I will ask one basic question.  How do you forsee managing one mailbox per
resource.  If I have multiple servers running in an active-active mode, how
do you determine which server has the mailbox?  Do you create actors on
demand?  How do you synchronize that operation?


On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 10:16 AM, Darren Shepherd <
darren.s.sheph...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You bring up some interesting points.  I really need to digest this
> further.  From a high level I think I agree, but there are a lot of implied
> details of what you've said.
> Darren
> On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 8:39 AM, John Burwell <jburw...@basho.com> wrote:
>> Darren,
>> I originally presented my thoughts on this subject at CCC13 [1].
>>  Fundamentally, I see CloudStack as having two distinct tiers —
>> orchestration management and automation control.  The orchestration tier
>> coordinates the automation control layer to fulfill user goals (e.g. create
>> a VM instance, alter a network route, snapshot a volume, etc) constrained
>> by policies defined by the operator (e.g. multi-tenacy boundaries, ACLs,
>> quotas, etc).  This layer must always be available to take new requests,
>> and to report the best available infrastructure state information.  Since
>> execution of work is guaranteed on completion of a request, this layer may
>> pend work to be completed when the appropriate devices become available.
>> The automation control tier translates logical units of work to
>> underlying infrastructure component APIs.  Upon completion of unit of
>> work’s execution, the state of a device (e.g. hypervisor, storage device,
>> network switch, router, etc) matches the state managed by the orchestration
>> tier at the time unit of work was created.  In order to ensure that the
>> state of the underlying devices remains consistent, these units of work
>> must be executed serially.  Permitting concurrent changes to resources
>> creates race conditions that lead to resource overcommitment and state
>> divergence.   A symptom of this phenomenon are the myriad of scripts
>> operators write to “synchronize” state between the CloudStack database and
>> their hypervisors.  Another is the example provided below is the rapid
>> create-destroy which can (and often does) leave dangling resources due to
>> race conditions between the two operations.
>> In order to provide reliability, CloudStack vertically partitions the
>> infrastructure into zones (independent power source/network uplink
>> combination) sub-divided into pods (racks).  At this time, regions are
>> largely notional, as such, as are not partitions at this time.  Between the
>> user’s zone selection and our allocators distribution of resources across
>> pods, the system attempts to distribute resources widely as possible across
>> these partitions to provide resilience against a variety infrastructure
>> failures (e.g. power loss, network uplink disruption, switch failures,
>> etc).  In order maximize this resilience, the control plane (orchestration
>> + automation tiers) must be to operate on all available partitions.  For
>> example, if we have two (2) zones (A & B) and twenty (20) pods per zone, we
>> should be able to take and execute work in Zone A when one or more pods is
>> lost, as well as, when taking and executing work in Zone B when Zone B has
>> failed.
>> CloudStack is an eventually consistent system in that the state reflected
>> in the orchestration tier will (optimistically) differ from the state of
>> the underlying infrastructure (managed by the automation tier).
>>  Furthermore, the system has a partitioning model to provide resilience in
>> the face of a variety of logical and physical failures.  However, the
>> automation control tier requires strictly consistent operations.  Based on
>> these definitions, the system appears to violate the CAP theorem [2]
>> (Brewer!).  The separation of the system into two distinct tiers isolates
>> these characteristics, but the boundary between them must be carefully
>> implemented to ensure that the consistency requirements of the automation
>> tier are not leaked to the orchestration tier.
>> To properly implement this boundary, I think we should split the
>> orchestration and automation control tiers into separate physical processes
>> communicating via an RPC mechanism — allowing the automation control tier
>> to completely encapsulate its work distribution model.  In my mind, the
>> tricky wicket is providing serialization and partition tolerance in the
>> automation control tier.  Realistically, there two options — explicit and
>> implicit locking models.  Explicit locking models employ an external
>> coordination mechanism to coordinate exclusive access to resources (e.g.
>> RDBMS lock pattern, ZooKeeper, Hazelcast, etc).  The challenge with this
>> model is ensuring the availability of the locking mechanism in the face of
>> partition — forcing CloudStack operators to ensure that they have deployed
>> the underlying mechanism in a partition tolerant manner (e.g. don’t locate
>> all of the replicas in the same pod, deploy a cluster per zone, etc).
>>  Additionally, the durability introduced by these mechanisms inhibits the
>> self-healing due to lock staleness.
>> In contrast, an implicit lock model structures the runtime execution
>> model to provide exclusive access to a resource and model the partitioning
>> scheme.  One such model is to provide a single work queue (mailbox) and
>> consuming process (actor) per resource.  The orchestration tier provides a
>> description of the partition and resource definitions to the automation
>> control tier.  The automation control tier creates a supervisor per
>> partition which in turn manage process creation per resource.  Therefore,
>> process creation and destruction creates an implicit lock.  Since
>> automation control tier does not persist data in this model,  The crash of
>> a supervisor and/or process (supervisors are simply specialized processes)
>> releases the implicit lock, and signals a re-execution of the
>> supervisor/process allocation process.  The following high-level process
>> describes creation allocation (hand waves certain details such as back
>> pressure and throttling):
>>    1. The automation control layer receives a resource definition (e.g.
>>    zone description, VM definition, volume information, etc).  These requests
>>    are processed by the owning partition supervisor exclusively in order of
>>    receipt.  Therefore, the automation control tier views the world as a tree
>>    of partitions and resources.
>>    2. The partition supervisor creates the process (and the associated
>>    mailbox) — providing it with the initial state.  The process state is
>>    Initialized.
>>    3. The process synchronizes the state of the underlying resource with
>>    the state provided.  Upon successful completion of state synchronization,
>>    the state of the process becomes Ready.  Only Ready processes can consume
>>    units of work from their mailboxes.  The processes crashes.  All state
>>    transitions and crashes are reported to interested parties through an
>>    asynchronous event reporting mechanism including the id of the unit of 
>> work
>>    the device represents.
>> The Ready state means that the underlying device is in a useable state
>> consistent with the last unit of work executed.  A process crashes when it
>> is unable to bring the device into a state consistent with the unit of work
>> being executed (a process crash also destroys the associated mailbox —
>> flushing pending work).  This event initiates execution of allocation
>> process (above) until the process can be re-allocated in a Ready state
>> (again throttling is hand waved for the purposes of brevity).  The state
>> synchronization step converges the actual state of the device with changes
>> that occurred during unavailability.  When a unit of work fails to be
>> executed, the orchestration tier determines the appropriate recovery
>> strategy (e.g. re-allocate work to another resource, wait for the
>> availability of the resource, fail the operation, etc).
>> The association of one process per resource provides exclusive access to
>> the resource without the requirement of an external locking mechanism.  A
>> mailbox per process provides orders pending units of work.  Together, they
>> provide serialization of operation execution.  In the example provided, a
>> unit of work would be submitted to create a VM and a second unit of work
>> would be submitted to destroy it.  The creation would be completely
>> executed followed by the destruction (assuming no failures).  Therefore,
>> the VM will briefly exist before being destroyed.  In conduction with a
>> process location mechanism, the system can place the processes associated
>> with resources in the appropriate partition allowing the system properly
>> self heal, manage its own scalability (thinking lightweight system VMs),
>> and systematically enforce partition tolerance (the operator was nice
>> enough to describe their infrastructure — we should use it to ensure
>> resilience of CloudStack and their infrastructure).
>> Until relatively recently, the implicit locking model described was
>> infeasible on the JVM.  Using native Java threads, a server would be
>> limited to controlling (at best) a few hundred resources.  However,
>> lightweight threading models implemented by libraries/frameworks such as
>> Akka [3], Quasar [4], and Erjang [5] can scale to millions of “threads” on
>> reasonability sized servers and provide the supervisor/actor/mailbox
>> abstractions described above.  Most importantly, this approach does not
>> require operators to become operationally knowledgeable of yet another
>> platform/component.  In short, I believe we can encapsulate these
>> requirements in the management server (orchestration + automation control
>> tiers) — keeping the operational footprint of the system proportional to
>> the deployment without sacrificing resilience.  Finally, it provides the
>> foundation for proper collection of instrumentation information and process
>> control/monitoring across data centers.
>> Admittedly, I have hand waved some significant issues that would beed to
>> be resolved.  I believe they are all resolvable, but it would take
>> discussion to determine the best approach to them.  Transforming CloudStack
>> to such a model would not be trivial, but I believe it would be worth the
>> (significant) effort as it would make CloudStack one of the most scalable
>> and resilient cloud orchestration/management platforms available.
>> Thanks,
>> -John
>> [1]:
>> http://www.slideshare.net/JohnBurwell1/how-to-run-from-a-zombie-cloud-stack-distributed-process-management
>> [2]: http://lpd.epfl.ch/sgilbert/pubs/BrewersConjecture-SigAct.pdf
>> [3]: http://akka.io
>> [4]: https://github.com/puniverse/quasar
>> [5]: https://github.com/trifork/erjang/wiki
>> P.S.  I have CC’ed the developer mailing list.  All conversations at this
>> level of detail should be initiated and occur on the mailing list to ensure
>> transparency with the community.
>> On Nov 22, 2013, at 3:49 PM, Darren Shepherd <darren.s.sheph...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> 140 characters are not productive.
>> What would be your idea way to do distributed concurrency control?
>>  Simple use case.  Server 1 receives a request to start a VM 1.  Server 2
>> receives a request to delete VM 1.  What do you do?
>> Darren

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