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(Updated Dec. 3, 2013, 5:07 p.m.)

Review request for cloudstack.


To fix what Koushik Das pointed out.

Repository: cloudstack-git


When a host is switched to the 'maintenance mode', the vms in that host are 
migrated to another available hosts. Currently, the vm migrations are executed 
sequentially, it can take a lot of time when there are quite number of vms. So 
I changed 'MigrateCommand' to get the value of 'executeInSequence' property 
from the global setting value of 'execute.in.sequence.hypervisor.commands' so 
that users can execute the migrations in parallel to save time.

Diffs (updated)

  core/src/com/cloud/agent/api/MigrateCommand.java 0d8f70c 
  engine/api/src/com/cloud/vm/VirtualMachineManager.java c78942f 
  engine/orchestration/src/com/cloud/vm/VirtualMachineManagerImpl.java 3a3de70 
  setup/db/db/schema-410to420.sql 522ccc4 
  setup/db/db/schema-410to420.sql 522ccc4 
  setup/db/db/schema-430to440.sql 9bb9602 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/15763/diff/


Tested in the simulator mode and Xen servers.


Alex Ough

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