
I'm interesting in knowing if this is due to the UI or just slow responses
from the API.

Can you open the UI within Google Chrome and open the developer tools. If
you switch over to the networking tab you should be able to see how long
API calls are taking to respond.

On 20 August 2014 08:49, ilya musayev <> wrote:

> I have an issue with when i login as admin user.
> CloudStack UI does not display the object unless i click around multiple
> times on different sections. This is evident in environment with greater
> than 500+ VMs.
> Example: You login and press on Instances - that may or may not load on
> the first attempt. You press elsewhere and press Instances again, then the
> page loads. You pick the VM, press on it - it may or may not show the
> content unless i click around elsewhere. Sometimes i can do 2 - 3 click
> drill down on the 4th, it wont load the content completely.
> I've checked apiserver.log and i do see that api calls go thru. If i use
> cloudmonkey, i get the response rather quick, so it appears to be UI
> related only.
> I've tried different browsers, the issue affects all browsers.
> Any idea on how to troubleshoot this issue? i've given tomcat plenty of
> heap, but it did not help.
> Thanks,
> ilya

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