On Jul 24, 2014, at 8:39 AM, Rajani Karuturi <rajani.karut...@citrix.com> wrote:
> here is what i propose:
> 1. rename 'master' to 'develop’
> 2. branch a new 'master' from '4.4’
> 3. branch 'RELEASE-4.5' from the develop
> 4. merge 'RELEASE-4.5' to master once the release voting is done.

I like this conceptually; I’m not sure if its feasible because step 4 requires 
resolving the cherry-pick mess.

Ignoring awsapi (which has a lot of churn) and ignoring formatting changes, 
here are sizes of very minimalized diffs between branches

              branch two    diff size   big diff chunks
  branch one
  4.3         4.4           11MB        hyperv,netscaler,server,engine
  4.4         4.4-forward    2MB        tests,marvin
  4.4-forward master         6MB        xenapi,xen,xenserver,storage
  4.4         master         8MB        xenapi,tests,marvin,xen,xenserver
  (See below how I got the numbers.)

Starting git-flow from 4.4 or 4.4-forward and then merging things in from 
master means processing hundreds of thousands of lines of diff. Of those lines, 
many many thousands of lines will probably not auto-merge due to the 
cherry-pick approach. A rebase between any of these branches is not feasible; 
git cannot un-pick what happened so it cannot offer much assistance.

Looking at all the diff stats, breaking xenapi and awsapi out into their own 
git repositories (and release cycles) seems like a really good thing to do; I 
expect it will help a lot with future merges.

You can try step 4. for yourself now:

  git checkout 4.4
  git merge master

Good luck ;-)

> RELEASE-4.6 branch should be off develop as all the feature branches would be 
> merged there before freeze for 4.6 and would be merged to master when the 
> release is voted.

Small note, git-flow tends to use release/ prefixes for release branches. You'd 
label ‘em


> The other question I have is in the step:4. how are we going to manage fixes 
> to 4.5 post branch cut?  ( assuming no features as the freeze is done)

Yes that’d be typical with git-flow. Once you create the release branch, all 
bugfixes that are to make it into that release go onto the release branch 
_first_ (and _only_ fixes go there), before being merged into develop.

With git-flow you don’t really have to call it a “freeze”. Development of new 
features continues (on their feature branches) uninterrupted even if a release 
is being cut, and merging of completed features still is exactly the same (to 
develop) regardless of whether there’s active release branches.

On many projects using git-flow there is no rush to try and get features merged 
before a release cut-off date, because cutting another release is easy and 
cheap that you can just do one ‘whenever’ to get your feature out there.

For cloudstack that’s not quite the case due to the somewhat heavyweight 
test/release process. What I imagine is that if a feature misses a deadline, 
and the community decides it wants to include that feature anyway, is rebasing 
it onto the release branch and merging it

  ...decide a finished feature goes into 4.5 after all...
  git branch feature/frob-the-foo-4.5 feature/frob-the-foo
  git checkout feature/frob-the-foo-4.5
  git rebase -i release/4.5
  git push origin feature/frob-the-foo-4.5
  git checkout release/4.5
  git pull --rebase
  git merge feature/frob-the-foo-4.5
  git checkout develop
  git pull --rebase
  git merge release/4.5
  git push
  git branch -d feature/frob-the-foo-4.5
  git branch -d feature/frob-the-foo

There’s little to no chance cloudstack could ever safely decide to do this 
right now, but a few months down the road, this might become safe enough, 
especially since the two explicit merge commits allow figuring out what 
happened, and possibly rolling back if the feature destabilizes the release.

Your workflow would be that most tests and most QA work runs on the release 
branch, while developers switch between release branch and develop branch 
depending on what they are doing. A developer that is picking up a bug report 
associated with that release will basically

  ...get the bug report...
  git stash save what-I-was-doing
  git checkout release/4.5
  git pull --rebase
  ...code code code...
  git commit && git push
  git checkout develop
  git merge release/4.5
  git push
  git stash pop what-I-was-doing
  ...code code code...

For bigger amounts of change/experimentation to work on a nasty kind of bug, 
you might have your own local temporary branch (I almost always do this myself):

  ...get the bug report...
  git stash save what-I-was-doing
  git checkout release/4.5
  git pull --ff-only
  git branch bugfix/CLOUDSTACK-42 release/4.5
  git checkout bugfix/CLOUDSTACK-42
  ...code code code...
  git commit
  ...code code code...
  git commit
  git pull
  git rebase -i release/4.5
  git commit
  git checkout release/4.5
  git merge bugfix/CLOUDSTACK-42
  git commit
  git checkout develop
  git merge release/4.5
  git push origin develop release/4.5
  git branch -d bugfix/CLOUDSTACK-12345
  git stash pop what-I-was-doing
  ...code code code...

It’s a bit of adjustment, but once you get used to it, this lots-of-branching 
way of working is soooo much nicer than most alternatives :-)



PS: diff stats...

$ git clean -f -x -d

$ git remote -v
lsimons g...@github.com:lsimons/cloudstack.git (fetch)
lsimons g...@github.com:lsimons/cloudstack.git (push)
origin  git://git.apache.org/cloudstack.git (fetch)
origin  git://git.apache.org/cloudstack.git (push)
sbpgh g...@github.com:schubergphilis/cloudstack.git (fetch)
sbpgh g...@github.com:schubergphilis/cloudstack.git (push)

# snapshot important branches
git branch 4.3-201407231043 4.3
git branch 4.4-201407231043 4.4
git branch 4.4-forward-201407231043 4.4-forward
git branch master-201407231043 master

# create branches which reformat the important branches
git branch 4.3-201407231043-format 4.3-201407231043
git branch 4.4-201407231043-format 4.4-201407231043
git branch 4.4-forward-201407231043-format 4.4-forward-201407231043
git branch master-201407231043-format master-201407231043

# patcher....this is pseudocode, the pom.xml patch doesn't work / apply cleanly
#   across branches
function patcher() {
patch -p1 <<END
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 3d1e747..ad792ac 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -463,6 +463,11 @@
+          <groupId>com.googlecode.maven-java-formatter-plugin</groupId>
+          <artifactId>maven-java-formatter-plugin</artifactId>
+          <version>0.4</version>
+        </plugin>
+        <plugin>

# trick to reformatting all java code on a branch
function formatter() {
  git clean -f -x -d
  git checkout $1
  git clean -f -x -d
  git add .
  git commit -m "format"

formatter 4.3-201407231043-format
formatter 4.4-201407231043-format
formatter 4.4-forward-201407231043-format
formatter master-201407231043-format

# trick to get minimalistic diff between two branches
function minimaldiff() {
  git diff \
    -U0 -M -C -w --ignore-blank-lines --find-copies-harder \
    --diff-algorithm=minimal \
    $1..$2 | egrep -v '^[+-] *#'

minimaldiff 4.3-201407231043-format 4.4-201407231043-format | > ~/4.3-to-4.4.txt
4.3-to-4.4.txt is a 31MB text file

$ git diff --dirstat=lines,2,cumulative 4.3-201407231043-format 
  37.9% awsapi/src/com/amazon/ec2/client/
  76.5% awsapi/src/com/amazon/ec2/
   3.5% awsapi/src/com/amazon/s3/client/
   7.7% awsapi/src/com/amazon/s3/
  84.2% awsapi/src/com/amazon/
   2.5% awsapi/src/com/cloud/
  86.7% awsapi/src/com/
  86.7% awsapi/
   4.3% plugins/

85% of the diff is in awsapi, so lets filter that out...

git filter-branch \
  --index-filter 'git rm -r --cached --ignore-unmatch awsapi' \
  4.3-201407231043-format \
  4.4-201407231043-format \
  4.4-forward-201407231043-format \

minimaldiff 4.3-201407231043-format 4.4-201407231043-format > 
4.3-to-4.4-no-aws.txt is a 11MB text file

$ git diff --dirstat=lines,4 4.3-201407231043-format 4.4-201407231043-format
   5.4% api/src/org/apache/cloudstack/api/command/
   4.0% deps/XenServerJava/src/com/xensource/xenapi/
   6.4% engine/
   4.1% plugins/hypervisors/hyperv/DotNet/ServerResource/
  10.3% plugins/hypervisors/
   4.3% plugins/network-elements/netscaler/src/com/cloud/
  10.0% plugins/network-elements/
   8.1% server/src/com/cloud/
   5.1% services/secondary-storage/
   4.9% ui/scripts/
   4.7% ui/
   4.1% vmware-base/src/com/cloud/hypervisor/vmware/mo/

minimaldiff 4.4-201407231043-format 4.4-forward-201407231043-format > 
~/4.4-to-4.4.1-no-aws.txt is a 2MB text file

$ git diff --dirstat=lines,2 4.4-201407231043-format 
   2.8% plugins/hypervisors/hyperv/DotNet/ServerResource/WmiWrappers/
   2.4% plugins/hypervisors/
  47.6% test/integration/component/
   8.1% test/integration/smoke/
   2.8% tools/marvin/marvin/config/
   9.4% tools/marvin/marvin/integration/lib/
  11.7% tools/marvin/marvin/lib/
   6.9% tools/marvin/marvin/
   2.2% ui/scripts/

minimaldiff 4.4-201407231043-format master-201407231043-format > 
~/4.4.0-to-4.5-no-aws.txt is a 7.7MB text file

$ git diff --dirstat=lines,4 4.4-201407231043-format master-201407231043-format
  26.5% deps/XenServerJava/src/com/xensource/xenapi/
   9.8% plugins/hypervisors/xen/src/com/cloud/hypervisor/xen/resource/
   9.7% plugins/hypervisors/xenserver/src/com/cloud/hypervisor/xenserver/resourc
   4.9% plugins/hypervisors/
   7.6% plugins/
  13.1% test/integration/component/
   8.8% tools/marvin/marvin/

minimaldiff 4.4-forward-201407231043-format master-201407231043-format > 
~/4.4.1-to-4.5-no-aws.txt is a 5.6MB text file

$ git diff --dirstat=lines,4 4.4-forward-201407231043-format 
  35.4% deps/XenServerJava/src/com/xensource/xenapi/
  13.1% plugins/hypervisors/xen/src/com/cloud/hypervisor/xen/resource/
  13.0% plugins/hypervisors/xenserver/src/com/cloud/hypervisor/xenserver/resourc
   4.6% plugins/hypervisors/
   4.2% plugins/network-elements/
   5.1% plugins/storage/volume/
   4.1% scripts/
   4.1% server/

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