Can someone that has updated from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 (ideally with XenServer
hosts) run the following queries in their db:

select msid, state, version, service_port, removed from mshost;
select ms.msid, ms.version as ms_version, h.version as host_version, count(
h.id) from mshost ms, host h where ms.msid=h.mgmt_server_id;

On my db I see the following:
mysql> select msid, state, version, service_port, removed from mshost;
| msid            | state | version | service_port | removed |
| 233845174730255 | Up    | 4.1.0   |         9090 | NULL    |
| 233845174730253 | Up    | 4.1.1   |         9090 | NULL    |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select ms.msid, ms.version as ms_version, h.version as host_version,
count(h.id) from mshost ms, host h where ms.msid=h.mgmt_server_id;
| msid            | ms_version | host_version | count(h.id) |
| 233845174730255 | 4.1.0      | 4.1.0        |           2 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

I don't think this is right and I am trying to see what it looks like for
others that have done the upgrade from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1.  I believe the 4.1.0
msid should have a date in there indicating that it is no longer active and
hosts in the host table should be linked to the 4.1.1 msid not the 4.1.0.
 As well as have there version updated to 4.1.1.

For the dev list guys, would it me ok for the to edit these values and see
if that fixes my broken installation?  Also what should I do with entries
in the tables like op_ha_work, op_it_work and storage_pool_work.  I am
guessing I also would need to update the later also but not sure about the
first 2.

thank you

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