Hi All:

Live Scenario:

When host (Physical machine) was shutdown because of power failure, the 
cloudstack system vms running on the logical host(vmware - hypervisor) were in 
STOPPING state (in the database-MySQL).

When turned on the physcial machine follwed by CloudStack, the cloudstack 
system vm were not up and running.

1. Logon to CloudStack Management's Database server through putty.
2. Logon to Mysql:
                #mysql -p
                #Enter Password:p@ssw0rd
                #show databases;
                #use Cloud;
                #show tables;
3. All the information related to VMS are storade in the table vm_instance
                #select * from vm_instance
4. Should see systems vms status is in stopping mode.
5. Update the vm_instance table with the status stopped, so it could restart 
the system vms.
                #update vm_instance set state='stopped' where state='stopping'
6. You should see the systems vms are back up and running.

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