Probably you are facing issue

-----Original Message-----
From: Anshul Gangwar [] 
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2014 10:52 AM
Subject: RE: hyperv ssvm start failed

You got me wrong. I have not suggested to change permissions. I have suggested 
to change the locale to US English(instead of Chinese/Japanese) of account with 
which the Hyper-V Agent service is running.

I suspect that your windows server account is running in different locale other 
than English.

-----Original Message-----
From: 穆凯辉 [] 
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2014 6:10 AM
Subject: 答复: hyperv ssvm start failed


We try to run Hyper-v agent by local administrator. But the agent crashed.
So we change to use domain administrator to run this agent. 

We will try to create a new user to run this agent.

Thank you very much.


发件人: Anshul Gangwar []
发送时间: 2014年11月12日 19:39
主题: RE: hyperv ssvm start failed

You have to run Hyper-V Agent service with the account which has it locale set 
to US English.

-----Original Message-----
From: 穆凯辉 []
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 4:56 PM
Subject: hyperv ssvm start failed

Hi all,


         We use cloudstack 4.4.0 to manage a windows server 2012 dc hyper-v 
host. Both of the primary and secondary storage are setup on this windows 
hyper-v host using SMB protocol. The Virtual Switch in Hyperv is named 


when we start the zone, the ssvm is created in hyper-v, but it can not start, 
and is destroy immediately. The error event in windows is as follows:


2014-11-12 18:55:03,150 [12] INFO  HypervResource.HypervResourceController
[55c7a1ce-0320-4976-9915-ae6fb44682ba] - {

  "": {

    "result": false,

    "details": " fail on exception未将对象引

    "vm": {

      "id": 1,

      "name": "v-1-VM",

      "type": "ConsoleProxy",

      "cpus": 1,

      "minSpeed": 500,

      "maxSpeed": 500,

      "minRam": 1073741824,

      "maxRam": 1073741824,

      "arch": "x86_64",

      "os": "Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 (64-bit)",

      "bootArgs": " template=domP type=consoleproxy host=
port=8250 name=v-1-VM zone=1 pod=1 guid=Proxy.1 proxy_vm=1 
disable_rp_filter=true eth2ip= eth2mask=
gateway= eth0ip= eth0mask=
eth1ip= eth1mask= mgmtcidr=
localgw= internaldns1= internaldns2=
dns1= dns2=",

      "rebootOnCrash": false,

      "enableHA": false,

      "limitCpuUse": false,

      "enableDynamicallyScaleVm": false,

      "vncPassword": "861c2ac4e36ed3c3",

      "params": {},

      "uuid": "0c1a15f6-5cc6-4c10-8cf7-46fac26ee215",

      "disks": [


          "data": {

            "": {

              "uuid": "8b299dfc-2453-4e6a-bd02-b6dcc12fb32a",

              "volumeType": "ROOT",

              "dataStore": {

                "": {

                  "uuid": "2c739a85-40bf-365f-b448-152f6e10cad0",

                  "id": 2,

                  "poolType": "SMB",

                  "host": "",

                  "path": "/Primary?user=administrator&domain=vsdevel",

                  "port": 445,




              "name": "ROOT-1",

              "size": 0,

              "path": "8b299dfc-2453-4e6a-bd02-b6dcc12fb32a",

              "volumeId": 1,

              "vmName": "v-1-VM",

              "accountId": 1,

              "format": "VHD",

              "id": 1,

              "deviceId": 0,

              "hypervisorType": "Hyperv"



          "diskSeq": 0,

          "path": "8b299dfc-2453-4e6a-bd02-b6dcc12fb32a",

          "type": "ROOT",

          "_details": {

            "managed": "false",

            "storagePort": "445",

            "storageHost": "",

            "volumeSize": "0"




      "nics": [


          "deviceId": 2,

          "networkRateMbps": -1,

          "defaultNic": true,

          "uuid": "e48caaf7-b544-443c-94ee-40055fcf90cc",

          "ip": "",

          "netmask": "",

          "gateway": "",

          "mac": "06:4b:cc:00:00:87",

          "dns1": "",

          "dns2": "",

          "broadcastType": "Native",

          "type": "Guest",

          "broadcastUri": "vlan://untagged",

          "isSecurityGroupEnabled": true,

          "name": "VirtualNetwork"



          "deviceId": 0,

          "networkRateMbps": -1,

          "defaultNic": false,

          "uuid": "13bb00ec-b354-4fbf-b3f6-fb0dc29715b4",

          "ip": "",

          "netmask": "",

          "gateway": "",

          "mac": "0e:00:a9:fe:00:46",

          "broadcastType": "LinkLocal",

          "type": "Control",

          "isSecurityGroupEnabled": false



          "deviceId": 1,

          "networkRateMbps": -1,

          "defaultNic": false,

          "uuid": "a6d63c0f-72b9-439e-91ce-d158cb37a482",

          "ip": "",

          "netmask": "",

          "gateway": "",

          "mac": "06:e7:80:00:00:5f",

          "broadcastType": "Native",

          "type": "Management",

          "isSecurityGroupEnabled": false,

          "name": "VirtualNetwork"




    "contextMap": {}






We have worked on this problem 3 days, and setup the new zone again and again. 
But we still can not solve this problem.The Agentshell.exe is build in our 
development environment. 

Can anyone encounter this problem. Please help us. Thank you very much. 




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