Thanks, Wido!

On Monday, August 25, 2014, Wido den Hollander <> wrote:

> On 08/25/2014 04:31 AM, Mike Tutkowski wrote:
>> Hey Wido,
>> Can you point me in the right direction to examine the code related to
>> volume snapshots being taken when Ceph is being used for primary storage?
>> I don't see a Ceph storage plug-in that implements the takeSnapshot
>> method.
> There is no specific code in the Management Server since it's all done by
> the KVM Agent.
> You'll find most code in the LibvirtStorageAdapter in the KVM plugin code.
> That's where it takes the snapshots and copies it over ti Secondary Storage.
>> In particular, I'm curious how the backup process works.
> In short, it asks Qemu to copy the RBD image to a QCOW2 file on Secondary
> Storage.
> Wido
>  Thanks!

*Mike Tutkowski*
*Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.*
o: 303.746.7302
Advancing the way the world uses the cloud

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