On 04.03.2014 12:55, Andrei Mikhailovsky wrote:

Regarding having nfs and ceph storage in different clusters - sounds
like a good idea for majority of cases, however, my setup will not
allow me to do that just yet. I am using ceph for my root and data
volumes and NFS for backup volumes.

Having tiered storage is one of the stronger features that have drawn me towards Cloudstack, it should work better. I do plan to have a second, slower tier for backups and other more passive applications.

I do currently need the backup
volumes as snapshotting with KVM is somewhat broken / not fully
working in 4.2.1. It has been improved from version 4.2.0 as it was
completely broken. I am waiting for 4.3.0 where, hopefully, I would be
able to keep snapshots on the primary storage (currently this feature
is broken) which will make the snapshots with KVM usable.

KVM volume snapshots worked well in 4.2.1 AFAIK and they still work well in 4.3, but VM snapshots are still not supported and I don't think they will be any time soon. We might get somewhere with it if we opt for LVM thin storage and snapshots, that'd be cool.


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