Hi All,

This is something I brought up a long time ago but really didn't have the 
resources to get it all up and running until now.  Throughout the past year, 
Edison, Prasanna, Amogh, Bharat, Koushik, Talluri, and others have been 
chipping away at it.  At this point, we finally pull together a continuous 
integration setup that we can use to make sure that CloudStack master and the 
currently release branch are always stable.  This is getting pretty close to be 
completed and we like to share it with the community in hopes that we can 
reduce/eliminate that problems we've seen with our recent releases.  Currently, 
the physical hardware are hosted by Citrix but we'll be more than willing to 
donate the work to infra when that's all settled.  

This does require effort from the community to make a change in their 
development process.  These steps are detailed at [1].  I like to get feedback 
on what everyone think about this.  

What have we done:
  - We replaced a large selection of the BVT tests to run with the simulator 
instead of actual hardware.  This shortens the duration of each BVT run.  
Today, a BVT that runs tests for XenServer and KVM completes in 30-40 minutes.
  - We will run the new BVT on master and the current release branch on a 
continuous basis.
  - Developers can use Jenkins to ask BVT to be run on their branch so they can 
know it won't break the continuous integration before they merge to master and 
the current release branch.

Please have a read and let me know what you think.


[1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/Development+Process

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