Something like below:

nosetests-2.7 --with-marvin --marvin-config=setup/dev/advanced.cfg   
--with-xunit  --xunit-file=/tmp/output_18thaug.xml  -w test/integration/smoke 
-a tags=advanced,required_hardware=false  --zone=Sandbox-simulator  
--hypervisor=simulator -s

From: Ian Duffy []
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2014 8:02 AM
To: CloudStack Dev
Subject: Re: Integration Tests on TravisCI


What command/flags did you use for the above test output?

On 14 August 2014 17:22, Santhosh Edukulla <>

> Ian,
>  I just installed latest marvin after cloudstack build on master, and ran
> tests against the simulator from smoke folder, below are the results. All
> passed, except one, i believe that as well could be some global param or
> some config issue. I hope you want to install, use latest marvin and test
> suites from master.
> === TestName: test_DeployVmAntiAffinityGroup | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_deployvm_firstfit | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_deployvm_userconcentrated | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_deployvm_userdispersing | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_01_create_disk_offering | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_02_create_sparse_type_disk_offering | Status : SUCCESS
> ===
> === TestName: test_04_create_fat_type_disk_offering | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_02_edit_disk_offering | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_03_delete_disk_offering | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_UpdateConfigParamWithScope | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_dedicateGuestVlanRange | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_01_create_iso | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_02_edit_iso | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_03_delete_iso | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_05_iso_permissions | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_nic_secondaryip_add_remove | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_delete_account | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_public_ip_admin_account | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_public_ip_user_account | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_releaseIP | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_extendPhysicalNetworkVlan | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_UpdateStorageOverProvisioningFactor | Status : SUCCESS
> ===
> === TestName: test_createPortablePublicIPAcquire | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_createPortablePublicIPRange | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_01_primary_storage_nfs | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_privategw_acl | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_dedicatePublicIpRange | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_create_pvlan_network | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_createRegion | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_01_reset_vm_on_reboot | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_01_updatevolumedetail | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_03_restart_network_cleanup | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_05_router_basic | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_06_router_advanced | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_07_stop_router | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_08_start_router | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_09_reboot_router | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_01_sys_vm_start | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_02_sys_template_ready | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_01_create_service_offering | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_02_edit_service_offering | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_03_delete_service_offering | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_01_list_sec_storage_vm | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_02_list_cpvm_vm | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_01_create_template | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_02_edit_template | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_03_delete_template | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_05_template_permissions | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_07_list_public_templates | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_08_list_system_templates | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_advZoneVirtualRouter | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_deploy_vm | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_deploy_vm_multiple | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_01_stop_vm | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_02_start_vm | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_03_reboot_vm | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_06_destroy_vm | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_07_restore_vm | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_08_migrate_vm | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_09_expunge_vm | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_03_download_attached_volume | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_04_delete_attached_volume | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_05_detach_volume | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_09_delete_detached_volume | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_vpc_remote_access_vpn | Status : SUCCESS ===
> === TestName: test_vpc_site2site_vpn | Status : SUCCESS ===
> Thanks!
> Santhosh
> ________________________________________
> From: Santhosh Edukulla
> Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 11:23 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Integration Tests on TravisCI
> Few test suites under smoke/misc folder say test_vm_ha,test_vm_sync,
> test_deploy_vm have a dependency to run only on simulator and sequentially
> with no entries available in CS, these are written using simulator mocks,
> so if you run along with other test suites they will fail.
> with -w switch, nose will run all along with other suites under smoke, so,
> you can use noseexclude plugin and exclude them from normal run, and later
> run them in serially with out any dependencies. To exclude add the switch
> --exclude-dir="../smoke/misc" to nose command.
> Other should work. Where can we see the detailed logs for these runs?
> Regards,
> Santhosh
> ________________________________________
> From: Ian Duffy []
> Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 9:42 AM
> To: CloudStack Dev
> Subject: Integration Tests on TravisCI
> Hi All,
> TL;DR: See specifically
> .travis.yml and tools/travis/*
> Myself, Sebastien and Rohit have been looking at executing Cloudstack's
> integration tests against the simulator using
> Doing this will enable us to execute the integration tests on all branches
> for free. It also means all community forks could make use of the travis-ci
> service too.
> Currently all tests are executing, there appears to be some tests failing
> on the simulator specifically:
> test_routers test_secondary_storage test_service_offerings test_ssvm
> test_templates test_vm_ha test_vm_life_cycle test_vm_sync test_volumes
> test_vpc_vpn
> Running these tests both locally and on travis-ci on the 4.4 branch I'm
> seeing failures. Anybody know why?
> Full console output of test execution available at
> For those interested in how all this is working:
> I have a fork of the Cloudstack source on my github:
> In the root of this repository you will find a .travis.yml file. This file
> executes a few different stages:
>  before install: Installs all dependencies and build tools.
>  install: compiles cloudstack
>  before_script: starts up cloudstack and deploys the setup/dev/advanced.cfg
>  script: executes the nosetests
> One limitation with travis-ci is that a job is not allowed to run for
> longer than 50mins.
> In order to get around this 3 separate environments are provisioned. They
> are described as below:
> Environment 1 runs test_affinity_groups test_deploy_vm
> test_deploy_vms_with_varied_deploymentplanners
>   test_disk_offerings test_global_settings test_guest_vlan_range test_iso
> test_multipleips_per_nic
>   test_network test_non_contigiousvlan
> Environment 2 runs: test_over_provisioning test_portable_publicip
> test_primary_storage test_privategw_acl
>   test_public_ip_range test_pvlan test_regions test_reset_vm_on_reboot
> test_resource_detail"
> Environment 3 runs: test_routers test_secondary_storage
> test_service_offerings test_ssvm test_templates
>   test_vm_ha test_vm_life_cycle test_vm_sync test_volumes test_vpc_vpn
> Thanks!
> Ian

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