On Jun 2, 2014, at 9:16 PM, Will Stevens <wstev...@cloudops.com> wrote:

> I started playing with the 'javasphinx' project to see if it would work for 
> generating the API docs.
> So here is the basic idea of what it produces.
> I created docs for the following cloudstack directory: 
> 'api/src/org/apache/cloudstack/api/'
> I then took the RST files and generated the html docs from it.  I got a lot 
> of errors like the following when trying to build the html docs with 
> 'sphinx-build':
> ERROR: Unknown directive type "java:package"
> ERROR: Unknown directive type "java:import
> ERROR: Unknown directive type "java:type"
> ERROR: Unknown directive type "java:constructor"
> ERROR: Unknown directive type "java:method"
> etc...
> I am not sure if this is a long term issue, but we will probably have to 
> solve other bigger problems first.
> For example, here is the RST output for the CreateNetwork command for an 
> Admin:
> .. java:import:: org.apache.log4j Logger
> .. java:import:: org.apache.cloudstack.api APICommand
> .. java:import:: org.apache.cloudstack.api ApiConstants
> .. java:import:: org.apache.cloudstack.api ApiErrorCode
> .. java:import:: org.apache.cloudstack.api Parameter
> .. java:import:: org.apache.cloudstack.api ResponseObject.ResponseView
> .. java:import:: org.apache.cloudstack.api ServerApiException
> .. java:import:: org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.user.network 
> CreateNetworkCmd
> .. java:import:: org.apache.cloudstack.api.response NetworkResponse
> .. java:import:: com.cloud.exception ConcurrentOperationException
> .. java:import:: com.cloud.exception InsufficientCapacityException
> .. java:import:: com.cloud.exception ResourceAllocationException
> .. java:import:: com.cloud.network Network
> CreateNetworkCmdByAdmin
> =======================
> .. java:package:: org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.admin.network
>    :noindex:
> .. java:type:: @APICommand public class CreateNetworkCmdByAdmin extends 
> CreateNetworkCmd
> Fields
> ------
> s_logger
> ^^^^^^^^
> .. java:field:: public static final Logger s_logger
>    :outertype: CreateNetworkCmdByAdmin
> Methods
> -------
> execute
> ^^^^^^^
> .. java:method:: @Override public void execute() throws 
> InsufficientCapacityException, ConcurrentOperationException, 
> ResourceAllocationException
>    :outertype: CreateNetworkCmdByAdmin
> getVlan
> ^^^^^^^
> .. java:method:: public String getVlan()
>    :outertype: CreateNetworkCmdByAdmin
> I have also attached the themed output for this doc...
> Obviously, this is not enough detail for us to use for actual API 
> documentation.
> If we wanted to go with this sort of documentation, we would need to really 
> look at how the details are being discovered...
> Do any of you have ideas or suggestions on this front?

I got to the same stage as you,

Might not be worth pursuing. I will try to contact some of the 
javasphinx-developer and see what they say.


> Cheers,
> Will
> On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 4:33 PM, Sebastien Goasguen <run...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On May 30, 2014, at 4:25 PM, Will Stevens <wstev...@cloudops.com> wrote:
> > By clean install you mean starting from scratch, not 'mvn clean install'
> > right?  I have been doing mvn clean installs…
> >
> Will, quickly stated I think that piece of code is a nightmare + folks have 
> complained about our apidocs.
> Since you are familiar with sphinx now, maybe you can give a try with:
> http://bronto.github.io/javasphinx/
> Create some brand new api docs …that we can build automatically like the 
> regular docs.
> 2 cts
> > Will
> >
> >
> > On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 4:22 PM, Rohit Yadav <bhais...@apache.org> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi Will,
> >>
> >> Based on my last memories of the apidocs tool and maven poms, I think it
> >> used to scan built jar artifacts and reference them against something like
> >> a properties file (commands.properties?) and internally scans bunch of
> >> annotations in available class files to find apis and create apidocs. The
> >> ApiDiscovery plugin uses the same approach to discover available apis but
> >> during load time instead of build time.
> >>
> >> I would also recommend a clean install in case there are any caching
> >> issues. See if this helps.
> >>
> >> Regards.
> >>
> >>
> >> On Sat, May 31, 2014 at 1:14 AM, Will Stevens <wstev...@cloudops.com>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hey All,
> >>> Paul Angus and I have both tested this and this is what we are seeing.
> >>>
> >>> When we compile the the 'master' branch, the docs in
> >>> 'tools/apidoc/target/xmldoc/html', but they appear to be the wrong docs.
> >>> Yes, we know that the versions that appear in the output is hardcoded in
> >>> the XSL files, but that is not what we are using as our reference.
> >>>
> >>> So in the 'tools/apidoc/pom.xml' the 4.4.0-SNAPSHOT is referenced.  I
> >> have
> >>> also confirmed that when a build is done, the
> >> 'tools/apidoc/log/@AGENTLOG@
> >>> '
> >>> shows that the
> >> 'client/target/cloud-client-ui-4.4.0-SNAPSHOT/WEB-INF/lib/'
> >>> directory is being referenced.
> >>>
> >>> However, when I check the 'tools/apidoc/target/commands.xml', it does not
> >>> include API calls which were added in 4.3 (I can verify with the
> >> published
> >>> 4.3 API docs).  Also, the docs that are generated in the
> >>> 'tools/apidoc/target/xmldoc/html' directory also does not have the API
> >>> calls that were added in 4.3.
> >>>
> >>> I am stumped as to how this is happening.  It is almost like the
> >>> 4.4.0-SNAPSHOT is actually the 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT, but I am not sure how that
> >>> would be possible.
> >>>
> >>> If someone who understands this piece of the software can have a look and
> >>> verify what we are seeing, we would appreciate the insight...
> >>>
> >>> Thanks,
> >>>
> >>> Will
> >>>
> >>
> <api_docs.png>

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