Can you include the response and set it to json format to get better output. 
However the default response is in XML.

Sent from my iPhone

> On 21 Sep 2014, at 12:11 am, "Indra Pramana" <> wrote:
> Hi Abhisek and all,
> I tried to run the login API command via browser:
> https://x.x.x.x:8080/client/api?command=login&username=myusername&password=mypasswordinMD5hashingformat
> The result is all the response results in one single line without any
> separator.
> e.g.
> 1800somethingfalseusernameAsia/Kuala_Lumpurblablablasomecodeblablabla=8.0something
> How can I tell which one is the session key?
>> On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 2:19 AM, Indra Pramana <> wrote:
>> Hi Abhisek,
>> I checked on this documentation on login via API:
>> It says that for login API command, I need to put the username and
>> password as well? Can I login using username and password instead, do the
>> api key and signature still required?
>> I also checked on this documentation on signing API request:
>> If I sign the API requests using api key and signature say for the
>> uploadCustomCertificate command, do I still need to put the session key?
>> Thank you.
>>> On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 1:39 AM, abhisek basu <> wrote:
>>> Please run the login api using the api key and signature, in return you
>>> will get the session key.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On 20 Sep 2014, at 10:58 pm, "Indra Pramana" <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Abhisek and all,
>>>> Good day to you, and thank you for your reply.
>>>> How can we tell what is the session key, are you able to give me the
>>>> command to check what is the session key? I have API key and secret key,
>>>> but not too sure how to check what is the session key.
>>>> Looking forward to your reply, thank you.
>>>> Cheers.
>>>>> On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 10:26 PM, abhisek basu <>
>>> wrote:
>>>>> Inline..
>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>> On 20 Sep 2014, at 7:50 pm, "Indra Pramana" <> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>> I am using CloudStack 4.2.0 and I am following this procedure to
>>> change
>>>>>> console proxy to use our own domain:
>>>>>> On this step:
>>>>>> ====
>>>>>> Uploading root certificate API call. This is a mandatory step.
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> <
>>>>>> - *Note: when we upload root certificate  through API, only CPVM will
>>>>> be
>>>>>> rebooted. Also before applying next certificate. make sure all your
>>>>> system
>>>>>> vm agents are in up state.*
>>>>>> =====
>>>>>> - What should we put under sessionkey, is it the API key from
>>> CloudStack
>>>>>> GUI > Accounts > admin > View Users > admin > API Key?
>>>>>>> Session key is the returned when we use login api. If you use port
>>>>> 8096, you may ignore session key.
>>>>>> - What is the best way to convert the certificate into one line to be
>>> put
>>>>>> on the API URL? The document suggested Google Chrome's Advanced Rest
>>>>>> Client, I have downloaded the module on my Chrome but not too sure
>>> how to
>>>>>> use it. Any pointers or advise?
>>>>>>>> there are online tools to URLEncode the cert. Just search for
>>>>> URLEncode tool.
>>>>>> Looking forward to your reply, thank you.
>>>>>> Cheers.

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