
Sorry for cross-posting.

While validating the Release Notes by using publican,  there is a validity 
issue which I am not able to resolve.

The command used is:

Publican build -format=test -langs=en-us -config=publican.cfg.

The error I am getting is the following:

Release_Notes.xml:3509: validity error : Element listitem content does not 
follow the DTD, expecting
(calloutlist | glosslist | bibliolist | itemizedlist | orderedlist | 
segmentedlist | simplelist | v
ariablelist | caution | important | note | tip | warning | literallayout | 
programlisting | programl
istingco | screen | screenco | screenshot | synopsis | cmdsynopsis | 
funcsynopsis | classsynopsis |
fieldsynopsis | constructorsynopsis | destructorsynopsis | methodsynopsis | 
formalpara | para | simp
ara | address | blockquote | graphic | graphicco | mediaobject | mediaobjectco 
| informalequation |
informalexample | informalfigure | informaltable | equation | example | figure 
| table | msgset | pr
ocedure | sidebar | qandaset | task | anchor | bridgehead | remark | highlights 
| abstract | authorb
lurb | epigraph | indexterm | beginpage)+, got (para programlisting CDATA)

The issue is that the CDATA cannot be located in the file. If it is removed, we 
can successfully build the file. The issue persists on both Master and 4.2

Thanks in advance


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