
We had a little meeting on the state of this feature and the way to go. I have 
no karma for ASFBot meetings so here is my excerpt from the transcript:

K3KH Karl Harris
Yasker Sheng Yang
Spark404 Hugo Trippaers
echaz Eric Chazas
LeoSimons Leo Simons
dahn Daan Hoogland

others where present in the room but not active in the meeting

-          Feasibility experiment plans by Schuberg Philis
-          Reusable work by Karl
-          Problems Citrix encountered with the regular redundant router (and 
how to avoid them)
-          Work division
-          (next meeting needed?)

We tried to follow the agenda but were not very strict on it. I'll summarize 
outcome per agenda bullet:

Schuberg Philis wants to implement a feasibility redundant router on a 
simulated vpc environment using the operational expertise it has in house. The 
outcome would then be back ported to the device, it's agent and the management 

The implementation tactics is to create a json like configuration description 
and to let the device do its own configuration. The idea is to have a single 
device for normal and vpc routers and to let the redundancy be a mere property 
of it. This should lead to the ultimate objective which is to have a single 
relatively simple maintainable device.

Karl will describe his endeavors in adapting the existing device on list.

Sheng described the QA problems Citrix had with the existing redundant 
capabilities of the VR and assured us that only one real problem persists. The 
failover time of 3 seconds occasionally leads to a split brain which leads to 
two VR's assuming the role of master. As the management server in a busy 
environment can take up to 30 seconds the to detect a failover this can lead to 
unacceptable outage. One possible solution, to have the management server serve 
as negotiator on such occasions, will be hard to implement due to this latency. 
Noticeably both routers use the same mac address on the interface to the load 

The resources available by Citrix are uncertain. Plan and design needs to be 
done. It is agreed that we will work in parallel (Schuberg Philis and Citrix) 
but keep in close contact. The amount of resources Sungard has for this is not 
discussed. Karl will keep involved.

We agreed to have a next meeting at 20:00 UTC on June the 17th

Can someone give me Karma to use ASFBot for this one, please?


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