On Jan 21, 2014, at 1:18 PM, Srikanteswararao Talluri 
<srikanteswararao.tall...@citrix.com> wrote:

> Yes sebastiean, they both contain  same jobs  but in a different view
> which is not very useful (I realised it after I created one). We can
> remove the view cloudstack-qa-4.3.
> I¹ll go ahead and remove it.

then we need different jobs in each view…

IMHO we need running integration tests for master, and we need integration 
tests for specific releases.

I would not delete the view, I would just make sure that there are different 
test-* jobs for master and for 4.3.

> I have fixed all the infra issues that we were facing in test jobs and now
> I have scheduled test-matrix-extended(which is a comprehensive job
> containing all the test jobs) to run every 8 hours and
> disabled 'test-matrix¹ job which is a subset of test-matrix-extended.
> I¹ll come up with some more enhancements to the existing test jobs like
> addition of basic zone, zone with external devices. Will send out a mail
> with what I intend to do shortly and seek suggestions
> from the community.
> Thanks,
> ~Talluri
> On 21/01/14 5:20 pm, "sebgoa" <run...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Talluri,
>> Is there a difference between:
>> http://jenkins.buildacloud.org/view/cloudstack-qa/job/test-regression-matr
>> ix/
>> and
>> http://jenkins.buildacloud.org/view/cloudstack-qa-4.3/job/test-regression-
>> matrix/
>> they have the same jobidŠseems to be the same jobs ?
>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 12:12 PM, Srikanteswararao Talluri
>> <srikanteswararao.tall...@citrix.com> wrote:
>>> As snapshots on KVM are not supported, snapshot related tests(~35) are
>>> failing. Rest of the test failures are related to ssh timeout issues. I
>>> don¹t see any product bug among the failures.
>>> http://jenkins.buildacloud.org/job/test-regression-matrix
>>> Test Run: #284 and #287
>>> --------
>>> Total:453
>>> Fail :66
>>> Skip :26
>>> --------
>>> name                               pass    fail    skip
>>> test_security_groups/                 1       0       0
>>> test_multiple_ip_ranges/              1       0       0
>>> test_vm_passwdenabled/                1       0       0
>>> test_project_configs/                 2       0       3
>>> test_project_usage/                   8       1       0
>>> test_volumes/                         9       0       0
>>> test_snapshot_limits/                 0       1       0
>>> test_templates/                       2       2       0
>>> test_eip_elb/                         1       0       0
>>> test_project_limits/                  7       1       0
>>> test_usage/                           8       1       0
>>> test_stopped_vm/                     15       2       0
>>> test_vpc_routers/                     8       2       0
>>> test_affinity_groups/                41       0       1
>>> test_routers/                         5       1       0
>>> test_storage_motion/                  0       0       2
>>> test_egress_rules/                    1       0       0
>>> test_blocker_bugs/                    4       3       0
>>> test_vpc_network/                    17       1       9
>>> test_vpc_vms_deployment/              6       1       0
>>> test_network_offering/                3       0       0
>>> test_vpc/                            19       1       0
>>> test_egress_fw_rules/                21       1       4
>>> test_haproxy/                        11       0       0
>>> test_allocation_states/               6       0       0
>>> test_assign_vm/                      13       4       0
>>> test_vpc_network_lbrules/            15       0       0
>>> test_redundant_router_cleanups/       3       0       0
>>> test_update_vm/                       1       0       0
>>> test_vpn_users/                       7       0       0
>>> test_reset_ssh_keypair/               9       1       0
>>> test_implicit_planner/                0       0       1
>>> test_vpc_offerings/                   8       0       0
>>> test_redundant_router_services/       1       0       0
>>> test_recurring_snapshots/             0       2       0
>>> test_project_resources/               6       1       0
>>> test_regions/                         3       0       0
>>> test_snapshot_gc/                     0       1       0
>>> test_vpc_vm_life_cycle/              19      14       0
>>> test_redundant_router_upgrades/       2       0       0
>>> test_explicit_dedication/             0       0       1
>>> test_snapshots/                       0       7       0
>>> test_projects/                       10       0       0
>>> test_vpc_network_staticnatrule/       2       4       0
>>> test_accounts/                       13       1       0
>>> test_advancedsg_networks/             1       0       0
>>> test_ip_reservation/                  4       0       0
>>> test_tags/                           18       1       1
>>> test_shared_networks/                12       0       1
>>> test_vpc_network_pfrules/             2       8       0
>>> test_custom_hostname/                 3       0       3
>>> test_resource_limits/                 9       2       0
>>> test_regions_accounts/                3       0       0
>>> --------
>>> Thanks,
>>> ~Talluri

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