I have seen this issue on fresh installation of 4.3. Snippet of the log from my setup
"2014-04-07 08:00:09,295 INFO [c.c.s.ConfigurationServerImpl] (main:null) SSL keystore located at /etc/cloudstack/management/cloudmanagementserver.keystore 2014-04-07 08:00:09,304 DEBUG [c.c.u.s.Script] (main:null) Executing: sudo keytool -genkey -keystore /etc/cloudstack/management/cloudmanagementserver.keystore -storepass vmops.com -keypass vmops.com -keyalg RSA -validity 3650 -dname cn="Cloudstack User",ou="repro. cloud.internal",o="repro. cloud.internal",c="Unknown" 2014-04-07 08:00:09,438 DEBUG [c.c.u.s.Script] (main:null) Exit value is 1 2014-04-07 08:00:09,441 DEBUG [c.c.u.s.Script] (main:null) sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified 2014-04-07 08:00:09,445 WARN [c.c.s.ConfigurationServerImpl] (main:null) Would use fail-safe keystore to continue. java.io.IOException: Fail to generate certificate!: sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified" Thanks, Prashanth -----Original Message----- From: Michael Phillips [mailto:mphilli7...@hotmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2014 9:27 AM To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org Subject: cloudmanagementserver.keystore I know this was a problem in 4.2.1 in which the system would endlessly log the following error: 014-04-07 22:29:29,715 WARN [c.c.u.n.Link] (AgentManager-Selector:null) SSL: Fail to find the generated keystore. Loading fail-safe one to continue. The fix was to rename /etc/cloudstack/management/cloudmanagementserver.keystore, to cloud.keystore then restart cloudstack. I just installed 4.3.0 fresh, and it seems like this problem persists with a twist. The system now does not create any keystore file and logs the following 3 errors. Executing: sudo keytool -genkey -keystore /etc/cloudstack/management/cloudmanagementserver.keystore -storepass vmops.com -keypass vmops.com -keyalg RSA -validity 3650 -dname cn="Cloudstack User",ou="ustxdalcstackwebp1.cloudagy.local",o="ustxdalcstackwebp1.cloudagy.local",c="Unknown" 2014-04-07 21:31:53,610 DEBUG [c.c.u.s.Script] (main:null) Exit value is 12014-04-07 21:31:53,610 DEBUG [c.c.u.s.Script] (main:null) sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified My fix was to run the above command "keytool..." from the command line, then rename the file to cloud.keystore. Once I did that it stopped logging the "SSL: Fail to find the generated keystore" errors. Can anyone else confirm they saw this behavior in 4.3.0? If so I can make a bug report in JIRA..