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In this document
CloudStack should support direct mode.
Direct Networking

Libvirt supports direct
the guest VM's network to a physical interface. To enable this mode,
the following to agent.properties:
network.direct.source.mode=private (other values: bridge|vepa)

But I found the following code may cause some problem, when the nic
interface type is direct
If type is direct , then this nic will be ignore.

Should I open a JIRA ticket ? and patch it ?

 String type = nic.getAttribute("type");
                String mac = getAttrValue("mac", "address", nic);
                String dev = getAttrValue("target", "dev", nic);
                String model = getAttrValue("model", "type", nic);
                InterfaceDef def = new InterfaceDef();
                NodeList bandwidth = nic.getElementsByTagName("bandwidth");
                Integer networkRateKBps = 0;
                if ((bandwidth != null) && (bandwidth.getLength() != 0)) {
                    Integer inbound =
Integer.valueOf(getAttrValue("inbound", "average",
                    Integer outbound =
Integer.valueOf(getAttrValue("outbound", "average",
                    if (inbound == outbound)
                        networkRateKBps = inbound;
                if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("network")) {
                    String network = getAttrValue("source", "network", nic);
                    def.defPrivateNet(network, dev, mac,
nicModel.valueOf(model.toUpperCase()), networkRateKBps);
                } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("bridge")) {
                    String bridge = getAttrValue("source", "bridge", nic);
                    def.defBridgeNet(bridge, dev, mac,
nicModel.valueOf(model.toUpperCase()), networkRateKBps);
                } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("ethernet")) {
                    String scriptPath = getAttrValue("script", "path", nic);
                    def.defEthernet(dev, mac,
nicModel.valueOf(model.toUpperCase()), scriptPath, networkRateKBps);


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