@Rohit Yadav
I know OAuth2 is tricky and the protocol was designed for authorization,
not authentication. But Globo.com, like many companies, use OAuth2 for
authentication. So, SAML is not a option to me. I need to integrate with
internal tools at Globo, and these tools work only with OAuth2.

API are accessed by user, as today, using apikey and secretkey. OAuth is
only to UI.

Thank you. I will look this lib.

I try to summarize your questions:

* In the code below, you can see all parameters needed to configure OAuth
authentication with Google, Github and Globo. My idea is that they are
global options (there are more global options than I sent before). Other
providers may not work, this list is for the first plugin release. People
can help integrating more providers.
* Pay attention with the way to get user email. This is really tricky,
because this is not part of specification. But if all providers answer json
and have a key named "email", the implementation will work. Google, Github
and Globo.co already do this.
* ClientId and secret may store encrypted in Global Options, like others
* As the number of global options increase, I create an option called
"oauth2.enable", if you want to enable plugin. Of course,
if all parameters are not set, doesn't matter if plugin is enabled or not.
* The idea is not to authorize resources, is only to authenticate. So, I
don't need to store access key. When user accesses
UI, he is redirected to oauth2 server, and if authorization was granted
before, oauth2 server will redirect user to cloudstack without asking for
permission. This works with all 3 providers. I need only to have access to
email when the session starts, and then cloudstack keeps its own session.

The big problem is with domainid, that must be an global option. Other
problem happen with new accounts. May I create new user in an existed
account. The account name for new users are stored in global settings too.
At Globo.com we are discussing, but I guess if a user is not in cloudstack
they can't logged using oauth. Like happen in ldap.

Bellow I put some code to show that OAuth is not different between these 3

I will start the development of this feature next week. So, I will
appreciate all comments to help me to understand problems. After I start I
will create the design document.

------ BEGIN CODE -------
# before run: pip install requests_oauthlib
import sys
# Credentials you get from registering a new application
app = sys.argv[1]
print "For app %s" % repr(app)

redirect_uri = 'https://localhost:8000/'

if app == 'globo':
    client_id = 'XXX'
    client_secret = 'XXX'
    authorization_base_url = "XXX"
    token_url = "XXX"
    user_url = 'XXX'
    scope = []
elif app == 'github':
    client_id = 'XXX'
    client_secret = 'XXX'
    authorization_base_url = "https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize";
    token_url = "https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token";
    user_url = 'https://api.github.com/user'
    scope = ['user']
elif app == 'google':
    client_id = 'XXX'
    client_secret = 'XXX'
    authorization_base_url = "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth";
    token_url = "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token";
    scope = [
    user_url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/userinfo'
    print "UNKNOW APP"

from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session
oauth2_session = OAuth2Session(client_id, scope=scope,

authorization_url, state =
print 'Please go here and authorize,', authorization_url

# Get the authorization verifier code from the callback url
redirect_response = raw_input('Paste the full redirect URL here:')

# Fetch the access token
oauth2_session.fetch_token(token_url, client_secret=client_secret,

# Fetch a protected resource, i.e. user profile
r = oauth2_session.get(user_url)
print r.json()
print "email=", r.json()['email']
------ END CODE -------

On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 5:34 AM, David Nalley <da...@gnsa.us> wrote:

> https://oltu.apache.org <-- maybe as a starting place.
> On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 3:25 AM, Sebastien Goasguen <run...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Silvano,
> >
> > Seems to me you are doing it for browser based dashboard access only ?
> >
> > How about if I want to use the API straight up, how do you integrate an
> Oauth workflow there ?
> >
> > On Jul 15, 2014, at 1:35 AM, Santhosh Edukulla <
> santhosh.eduku...@citrix.com> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi Silvano,
> >>
> >> Few Notes:
> >>
> >> 1. We had implementation details mentioned i believe, but we didn't
> mentioned the design details and workflows.
> >> 2. We didn't mentioned whether it is 2 legged flow or 3 legged flow.
> >> 3. Not clear with this statement, "Once user is authorized by oauth2
> server, javascript code reads parameters in url",
> >> 4. Whats the difference between "oauth2.credentials.url" and
> "oauth2.baseurl", the later is redirect uri? If yes, Where will have
> redirect uri hosted?
> >> 5. referring to the statement " When oauth2.baseurl, oauth2.client.id
> and oauth2.client.secret are not set (default), oauthRequestUrl returns
> empty response and OAuth2
> >> authentication is turned off.",  can we use a flag to denote whether to
> use oauth flow or not? If set to false, dont use it otherwise continue with
> default.
> >> 6. What about refresh token,i believe access token has limited life
> time? Any call back mechanism to update with latest token if it gets
> expired?
> >> 7. Details like clientid,clientsecret needs to be encrypted when stored
> and retrieved from global config?
> >> 8. How do we map the user logged in to roles and hierarchy inside CS?
> based on email mapping?
> >> 9.  What is the significance of these two parameters  mentioned?
> >> oauth2.credentials.parameter.email (defaults to "email")
> >> * oauth2.domainid
> >> 10. clientid and clientsecret key are based upon per tenant basis, so
> what if we want to oauth mechanism from multiple tenants at any stage?
> >> 11. Default values for clientid and clientsecret are loaded at which
> stage? during initial installation and for which tenant?
> >> 12. How do we verify the validity of clientid and clientsecret values?
> If they are revoked? possibility of revoke is there?
> >> 13. If we understand, it is only to authenticate a user through oauth
> flow, we dont need authorization part inside of cs? I mean, what do we mean
> by authorization from tenant once access key is granted?
> >> 14. If access key is not stored, how do we get refresh token?
> >> 15. What is the default sequence of authentication in case if oauth
> fails? and order in which a given authentication mechanism will be chosen?
> >> 16. Can we also show a ui, where user can enable\disable oauth setting
> for a given account? here, possibility of mismatch with emailid based upon
> current implementation and oauth retrieved emailid post authentication is
> there? how do we handle it?
> >> 17. Last, what is the significance of this feature, apart from
> authentication support from third party clients?
> >>
> >>
> >> Thanks!
> >> Santhosh
> >> ________________________________________
> >> From: Silvano Nogueira Buback [silv...@corp.globo.com]
> >> Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 4:59 PM
> >> To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org
> >> Subject: [PROPOSAL] OAuth2 Single SignOn Integration
> >>
> >> Hi gyus,
> >>
> >>    I need to implement OAuth2 integration to provide single sign-on with
> >> others tools in my company. I can share this implementation with the
> >> community if you are interested. I suggest these changes in code:
> >>
> >> 1. Create a new javascript called oauth2.js. This javascript is
> responsible
> >> for calling the new command called oauthRequestUrl that reads the global
> >> option "oauth2.baseurl" and returns this url plus "/authorize" with
> oauth2
> >> parameters. After receiving the answer, javascript redirects user to
> oauth2
> >> server.
> >> 2. Once user is authorized by oauth2 server, javascript code reads
> >> parameters in url and call oauthAuthorizeToken command. This command
> asks
> >> the oauth2 server by the access token, and if everything is ok, calls
> >> "oauth2.credentials.url" about user email and finds this user in the
> >> database, like ldap implementation does and returns authentication data.
> >> 3. Javascript fills g_loginResponse with answer from command and user is
> >> logged in.
> >>
> >>   What do you think about this approach?
> >>
> >>
> >> ---- More details ----
> >>
> >> Alternative flows:
> >>
> >> * When the url has parameter direct=true, the login dialog is shown.
> >> * When oauth2.baseurl, oauth2.client.id and oauth2.client.secret are
> not
> >> set (default), oauthRequestUrl returns empty response and OAuth2
> >> authentication is turned off.
> >> * If authorization token is invalid, user is redirected again to oauth2
> >> server.
> >>
> >>
> >> Commands:
> >> * oauthRequestUrl
> >> * oauthAuthorizeToken
> >>
> >>
> >> Global Options:
> >> * oauth2.baseurl
> >> * oauth2.client.id
> >> * oauth2.client.secret
> >> * oauth2.credentials.url: defaults to "/oauth2/v2/userinfo"
> >> * oauth2.credentials.parameter.email (defaults to "email")
> >> * oauth2.domainid
> >>
> >>
> >> Restrictions:
> >> * Domain Id will be a global option
> >> * Users are always redirected to oauth2 server. Access tokens are not
> >> stored.
> >> * Before using Cloudstack, the administrator must insert user in an
> account.
> >

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