On Jun 24, 2014, at 12:13 AM, Ian Duffy <i...@ianduffy.ie> wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> At the end of this week (27th) we will be at the mid term evaluation stage
> of the Google Summer of code programme.
> It has been great working with the Cloudstack Community again. I'm very
> happy with the progress I've been making on my project and the feedback
> I've received from community members. (
> http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/proposal/public/google/gsoc2014/imduffy15/5662278724616192
> )
> At the moment I've essentially re-created a new devcloud environment using
> vagrant and chef. Full details of this can be found over on my projects
> github repo: https://github.com/imduffy15/GSoC-2014

thanks for the added readme info.

I did try it and works without problems for me.

> This week I extended my current setup to introduce more network cards to
> the Hypervisor and "Management Server" This allows for deploying an
> advanced zone. The networking looks something like this:
> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BqtBYwiIcAAX_7d.jpg:large
> If anybody is interested in giving it a go the project page (
> https://github.com/imduffy15/GSoC-2014) contains full instructions.
> I had an issue with the default ttylinux template supplied. It has hard
> coded DNS servers within its resolv.conf which take precedence.
> For this reason I created a debian template. The template is fully
> reproducible using packer https://github.com/imduffy15/cloudstack-templates
> it exports as a OVA and you can then use qemu / vhd-util to convert it
> whatever way you want. I have uploaded one for XenServer
> https://github.com/imduffy15/cloudstack-templates/releases
> I think it would be neat if the community extended on something like this
> to offer templates for all major linux operating systems. In order to
> subvert security concerns it would be nice if a CI automatically
> generated/uploaded the images (Something like what we do with the SystemVMs)

Maybe open a separate [DISCUSS] thread

> I've started work on extending the "management" VM to be a self contained
> simulator. I have completed some work on my cloudstack cookbook for
> installing all development dependencies so it should just be a case of git
> cloning from some attribute and building based on attribute parameters.
> All feedback welcome!
> Ian

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