Suresh is awesome. Hope Citrix knows that. :-)
We diagnosed the issue with ACS 4.3.1 and Firefox browser, and Suresh will 
update this thread with details.


On 15 Oct 2014, at 13:55, France <> wrote:

> Because i do not check this mailing list every day due to actual payed work, 
> i have not seen your request.
> I will contact you right now.
> On 08 Oct 2014, at 20:10, Suresh Sadhu <> wrote:
>> Sure Nitin and as of now I didn't hear anything from France.
>> Regards
>> sadhu
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Nitin Mehta [] 
>> Sent: 08 October 2014 21:57
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Urgent. Importing certificate to CS 4.3.1 using GUI
>> Sadhu - Please do update the thread once you have some observation. Thanks
>> -Nitin
>> On 08/10/14 5:27 AM, "Suresh Sadhu" <> wrote:
>>> HI France,
>>> I can help  today .
>>> My personal email id is
>>> Regards
>>> sadhu
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Stephen Turner []
>>> Sent: 08 October 2014 17:43
>>> To:
>>> Subject: RE: Urgent. Importing certificate to CS 4.3.1 using GUI
>>> France, I'm sorry, but I'm about to go away for three weeks, and I'm 
>>> not going to have time to work on this.
>>> Is there anyone else who could help France? Is anyone else seeing the 
>>> problem, because I couldn't reproduce it?
>>> --
>>> Stephen Turner
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: France []
>>> Sent: 08 October 2014 11:44
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Urgent. Importing certificate to CS 4.3.1 using GUI
>>> Send me a private email and you can test it on my exact system with all 
>>> development options turned on as you wish.
>>> We will do it via remote screen sharing, like VNC, RDP, Teamviewer, ..
>>> Regards,
>>> F.
>>> On 26 Sep 2014, at 16:53, Stephen Turner <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I'm afraid I couldn't reproduce this, even with your certificate and 
>>>> private key. Everything I tried, I got "Update Certiciate [sic] 
>>>> Succeeded".
>>>> Does anyone else have a convenient 4.3 and FF 32 that they can try 
>>>> and repro this with?
>>>> France, if you open the developer tools in Firefox and do this again, 
>>>> do you see any errors?
>>>> --
>>>> Stephen Turner
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: France []
>>>> Sent: 26 September 2014 13:44
>>>> To: Stephen Turner
>>>> Cc:
>>>> Subject: Re: Urgent. Importing certificate to CS 4.3.1 using GUI
>>>> Issue has been created.
>>>> I would assign it to you, but lack credentials?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> F.
>>>> On 26 Sep 2014, at 11:47, Stephen Turner <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Yes, I would like a bug report for this. Please assign it to me. 
>>>>> This bit of UI has been rewritten on master, but it should work the 
>>>>> same in all browsers, so I'd like to investigate whether it's fixed 
>>>>> on master, and also whether there are any other similar controls that 
>>>>> aren't working in FF 32.
>>>>> If you can attach a public key and other data that illustrates the 
>>>>> problem, that would be great just to make sure that we can repro it.
>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Stephen Turner
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: France []
>>>>> Sent: 25 September 2014 14:52
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Subject: Re: Urgent. Importing certificate to CS 4.3.1 using GUI
>>>>> There is a bug in ACS 4.3.1 GUI.
>>>>> The before mentioned process did not work with Firefox 32.0.2, while 
>>>>> it worked on latest Chrome.
>>>>> Because the problem is on the browser side, it did not reach 
>>>>> management server logs at all.
>>>>> I have done everything correct. Even a couple of times. ;-)
>>>>> Hopefully this mail will help someone in the future. I would also 
>>>>> advise to update the documentation on the issue.
>>>>> Do you want me to open a bug report for this? I am a little 
>>>>> reluctant to do so, because some of the bug reports i made previously 
>>>>> just sit there for years to come.
>>>>> FYI also got contacted off the mailing list by Steve Roles from 
>>>>> ShapeBlue who kindly offered to sell annual 24/7 support to help me 
>>>>> sort this issue.
>>>>> Too bad they did not want to provide help/support for this one 
>>>>> incident, which which they "have come across" already. They could get 
>>>>> payed well for telling me to use another browser. :-) While i 
>>>>> appreciate what ShapeBlue does for ACS, they could easily just have 
>>>>> told us publicly on the mailing list to use a different browser.
>>>>> Many thanks to anyone else who actually tried to help on the issue.
>>>>> migration is now officially complete.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> F.
>>>>> On 25 Sep 2014, at 14:54, France <> wrote:
>>>>>> I have created new key and csr. Signed it, converted key to pkcs8 
>>>>>> format without encryption and added in ACS GUI with *.domain.tld and 
>>>>>> again with domain.tld. I did copy paste the crt and key with and 
>>>>>> without -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-- tags. Nothing works. I have the 
>>>>>> same GUI error message as before. Management-log shows no errors or 
>>>>>> even logs regarding certificate manipulation. I have not created CA 
>>>>>> key and certs again. I have confirmed certificate before importing 
>>>>>> to ACS
>>>>>> using: openssl x509 -in private/vse.somedomain.tls.crt -noout -text 
>>>>>> (result below).
>>>>>> Maybe i could just insert new certs straight into the database, 
>>>>>> destroy console proxy and see what happens.
>>>>>> Any more ideas?
>>>>>> Also there is a bug in 4.3 documentation, because it says one must 
>>>>>> enter *.domain.tld while you say, it should be just domain.tld
>>>>>> "
>>>>>> In the Update SSL Certificate screen of the CloudStack UI, paste 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> following:
>>>>>>  * The certificate you've just generated.
>>>>>>  * The private key you've just generated.
>>>>>>  * The desired domain name, prefixed with *.; for example, 
>>>>>> * "
>>>>>> ////
>>>>>> [root@mc1 private]# openssl x509 -in -noout  
>>>>>> -text
>>>>>> Certificate:
>>>>>> Data:
>>>>>>    Version: 3 (0x2)
>>>>>>    Serial Number: 4097 (0x1001)
>>>>>> Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
>>>>>>    Issuer: C=SI, ST=Slovenia, L=Ljubljana, O=XXX d.o.o., OU=IT 
>>>>>> department,
>>>>>>    Validity
>>>>>>        Not Before: Sep 25 12:25:32 2014 GMT
>>>>>>        Not After : Jun  3 12:25:32 2028 GMT
>>>>>>    Subject: C=SI, ST=Slovenia, O=XXX d.o.o., OU=IT department, 
>>>>>> CN=*
>>>>>>    Subject Public Key Info:
>>>>>>        Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
>>>>>>            Public-Key: (2048 bit)
>>>>>>            Modulus:
>>>>>>                00:a8:50:02:21:7a:49:b1:48:07:96:21:87:69:1d:
>>>>>>                94:6f:d8:4f:0b:31:f4:8f:6f:e4:b2:78:94:38:d4:
>>>>>>                72:92:5b:d5:43:73:aa:e4:33:48:31:11:5a:62:7e:
>>>>>>                95:2b:e1:78:11:81:f0:ef:1a:0d:d0:52:90:47:2b:
>>>>>>                fd:ab:0d:89:57:fa:ee:6b:3b:d1:24:c9:a9:6d:d6:
>>>>>>                fb:0f:14:e3:72:63:a7:75:3d:3e:f5:57:45:09:7e:
>>>>>>                83:18:f1:77:c9:3a:1e:de:6f:cd:43:0f:84:11:08:
>>>>>>                05:3b:da:ed:3e:a6:65:7c:e9:3f:3b:b9:73:b3:87:
>>>>>>                b6:a2:14:af:fd:3e:a9:6f:0f:e4:fb:4d:91:70:d6:
>>>>>>                9a:78:b8:00:2e:f0:ad:24:07:01:64:b8:1f:ce:62:
>>>>>>                f6:83:e3:fb:45:b9:3e:a1:c3:e6:de:87:d9:37:d3:
>>>>>>                28:cf:20:6c:f9:78:5f:24:64:fb:d4:dd:79:90:87:
>>>>>>                69:36:ad:83:3d:bd:ab:fd:aa:1d:6a:a6:b8:d5:8a:
>>>>>>                f9:d6:e4:f0:db:9a:81:d4:41:e9:19:bf:a5:e8:fb:
>>>>>>                d9:f5:e2:50:3c:4d:01:6d:3d:96:26:59:76:70:99:
>>>>>>                8c:2e:c0:cf:dd:09:3b:fb:6f:8d:43:29:0c:7e:8a:
>>>>>>                5c:8d:49:f4:9a:96:ba:54:72:44:d8:fa:aa:64:71:
>>>>>>                27:21
>>>>>>            Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
>>>>>>    X509v3 extensions:
>>>>>>        X509v3 Basic Constraints:
>>>>>>            CA:FALSE
>>>>>>        X509v3 Key Usage:
>>>>>>            Digital Signature, Non Repudiation, Key Encipherment
>>>>>>        Netscape Comment:
>>>>>>            OpenSSL Generated Certificate
>>>>>>        X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
>>>>>> 13:B4:E9:B7:EA:67:BC:00:BA:20:F9:9D:AB:02:14:0D:22:B4:F7:5B
>>>>>>        X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
>>>>>> keyid:B9:4F:AC:D0:CA:A4:32:E0:A0:49:48:8D:D4:C9:6A:6D:6F:6C:8F:42
>>>>>> Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
>>>>>>     a9:f2:77:c2:10:9b:87:f4:44:9c:57:52:1b:dc:70:a7:e2:bf:
>>>>>>     97:8d:bb:3d:bc:b7:a9:90:55:75:43:47:ac:bf:6f:2a:5e:90:
>>>>>>     b1:5b:8c:41:e7:5a:51:2a:f7:db:2e:6a:37:e5:6e:18:3a:88:
>>>>>>     ae:10:42:1e:97:4c:75:e9:8a:51:37:8f:e9:99:bc:40:46:18:
>>>>>>     85:18:ce:6f:03:24:c7:b3:43:f2:53:51:34:36:70:d8:3b:84:
>>>>>>     09:70:91:13:51:a9:b7:30:e4:d3:f7:1a:34:f4:6b:25:b7:46:
>>>>>>     a1:dd:b7:eb:19:b3:03:be:b5:3d:12:b7:ee:a9:47:26:17:89:
>>>>>>     ef:06:9e:90:b4:78:5d:d9:52:1c:b4:0d:14:f2:37:64:9a:d8:
>>>>>>     4d:89:95:1e:c0:6b:14:93:e8:ea:91:84:69:c5:22:1f:d2:82:
>>>>>>     54:bd:fe:06:f8:ea:f3:66:a1:27:41:72:88:25:78:eb:2b:1b:
>>>>>>     73:fb:98:0f:00:58:b0:43:22:5b:3b:ea:89:b5:4f:3e:2a:ed:
>>>>>>     92:5f:48:37:39:ec:39:6c:b5:73:d3:0d:9c:ff:3b:37:92:5b:
>>>>>>     c6:ef:64:65:7a:99:1a:be:09:0e:bb:62:1b:9f:9e:ad:5d:cf:
>>>>>>     32:8c:81:42:c2:d9:11:65:64:8d:ce:5e:f5:b4:77:66:74:eb:
>>>>>>     10:d5:7e:58:d7:ba:70:fe:96:4b:94:f5:66:5c:af:57:ae:e0:
>>>>>>     ad:72:7a:ef:04:80:7e:4b:6d:ee:13:e2:de:20:94:4e:bb:7b:
>>>>>>     a6:87:0f:92:d8:c4:01:9b:50:fd:b4:0b:60:b2:93:91:32:ce:
>>>>>>     31:f9:b7:4f:a0:72:71:a1:87:b4:02:ff:5b:49:c1:2f:a1:6d:
>>>>>>     13:98:c1:81:9c:33:f6:61:b9:f9:47:7b:7b:2a:b2:e0:7b:21:
>>>>>>     4b:67:c0:23:04:b7:08:e5:7d:a3:44:b5:a5:aa:ce:03:be:93:
>>>>>>     cb:78:fe:2d:e5:a7:61:20:03:b2:a1:ac:92:41:54:c0:25:b5:
>>>>>>     32:c6:c5:83:49:7a:cd:a8:16:4e:80:f2:05:9c:47:17:74:1f:
>>>>>>     55:63:f2:9c:e3:fa:48:cb:93:40:8f:63:7b:69:2f:2a:22:4e:
>>>>>>     0e:44:1b:52:3e:70:fb:65:43:be:a2:0a:04:5e:70:cf:d7:fe:
>>>>>>     d5:66:0a:19:81:d5:bf:54:ce:fd:25:cc:d8:f6:cc:be:e8:a9:
>>>>>>     e1:a9:38:ef:81:80:2e:61:52:fb:0a:0c:e5:21:e1:7a:c8:3f:
>>>>>>     8e:6a:9a:ab:a6:72:81:54:43:08:65:b8:62:00:08:c8:c2:f6:
>>>>>>     88:82:7e:fb:07:22:67:09:c0:1a:fb:d9:69:17:2a:d8:be:01:
>>>>>>     7e:e5:ee:3d:1b:f1:bf:3f
>>>>>> ////
>>>>>> Tnx and regards,
>>>>>> F.
>>>>>> On 25 Sep 2014, at 13:48, France <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Tnx Amogh,
>>>>>>> i have checked management-server.log and no new entries or errors 
>>>>>>> regarding certificate operation are written at the time when i get 
>>>>>>> "Failed to update SSL Certificate." error message. I tried it a 
>>>>>>> couple of times. I also used somedomain.tld in the GUI. Certificate 
>>>>>>> is for *.somedomain.tld.
>>>>>>> I will go thru whole create CA and certificate process again and 
>>>>>>> retry.
>>>>>>> There must be some simple mistake in my process somewhere. Lack of  
>>>>>>> errors in logs, is also strange. :-/
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> F.
>>>>>>> On 24 Sep 2014, at 21:10, Amogh Vasekar <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> Couple of things :
>>>>>>>> 1. The error will be logged to the cloudstack management server 
>>>>>>>> log file
>>>>>>>> (management-server.log) and would really help to know what it is.
>>>>>>>> 2. While uploading the certificate, the domain_suffix should be 
>>>>>>>> somedomain.tld and not *.somedomain.tld (the asterisk is only for 
>>>>>>>> global config so that cloudstack can distinguish between HTTP and 
>>>>>>>> HTTPS modes)
>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>> Amogh
>>>>>>>> On 9/24/14 7:40 AM, "France" <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>>>>>> i want to migrate away from I have set up DNS  
>>>>>>>>> service in no time, but am having problems importing certificates 
>>>>>>>>> to ACS 3.4.1.
>>>>>>>>> I created my own CA like this:
>>>>>>>>> cd /etc/pki/CA
>>>>>>>>> touch index.txt
>>>>>>>>> echo 1000 > serial
>>>>>>>>> openssl genrsa -aes256 -out /etc/pki/CA/private/ca.key.pem 4096 
>>>>>>>>> chmod 400 /etc/pki/CA/private/ca.key.pem nano -w 
>>>>>>>>> /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf openssl req -new -x509 -days 63650 -key 
>>>>>>>>> /etc/pki/CA/private/ca.key.pem
>>>>>>>>> -sha256 -extensions v3_ca -out /etc/pki/CA/certs/ca.cert.pem
>>>>>>>>> Signed my own keys and converted them to pkcs8 format like this:
>>>>>>>>> cd /etc/pki/CA
>>>>>>>>> openssl genrsa -out private/vse.somedomain.tld.key.pem 4096 
>>>>>>>>> chmod
>>>>>>>>> 400 private/vse.somedomain.tld.key.pem
>>>>>>>>> openssl req -sha256 -new -key private/vse.somedomain.tld.key.pem
>>>>>>>>> -out certs/vse.somedomain.tld.csr.pem openssl ca -keyfile 
>>>>>>>>> private/ca.key.pem -cert certs/ca.cert.pem -extensions usr_cert 
>>>>>>>>> -notext -md sha256 -days 63649 -in 
>>>>>>>>> certs/vse.somedomain.tld.csr.pem -out 
>>>>>>>>> certs/vse.somedomain.tld.cert.pem openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -in 
>>>>>>>>> private/vse.somedomain.tld.key.pem -out
>>>>>>>>> private/vse.somedomain.tld.key.encrypted.pkcs8
>>>>>>>>> openssl pkcs8 -in private/vse.somedomain.tld.key.encrypted.pkcs8
>>>>>>>>> -out
>>>>>>>>> private/vse.somedomain.tld.key.pkcs8
>>>>>>>>> chmod 400 private/vse.somedomain.tld.key.encrypted.pkcs8
>>>>>>>>> chmod 400 private/vse.somedomain.tld.key.pkcs8
>>>>>>>>> But when trying to import it via GUI: infrastructure -> SSL
>>>>>>>>> Certificate:
>>>>>>>>> Certificate from vse.somedomain.tld.cert.pem
>>>>>>>>> PKCS8 from private/vse.somedomain.tld.key.pkcs8
>>>>>>>>> DNS domain suffix to: *.somedomain.tld
>>>>>>>>> But it fails with:
>>>>>>>>> "Failed to update SSL Certificate."
>>>>>>>>> Please help me upload the new certificate.
>>>>>>>>> Catalina.out shows no error. I have no idea what else to check.
>>>>>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>>>>>> F.

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