Hello All,

 I installed CS 4.1 on ubuntu, with primary storage in /export/aa and secondary 
storage in /export/bb, both in the same hard disk as the management server of 
CS 4.1. The Ip of the server is  http://XXX.XXX.1.5.

 Recently, I configured the My Book Live Device, to the IP of 
http://XXX.XXX.1.20. I am able to mount this device to linux dir and view files 
on it.

 The CS 4.1 was installed before mounting this external My Book Live Device.

Now I want to change the primary storage of the IP address from 
http://XXX.XXX.1.5 to http://XXX.XXX.1.20. Also, I need to change the primary 
storage directory.

 Can, anybody provide insights, on which Mysql table, should I update for CS 
4.1 setup. Or is there a procedure, to change the primary storage settings via 
the CS 4.1 web interface gui?

Thanks in advance.


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