Hi Andrija

I notice both of these issues as well. Truly annoying is the first one, i've seen this in earlier versions as well, i.e. 3.0.6..

Seems to be browser independent and happens on all browsers.

On 11/13/14, 8:11 AM, Andrija Panic wrote:
Hi Mike,

thanks for responding. Here is the ticket:

Not sure if it makes any sense to report other bugs/improvements - no
sorting, random sorting(seem to me) on TimeZones (completely
unusable/frustrating), etc...

Thanks again,

On 13 November 2014 16:55, Mike Tutkowski <mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com>

Hi Andrija,

Thanks for the feedback...very useful.

I wonder if you'd be willing to open up JIRA tickets for these and mark
them as UI related? That way the people who work on the UI regularly will
have easy access to your comments.


Thanks again!

On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 12:41 AM, Andrija Panic <andrija.pa...@gmail.com>

Hi team,

is anybody of you aware of the GUI issues when connected to some i.e.
wireless with somewhat big latencies or it sometimes happen even on more
than good internet connection:

(A serious one, that we encounter pretty often):

Issue: I start new VM deloyment wizard, choose template etc.... at the
when I click the finish, when the job should be sent to MGMT server -
simply nothing happens - so ajax does't get executed at all, no litle
circle spinning etc - no logs in mgmt server, simply ajax doesn't get
executed...Same behaviour sometimes happen when I click on "Configure" on
the VPC.

I confirmed behaviour in acs 4.3.0 and I'm still checking in 4.4.1.


(not a big issue, however very annoying):
I filter instances by some account/domain, then click on some instance
(view it's properties or whatever), than in the breadcrumb I click back
"instances", and instead of being show the page with all the filtered
instances, I get back to the home page of ACS...

So it doesn't really happens always, but randomly, with different
clearing all cache etc...
The issue here is that nothing get's logged to MGMT log at all...

Please let me know if anybody get similar issues, or if this is something
on my side...



Andrija Panić

*Mike Tutkowski*
*Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.*
e: mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com
o: 303.746.7302
Advancing the way the world uses the cloud

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