
We have faced the same issue before, it worked with the below steps probably 
you missed step no. 6

* log in to UI, select Templates, My Templates, Add Template and enter the 
Name:           systemvm-xenserver-4.2
Description:    systemvm-xenserver-4.2
Zone:           Choose the zone where this hypervisor is used
Hypervisor:             XenServer
Format:                 VHD
OS Type:                Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (32-bit) (or the highest Debian 
release number available in the dropdown)
Extractable:            no
Password Enabled:       no
Public:                 no
Featured:               no

1) service cloud-usage stop

2) service cloud-management stop

3) mysqldump -u root -pyourpassword cloud > cloud-backup.sql

4) mysqldump -u root -pyourpassword cloud_usage > cloud-usage-backup.sql

5) mysql -u root -pyourpassword

6) delete from cloud.resource_count;            exit

7) vi /etc/apt/sources.list 

8) paste the following          deb http://cloudstack.apt-get.eu/ubuntu precise 

9) Esc, :wq, Enter

10) wget -O - http://cloudstack.apt-get.eu/release.asc|apt-key add -

11) apt-get update

12) apt-get install cloudstack-management 

** cd /usr/share/cloudstack-common/scripts/vm/hypervisor/xenserver 
** wget http://download.cloud.com.s3.amazonaws.com/tools/vhd-util
** cd 
** wget http://download.cloud.com.s3.amazonaws.com/tools/vhd-util

On each Hypervisor cd /opt/cloud/bin wget 
http://download.cloud.com.s3.amazonaws.com/tools/vhd-util chmod 777 vhd-util

13) apt-get install cloudstack-usage

14) cloudstack-setup-encryption -m yourkey -k yourkey

15) service cloudstack-management start

16) When the UI becomes accessible log in, Click Domains, then click the ROOT 
domain. Click the Update Resource Count button. This will refresh the resource 
count and generate the table deleted in step 6.

17) service cloudstack-usage start
Make Sure all hosts are UP

18) nohup cloudstack-sysvmadm -d localhost -u cloud -pyourpassword -a > 
sysvm.log 2>&1 &        (or stop manually all sys vm's)


tail -f sysvm.log

Kind Regards


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Angus [mailto:paul.an...@shapeblue.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, 26 March 2014 11:56 PM
To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org
Subject: RE: Upgrade problems 3.0.7 - 4.2.1

Can you look in the database - is there more than one entry for 3.0.7 in the 
version table?

A successful upgrade from 3.0.7 to 4.2.1. looks like this...

# id, version, updated, step
'1', '', '2014-03-24 17:53:44', 'Complete'
'2', '4.1.0', '2014-03-26 12:03:33', 'Complete'
'3', '4.2.0', '2014-03-26 12:03:33', 'Complete'
'4', '4.2.1', '2014-03-26 12:03:33', 'Complete'


Paul Angus
Cloud Architect
S: +44 20 3603 0540 | M: +447711418784 | T: @CloudyAngus 

-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Hitchins [mailto:alex.hitch...@shapeblue.com]
Sent: 26 March 2014 15:25
To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org
Subject: RE: Upgrade problems 3.0.7 - 4.2.1

Ignore my last comment - I now see the -- prefx!


Alex Hitchins

D: +44 1892 523 587 | S: +44 2036 030 540<tel:+442036030540> | M: 
+44<tel:+447968161581> 7788 423 969


From: Geoff Higginbottom [mailto:geoff.higginbot...@shapeblue.com]
Sent: 26 March 2014 15:10
To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org
Subject: Upgrade problems 3.0.7 - 4.2.1


I am trying to upgrade a CloudPlatfom 3.0.7 build to Apache CloudStack 4.2.1

The DB upgrade keeps failing with the logs highlighting a 'system integrity 
check failure'

Any help would be greatly appreciated

2014-03-26 14:53:31,883 DEBUG [utils.db.ScriptRunner] (Timer-2:null) --   
2014-03-26 14:53:31,883 DEBUG [utils.db.ScriptRunner] (Timer-2:null) --
2014-03-26 14:53:31,883 DEBUG [utils.db.ScriptRunner] (Timer-2:null) -- Unless 
required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
2014-03-26 14:53:31,884 DEBUG [utils.db.ScriptRunner] (Timer-2:null) -- 
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
2014-03-26 14:53:31,884 DEBUG [utils.db.ScriptRunner] (Timer-2:null) -- "AS IS" 
2014-03-26 14:53:31,884 DEBUG [utils.db.ScriptRunner] (Timer-2:null) -- KIND, 
either express or implied.  See the License for the
2014-03-26 14:53:31,884 DEBUG [utils.db.ScriptRunner] (Timer-2:null) -- 
specific language governing permissions and limitations
2014-03-26 14:53:31,884 DEBUG [utils.db.ScriptRunner] (Timer-2:null) -- under 
the License.
2014-03-26 14:53:31,884 DEBUG [utils.db.ScriptRunner] (Timer-2:null) INSERT 
IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`configuration` VALUES ('Network', 'DEFAULT', 
'management-server', 'network.loadbalancer.haproxy.max.conn', '4096', 'Load 
Balancer(haproxy) maximum number of concurrent connections(global max)')
2014-03-26 14:53:31,885 DEBUG [utils.db.ScriptRunner] (Timer-2:null) ALTER 
TABLE `cloud`.`network_offerings` ADD COLUMN `concurrent_connections` int(10) 
unsigned COMMENT 'concurrent connections supported on this network'
2014-03-26 14:53:31,912 DEBUG [db.Transaction.Transaction] (Timer-2:null) 
Rolling back the transaction: Time = 36 Name =  
called by 
2014-03-26 14:53:31,916 ERROR [utils.component.ComponentContext] (Timer-2:null) 
System integrity check failed. Refuse to startup
javax.persistence.EntityExistsException: Entity already exists:
        at com.cloud.utils.db.GenericDaoBase.persist(GenericDaoBase.java:1346)
        at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Timer.java:534)
        at java.util.TimerThread.run(Timer.java:484)
Caused by: 
Duplicate entry '3.0.7' for key 'version'
        at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
        at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:534)
        at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance(Util.java:411)
        at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.getInstance(Util.java:386)
        at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(SQLError.java:1040)
        at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(MysqlIO.java:4074)
        at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(MysqlIO.java:4006)
        at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sendCommand(MysqlIO.java:2468)
        at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sqlQueryDirect(MysqlIO.java:2629)
        at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.execSQL(ConnectionImpl.java:2719)
        at com.cloud.utils.db.GenericDaoBase.persist(GenericDaoBase.java:1311)
        ... 6 more


Geoff Higginbottom
CTO / Cloud Architect

[Description: Mail Logo Bottom Align]

D: +44 20 3603 0542<tel:+442036030542> | S: +44 20 3603 0540<tel:+442036030540> 
| M: +447968161581<tel:+447968161581>

geoff.higginbot...@shapeblue.com<mailto:geoff.higginbot...@shapeblue.com> | 
www.shapeblue.com<htp://www.shapeblue.com/> | 

ShapeBlue Ltd, 53 Chandos Place, Covent Garden, London, WC2N 4HS

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