> On May 5, 2014, 6:27 p.m., Alena Prokharchyk wrote:
> > Alex, generic logic looks good to me. But still some things need to be 
> > fixed.
> > 
> > 1) RegionVO
> > 
> > @Column(name = "active")
> >     private boolean active;
> > 
> > Explicitly set it to be active by default. Just setting it in the DB might 
> > not be enough because DAO would always default boolean to false if not set 
> > in the constructor/intance variable declaration. It should look like:
> > 
> > @Column(name = "active")
> > 
> > private boolean active = true;
> > 
> > 2) Please make the description for the new parameters in the addRegion API 
> > , more descriptive
> > 
> > @Parameter(name = ApiConstants.MODE, type = CommandType.STRING, required = 
> > true, description = "Region service active")
> > 55  
> >     private String mode;
> > 
> > 
> > 3) AccountManager
> > 
> > * boolean updateUser(final Long id, String userName, String firstName, 
> > String lastName, String password, String email, String apiKey, String 
> > secretKey, String timeZone, Account.State state);
> > 
> > Why do we pass account state to the call? there should be only user info 
> > passed in. If the account needs to be updated, do it in the separate 
> > command; if you need to retrive the account state - get the account object 
> > from the user object. Please remove this parameter
> > 
> > * Why did you change the method signature for the
> > 
> > UserAccount disableUser(long userId) to disableUser(User user)? The only 
> > one info that you have to pass to the manager - is the userId. Please 
> > change it back.
> > 
> > The same for  boolean enableUser(User user), boolean lockAccount(Account 
> > account);
> > 
> > These changes don't seem to be critical or used for/by your plugin, so 
> > please change them back to the original way of doing things. Its not a good 
> > practice to change methods defined in the interfaces - 
> > AccountManager/AccountService - unless there is a real need for it.
> > 
> > 
> > * boolean updateAccount(AccountVO account, String newAccountName, String 
> > newNetworkDomain, final Map<String, String> details, Account.State state);
> > 
> > As updateAccount doesn't allow account state update, please remove 
> > Account.State from the method signature
> > 
> > 
> > 4) ApiResponseHelper.java
> > 
> > Why did you change createDomainResponse method? 
> > 
> > public DomainResponse createDomainResponse(Domain domain)?
> > 
> > 
> > To summarize it all, I would suggest to eliminate (revert) all the changes 
> > done to account/domain managers that your code doesn't actually need. It 
> > would make the changes list much shorter and easier for review.
> Alex Ough wrote:
>     for 3) AccountManager
>     * updateUser in 'state' : it is necessary during the Full Sync when an 
> object's information is not same with one in other regions.
>     * new signatures : they are necessary during the Full Sync not to 
> generate events while changing them. They are just another methods to manage 
> objects, so can you show me why they are not permitted?
> Alena Prokharchyk wrote:
>     Alex, correct me if I'm wrong. In most of your code you use CS APIs to 
> retrieve/update/delete/disable(disable changes the state) the CS objects 
> (user/domain/account - updateAccount/updateDomain/deleteAccount etc). And you 
> do it in each reason, and that generates the events for all the regions when 
> these APIs are processed. Like for example, I see these calls:
>       public JSONObject updateAccount(String accountId, String currentName, 
> String newName, String details, String domainId, String networkDomain) throws 
> APIFailureException {
>     139       
>     140       
>             StringBuilder param = buildCmd("updateAccount");
>     141       
>             param.append(append(ApiConstants.ID, accountId));
>     142       
>             if (currentName != null) 
> param.append(append(ApiConstants.ACCOUNT, currentName));
>     143       
>             if (newName != null) param.append(append(ApiConstants.NEW_NAME, 
> newName));
>     144       
>             if (details != null) 
> param.append(append(ApiConstants.ACCOUNT_DETAILS, details));
>     145       
>             if (domainId != null) param.append(append(ApiConstants.DOMAIN_ID, 
> domainId));
>     146       
>             if (networkDomain != null) 
> param.append(append(ApiConstants.NETWORK_DOMAIN, networkDomain));
>     147       
>             param.append(appendResType("json"));
>     148       
>             param.append(appendSessionKey(encodeSessionKey()));
>     149       
>     150       
>             return sendApacheGet(param.toString());
>     151       
>         }
>     152       
>     153       
>         public JSONObject disableAccount(String accountId) throws 
> APIFailureException {
>     164       
>     165       
>             StringBuilder param = buildCmd("disableAccount");
>     166       
>             param.append(append(ApiConstants.ID, accountId));
>     167       
>             param.append(append(ApiConstants.LOCK, "false"));
>     168       
>             param.append(appendResType("json"));
>     169       
>             param.append(appendSessionKey(encodeSessionKey()));
>     170       
>     171       
>             return sendApacheGet(param.toString());
>     172       
>         }
>     But in some parts of your code  you call to the 
> AccountManager/domainManager interfaces directly, omitting APIs, to eliminate 
> the events generation - like for the state change? Can you please elaborate 
> when your code uses one model vs another? What are the rules to follow? I 
> would rather see things being consistent unless there is a valid reason to do 
> otherwise.
> Alex Ough wrote:
>     As I emphasized, there are 2 cases of synchronization.
>     1. real time : It just calls API interface to other regions as soon as a 
> resource in the local region is created/updated/removed, which is using 
> events.
>     2. full scan : It is to cover the cases when the real time sync has been 
> failed with any reason like network failures or etc, which results in 
> resource mismatches among regions. To cover this, the local region regularly 
> compares the corresponding resources in each remote region and if there is 
> any mismatch, it creates/updates/removes the resource in local region whose 
> last modified timestamp is older than the one of the resource in the remote 
> region. That's why I need a method to manage the resources without event 
> generation.
>     Let me know if you need more information.
> Alena Prokharchyk wrote:
>     Alex, One more clarification is needed - do you use in memory bus, or 
> Rabbit MQ bus shared across multiple management servers? From what you've 
> said in #1 (It just calls API interface to other regions as soon as a 
> resource in the local region is created/updated/removed, which is using 
> events.), I assume its in-memory bus.
>     Then if the local region listens only to local events (assuming you use 
> in-memory bus), and then sends API calls to the remote regions, why can't it 
> call the API against itself in #2? Because from what you've said above, only 
> local region is going to listen o local events, and publishing them won't 
> affect other regions as they also listen to their local events.

Alex, please ignore my latest comment. You don't want your local region to 
publish the event even to itself, because you don't want this event to be 
propagated to other regions in the cloud. Let me connect you with Kishan as he 
was the one working on the regions feature originally. He should have added the 
support to control event publishing the account/domain code 

- Alena

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On May 4, 2014, 9:12 p.m., Alex Ough wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> https://reviews.apache.org/r/20099/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated May 4, 2014, 9:12 p.m.)
> Review request for cloudstack.
> Repository: cloudstack-git
> Description
> -------
> This is the review request for the core changes related with #17790 that has 
> only the new plugin codes.
> Diffs
> -----
>   api/src/com/cloud/event/EventTypes.java 39ef710 
>   api/src/com/cloud/user/AccountService.java 7e37b38 
>   api/src/org/apache/cloudstack/api/ApiConstants.java fdb4558 
>   api/src/org/apache/cloudstack/api/BaseCmd.java f6f21ae 
>   api/src/org/apache/cloudstack/api/ResponseGenerator.java 10fb6df 
>   api/src/org/apache/cloudstack/api/command/admin/region/AddRegionCmd.java 
> f6743ba 
>   api/src/org/apache/cloudstack/api/command/admin/region/UpdateRegionCmd.java 
> b08cbbb 
>   api/src/org/apache/cloudstack/api/response/RegionResponse.java 6c74fa6 
>   api/src/org/apache/cloudstack/query/QueryService.java 01af631 
>   api/src/org/apache/cloudstack/region/Region.java df64e44 
>   api/src/org/apache/cloudstack/region/RegionService.java afefcc7 
>   api/test/org/apache/cloudstack/api/command/test/RegionCmdTest.java 10c3d85 
>   client/pom.xml d8dbde7 
>   client/tomcatconf/commands.properties.in 45debe4 
> engine/schema/resources/META-INF/cloudstack/core/spring-engine-schema-core-daos-context.xml
>  489b37d 
>   engine/schema/src/org/apache/cloudstack/region/RegionVO.java 608bd2b 
> plugins/network-elements/juniper-contrail/test/org/apache/cloudstack/network/contrail/management/MockAccountManager.java
>  957f708 
>   plugins/pom.xml 9b391b8 
> server/resources/META-INF/cloudstack/core/spring-server-core-managers-context.xml
>  fc1c7e2 
>   server/src/com/cloud/api/ApiDBUtils.java 67e47f7 
>   server/src/com/cloud/api/ApiResponseHelper.java 38f2f0b 
>   server/src/com/cloud/api/dispatch/ParamProcessWorker.java e9bdd8b 
>   server/src/com/cloud/api/query/QueryManagerImpl.java 3abb944 
>   server/src/com/cloud/api/query/ViewResponseHelper.java d06e1d1 
>   server/src/com/cloud/event/ActionEventUtils.java 28e5680 
>   server/src/com/cloud/server/ManagementServerImpl.java bce2930 
>   server/src/com/cloud/user/AccountManager.java 03bf842 
>   server/src/com/cloud/user/AccountManagerImpl.java 2070ee6 
>   server/src/com/cloud/user/DomainManager.java f72b18a 
>   server/src/com/cloud/user/DomainManagerImpl.java fbbe0c2 
>   server/src/org/apache/cloudstack/region/RegionManager.java 6f25481 
>   server/src/org/apache/cloudstack/region/RegionManagerImpl.java 8910714 
>   server/src/org/apache/cloudstack/region/RegionServiceImpl.java 98cf500 
>   server/test/com/cloud/api/dispatch/ParamProcessWorkerTest.java 12051a6 
>   server/test/com/cloud/user/MockAccountManagerImpl.java f373cba 
>   server/test/com/cloud/user/MockDomainManagerImpl.java 7dddefb 
>   server/test/org/apache/cloudstack/region/RegionManagerTest.java d7bc537 
>   setup/db/db/schema-440to450.sql 2bd5386 
>   ui/scripts/regions.js 66dae8c 
> Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/20099/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> 1. Successfully tested real time synchronization as soon as resources are 
> created/deleted/modified in one region.
> 2. Successfully tested full scans to synchronize resources that were missed 
> during real time synchronization because of any reasons like network 
> connection issues.
> 3. The tests were done manually and also automatically by randomly generating 
> changes each region.
> Thanks,
> Alex Ough

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