Small correction bellow...

On Nov 17, 2013, at 2:40 AM, Hugo Trippaers <> wrote:

> Hey guys,
> I’m building the compatibility matrix for our SDN plugins to use in my 
> presentation for CCCEU13. I think i got everything in there, but would like 
> to check it against your combined knowledge:
> GRE isolation
>       supports L2 isolation
>       XenServer supported since pre ACS
>       KVM supported since pre ACS
>       (not taking son extensions branch into account yet)
>       supports L2 isolation
>       KVM supported since master (4.3)
> Nicira NVP
>       supports L2 isolation
>       supports L3 NAT function since 4.1
>       supports VPC networks
>       XenServer supported since 4.0
>       KVM supported since 4.1
>       VMware supported since 4.2
> Midokura
>       supports L2 isolation
>       supports L3 NAT, DHCP, Firewall
>       supports VPC networks
>       KVM supported since 4.2
> Stratosphere
>       supports L2 isolation
>       KVM supported since 4.2
> Contrail
>       supports L2 isolation
>       supports L3 NAT, DHCP
>       Xenserver supported since master
>       KVM supported since master

For Contrail KVM support is not there yet...; it does support a distributed 
router replacing the domain router for traffic that traverses guest networks.

> Anything i forgot here?
> Cheers,
> Hugo

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