the process of setting up a Wiki page at
>> pr
>> int+for+Enhancing+API+Documentation to track this activity. Feel free
>> int+for+Enhancing+API+to
>> add/ edit/ remove the page content.
>> I request all of you to volunteer so that we will have a comprehensive
>> API doc set by next release.
>> Appreciate your feedback.
>> Regards
>> -Radhika
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Animesh Chaturvedi []
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2013 7:36 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: RE: Incomplete API docs?
>> Demetrius do you mind creating an issue in JIRA?
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: Alena Prokharchyk []
>> > Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2013 5:15 PM
>> > To:
>> > Subject: Re: Incomplete API docs?
>> >
>> > The commands.xml generated as a result of mvn build (mvn clean
>> > install
>> > - P developer,systemvm -DskipTests), doesn't include the commands
>> > mentioned by Demetrius. Looks like some regression bug in
>> > ApiXmlDocWriter - it used to include all the commands in 3.0.x
>> > version of the code.
>> >
>> > -Alena.
>> >
>> > From: Demetrius Tsitrelis
>> > <<>>
>> > Reply-To:
>> "<>"
>> > <<>>
>> > Date: Tuesday, October 15, 2013 4:33 PM
>> > To: "<>"
>> > <<>>
>> > Subject: Incomplete API docs?
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > I grep'ed the source code and came up with a list of the APIs which
>> > the UI uses.  That list is at the end of this message.
>> > You can see that many of them (addNetscalerLoadBalancer,
>> > addVmwareDc,
>> > etc.) are not in the generated API documentation which appears at
>> >
>> > l
>> >
>> >
>> > Is this something wrong with the input files or is a tool at fault?
>> >
>> >
>> > Here's the list of APIs used by the UI:
>> >
>> > activateProject
>> >
>> > addAccountToProject
>> >
>> > addBaremetalDhcp
>> >
>> > addBaremetalPxeKickStartServer
>> >
>> > addCluster
>> >
>> > addHost
>> >
>> > addImageStore
>> >
>> > addIpToNic
>> >
>> > addLdapConfiguration
>> >
>> > addNetscalerLoadBalancer
>> >
>> > addNetworkServiceProvider
>> >
>> > addNicToVirtualMachine
>> >
>> > addRegion
>> >
>> > addTrafficType
>> >
>> > addUcsManager
>> >
>> > addVmwareDc
>> >
>> > addVpnUser
>> >
>> > archiveAlerts
>> >
>> > archiveEvents
>> >
>> > assignToGlobalLoadBalancerRule
>> >
>> > assignToLoadBalancerRule
>> >
>> > assignVirtualMachine
>> >
>> > associateIpAddress
>> >
>> > associateUcsProfileToBlade
>> >
>> > attachIso
>> >
>> > attachVolume
>> >
>> > authorizeSecurityGroupEgress
>> >
>> > authorizeSecurityGroupIngress
>> >
>> > cancelHostMaintenance
>> >
>> > cancelStorageMaintenance
>> >
>> > configureInternalLoadBalancerElement
>> >
>> > configureVirtualRouterElement
>> >
>> > copyIso
>> >
>> > copyTemplate
>> >
>> > createAccount
>> >
>> > createAffinityGroup
>> >
>> > createAutoScalePolicy
>> >
>> > createAutoScaleVmGroup
>> >
>> > createAutoScaleVmProfile
>> >
>> > createCondition
>> >
>> > createDiskOffering
>> >
>> > createDomain
>> >
>> > createEgressFirewallRule
>> >
>> > createFirewallRule
>> >
>> > createGlobalLoadBalancerRule
>> >
>> > createIpForwardingRule
>> >
>> > createLBHealthCheckPolicy
>> >
>> > createLBStickinessPolicy
>> >
>> > createLoadBalancer
>> >
>> > createLoadBalancerRule
>> >
>> > createNetwork
>> >
>> > createNetworkACL
>> >
>> > createNetworkACLList
>> >
>> > createNetworkOffering
>> >
>> > createPhysicalNetwork
>> >
>> > createPod
>> >
>> > createPortableIpRange
>> >
>> > createPortForwardingRule
>> >
>> > createPrivateGateway
>> >
>> > createProject
>> >
>> > createRemoteAccessVpn
>> >
>> > createSecondaryStagingStore
>> >
>> > createSecurityGroup
>> >
>> > createServiceOffering
>> >
>> > createSnapshot
>> >
>> > createSnapshotPolicy
>> >
>> > createStaticRoute
>> >
>> > createStorageNetworkIpRange
>> >
>> > createStoragePool
>> >
>> > createTags
>> >
>> > createTemplate
>> >
>> > createUser
>> >
>> > createVlanIpRange
>> >
>> > createVMSnapshot
>> >
>> > createVolume
>> >
>> > createVPC
>> >
>> > createVpnConnection
>> >
>> > createVpnCustomerGateway
>> >
>> > createVpnGateway
>> >
>> > createZone
>> >
>> > dedicateCluster
>> >
>> > dedicateGuestVlanRange
>> >
>> > dedicateHost
>> >
>> > dedicatePod
>> >
>> > dedicatePublicIpRange
>> >
>> > dedicateZone
>> >
>> > deleteAccount
>> >
>> > deleteAccountFromProject
>> >
>> > deleteAffinityGroup
>> >
>> > deleteAlerts
>> >
>> > deleteBigSwitchVnsDevice
>> >
>> > deleteCiscoNexusVSM
>> >
>> > deleteCluster
>> >
>> > deleteCondition
>> >
>> > deleteDiskOffering
>> >
>> > deleteDomain
>> >
>> > deleteEgressFirewallRule
>> >
>> > deleteEvents
>> >
>> > deleteF5LoadBalancer
>> >
>> > deleteFirewallRule
>> >
>> > deleteGlobalLoadBalancerRule
>> >
>> > deleteHost
>> >
>> > deleteImageStore
>> >
>> > deleteIpForwardingRule
>> >
>> > deleteIso
>> >
>> > deleteLBHealthCheckPolicy
>> >
>> > deleteLBStickinessPolicy
>> >
>> > deleteLdapConfiguration
>> >
>> > deleteLoadBalancer
>> >
>> > deleteLoadBalancerRule
>> >
>> > deleteNetscalerLoadBalancer
>> >
>> > deleteNetwork
>> >
>> > deleteNetworkACL
>> >
>> > deleteNetworkACLList
>> >
>> > deleteNetworkOffering
>> >
>> > deleteNetworkServiceProvider
>> >
>> > deleteNiciraNvpDevice
>> >
>> > deletePhysicalNetwork
>> >
>> > deletePod
>> >
>> > deletePortableIpRange
>> >
>> > deletePortForwardingRule
>> >
>> > deletePrivateGateway
>> >
>> > deleteProject
>> >
>> > deleteProjectInvitation
>> >
>> > deleteRemoteAccessVpn
>> >
>> > deleteSecondaryStagingStore
>> >
>> > deleteSecurityGroup
>> >
>> > deleteServiceOffering
>> >
>> > deleteSnapshot
>> >
>> > deleteSnapshotPolicies
>> >
>> > deleteSrxFirewall
>> >
>> > deleteStaticRoute
>> >
>> > deleteStorageNetworkIpRange
>> >
>> > deleteStoragePool
>> >
>> > deleteTags
>> >
>> > deleteTemplate
>> >
>> > deleteUcsManager
>> >
>> > deleteUser
>> >
>> > deleteVlanIpRange
>> >
>> > deleteVMSnapshot
>> >
>> > deleteVolume
>> >
>> > deleteVPC
>> >
>> > deleteVpnConnection
>> >
>> > deleteVpnCustomerGateway
>> >
>> > deleteVpnGateway
>> >
>> > deleteZone
>> >
>> > deployVirtualMachine
>> >
>> > destroyRouter
>> >
>> > destroySystemVm
>> >
>> > destroyVirtualMachine
>> >
>> > detachIso
>> >
>> > detachVolume
>> >
>> > disableAccount
>> >
>> > disableAutoScaleVmGroup
>> >
>> > disableCiscoNexusVSM
>> >
>> > disableStaticNat
>> >
>> > disableUser
>> >
>> > disassociateIpAddress
>> >
>> > disassociateUcsProfileFromBlade
>> >
>> > enableAccount
>> >
>> > enableAutoScaleVmGroup
>> >
>> > enableCiscoNexusVSM
>> >
>> > enableStaticNat
>> >
>> > enableStorageMaintenance
>> >
>> > enableUser
>> >
>> > extractVolume
>> >
>> > findHostsForMigration
>> >
>> > findStoragePoolsForMigration
>> >
>> > ldapCreateAccount
>> >
>> > listAccounts
>> >
>> > listAffinityGroups
>> >
>> > listAffinityGroupTypes
>> >
>> > listAlerts
>> >
>> > listAutoScaleVmGroups
>> >
>> > listAutoScaleVmProfiles
>> >
>> > listBaremetalDhcp
>> >
>> > listBaremetalPxeServers
>> >
>> > listBigSwitchVnsDevices
>> >
>> > listCapabilities
>> >
>> > listCapacity
>> >
>> > listCiscoNexusVSMs
>> >
>> > listClusters
>> >
>> > listConfigurations
>> >
>> > listCounters
>> >
>> > listDedicatedClusters
>> >
>> > listDedicatedGuestVlanRanges
>> >
>> > listDedicatedHosts
>> >
>> > listDedicatedPods
>> >
>> > listDedicatedZones
>> >
>> > listDeploymentPlanners
>> >
>> > listDiskOfferings
>> >
>> > listDomainChildren
>> >
>> > listDomains
>> >
>> > listEgressFirewallRules
>> >
>> > listEvents
>> >
>> > listF5LoadBalancers
>> >
>> > listFirewallRules
>> >
>> > listGlobalLoadBalancerRules
>> >
>> > listHosts
>> >
>> > listHypervisorCapabilities
>> >
>> > listHypervisors
>> >
>> > listImageStores
>> >
>> > listInternalLoadBalancerElements
>> >
>> > listInternalLoadBalancerVMs
>> >
>> > listIpForwardingRules
>> >
>> > listIsos
>> >
>> > listLBHealthCheckPolicies
>> >
>> > listLBStickinessPolicies
>> >
>> > listLdapConfigurations
>> >
>> > listLdapUsers
>> >
>> > listLoadBalancerRuleInstances
>> >
>> > listLoadBalancerRules
>> >
>> > listLoadBalancers
>> >
>> > listNetscalerLoadBalancers
>> >
>> > listNetworkACLLists
>> >
>> > listNetworkACLs
>> >
>> > listNetworkOfferings
>> >
>> > listNetworks
>> >
>> > listNetworkServiceProviders
>> >
>> > listNiciraNvpDevices
>> >
>> > listNics
>> >
>> > listOsCategories
>> >
>> > listOsTypes
>> >
>> > listPhysicalNetworks
>> >
>> > listPods
>> >
>> > listPortableIpRanges
>> >
>> > listPortForwardingRules
>> >
>> > listPrivateGateways
>> >
>> > listProjectAccounts
>> >
>> > listProjectInvitations
>> >
>> > listProjects
>> >
>> > listPublicIpAddresses
>> >
>> > listRegions
>> >
>> > listRemoteAccessVpns
>> >
>> > listResourceLimits
>> >
>> > listRouters
>> >
>> > listSecondaryStagingStores
>> >
>> > listSecurityGroups
>> >
>> > listServiceOfferings
>> >
>> > listSnapshotPolicies
>> >
>> > listSnapshots
>> >
>> > listSrxFirewalls
>> >
>> > listStaticRoutes
>> >
>> > listStorageNetworkIpRange
>> >
>> > listStoragePools
>> >
>> > listStorageProviders
>> >
>> > listSupportedNetworkServices
>> >
>> > listSystemVms
>> >
>> > listTags
>> >
>> > listTemplates
>> >
>> > listTrafficTypes
>> >
>> > listUcsBlades
>> >
>> > listUcsManagers
>> >
>> > listUcsProfiles
>> >
>> > listUsers
>> >
>> > listVirtualMachines
>> >
>> > listVirtualRouterElements
>> >
>> > listVlanIpRanges
>> >
>> > listVMSnapshot
>> >
>> > listVmwareDcs
>> >
>> > listVolumes
>> >
>> > listVPCOfferings
>> >
>> > listVPCs
>> >
>> > listVpnConnections
>> >
>> > listVpnCustomerGateways
>> >
>> > listVpnGateways
>> >
>> > listVpnUsers
>> >
>> > listZones
>> >
>> > logout
>> >
>> > migrateSystemVm
>> >
>> > migrateVirtualMachine
>> >
>> > migrateVirtualMachineWithVolume
>> >
>> > migrateVolume
>> >
>> > prepareHostForMaintenance
>> >
>> > rebootRouter
>> >
>> > rebootSystemVm
>> >
>> > rebootVirtualMachine
>> >
>> > reconnectHost
>> >
>> > recoverVirtualMachine
>> >
>> > registerIso
>> >
>> > registerTemplate
>> >
>> > registerUserKeys
>> >
>> > releaseDedicatedCluster
>> >
>> > releaseDedicatedGuestVlanRange
>> >
>> > releaseDedicatedHost
>> >
>> > releaseDedicatedPod
>> >
>> > releaseDedicatedZone
>> >
>> > releasePublicIpRange
>> >
>> > removeFromGlobalLoadBalancerRule
>> >
>> > removeFromLoadBalancerRule
>> >
>> > removeIpFromNic
>> >
>> > removeNicFromVirtualMachine
>> >
>> > removeRegion
>> >
>> > removeVmwareDc
>> >
>> > removeVpnUser
>> >
>> > replaceNetworkACLList
>> >
>> > resetPasswordForVirtualMachine
>> >
>> > resetVpnConnection
>> >
>> > resizeVolume
>> >
>> > restartNetwork
>> >
>> > restartVPC
>> >
>> > restoreVirtualMachine
>> >
>> > revertToVMSnapshot
>> >
>> > revokeSecurityGroupEgress
>> >
>> > revokeSecurityGroupIngress
>> >
>> > scaleSystemVm
>> >
>> > scaleVirtualMachine
>> >
>> > startInternalLoadBalancerVM
>> >
>> > startRouter
>> >
>> > startSystemVm
>> >
>> > startVirtualMachine
>> >
>> > stopInternalLoadBalancerVM
>> >
>> > stopRouter
>> >
>> > stopSystemVm
>> >
>> > stopVirtualMachine
>> >
>> > suspendProject
>> >
>> > updateAccount
>> >
>> > updateAutoScalePolicy
>> >
>> > updateAutoScaleVmGroup
>> >
>> > updateAutoScaleVmProfile
>> >
>> > updateCluster
>> >
>> > updateConfiguration
>> >
>> > updateDefaultNicForVirtualMachine
>> >
>> > updateDiskOffering
>> >
>> > updateDomain
>> >
>> > updateHost
>> >
>> > updateHypervisorCapabilities
>> >
>> > updateIso
>> >
>> > updateIsoPermissions
>> >
>> > updateLoadBalancerRule
>> >
>> > updateNetwork
>> >
>> > updateNetworkACLItem
>> >
>> > updateNetworkOffering
>> >
>> > updateNetworkServiceProvider
>> >
>> > updatePhysicalNetwork
>> >
>> > updatePod
>> >
>> > updateProject
>> >
>> > updateProjectInvitation
>> >
>> > updateRegion
>> >
>> > updateResourceCount
>> >
>> > updateResourceLimit
>> >
>> > updateServiceOffering
>> >
>> > updateStoragePool
>> >
>> > updateTemplate
>> >
>> > updateTemplatePermissions
>> >
>> > updateTrafficType
>> >
>> > updateUser
>> >
>> > updateVirtualMachine
>> >
>> > updateVMAffinityGroup
>> >
>> > updateVPC
>> >
>> > updateVpnCustomerGateway
>> >
>> > updateZone
>> >
>> > uploadCustomCertificate
>> >
>> > uploadVolume

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