Hi folks, I am sending this to the dev list as well, hence I am not sure if
it is or not a bug. Sorry if I am mistaken.

So, after I upgraded CS from 4.1.1 to 4.3.0, everything seemed to be
working just fine, however, whenever I try to download a template or volume
I am getting the following error:
ERROR [o.a.c.s.d.d.CloudStackImageStoreDriverImpl]
(Job-Executor-1:ctx-1cb86faa ctx-61f7e4f9) No remote endpoint to send
command, check if host or ssvm is down?
ERROR [o.a.c.s.d.d.CloudStackImageStoreDriverImpl]
(Job-Executor-1:ctx-1cb86faa ctx-61f7e4f9) Unable to create a link for
entity at ... on ssvm,No remote endpoint to send command, check if host or
ssvm is down

I have already destroyed the system VMs in order to let CS recreate them
with the new system VM template. I logged into the SSVM to check whether or
not it was created using the new template and it indeed. Therefore, I have
ruled out that problem.

Then, I took a look into the source code, more specifically at
String, ImageFormat, DataObject)"

I noticed that it looks for an entry at table "Cloud.host" that has the
type “SecondaryStorageVM”.

I took a look into the DB, but, there are no entries either for SSVM or
Console proxy in “Cloud.host” table. I mean no entries for the VMs that are
running. The older VMs that were destroyed have an entry there.

Have anyone seem a problem like this before?
Is there something I am missing?

The VMs are running, should not them be registered there?

Rafael Weingärtner

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