Hi I am a final year student doing my Bachelors in Information Technology.
Currently as my final year project I am working on Apache Cloudstack and
trying to integrate VDI support into it through VNC using Gaucamole [1]. I
wanted to know if anyone can be a mentor for the same.
I have developed an initial system but it requires static creation of VNC
screens on the VMs and user account creation and sharing with VMs through
LDAP. The desktop screens are those of the VM. I wish to make the process

Following is the mail I sent to guacamole people which will help you
understand the project idea I have in mind.


I am a final year student of Motilal Nehru National Institute of
Technology, Allahabad, India pursuing my Bachelors in Information
Technology. I am working on a project where we aim to provide VDI to
students of our college for various lab sessions so that there programs and
code are all at a single place and can be accessed from anywhere. So I
created a cloud using Cloudstack and provided kind of VDI support to
students using the cloud and guacamole with ldap authentication.

The current architecture is as follows. I have a server machine on which I installed Cloudstack and Openldap. I also created
a few sample user accounts on this machine and added these to LDAP. I
created a VM which uses ldap authentication to mount the user directories
and provide as compute node for the VDI. For that I created VNC display on
the VM for these ldap authenticated users. Next using guacamole and its
ldap authentication I included the vnc connections to these VM. The
guacamole service runs on the same machine as the cloud server. The end
user logs into guacamole webservice and is shown the connection to the VM
which is included in the LDAP. I further plan to create a template to this
VM and spawn multiple VMs from it and putting them all behind a
loadbalancer in cloudstack. So the home directory of the user remains on a
central server and we just provide the Desktops using VM to the users.

This is the current architecture I am having. The problem with this
architecture is that manually the vnc screens have to be created for the
user and then the entry has to be inserted into ldap. This causes 2 main

1) There are many vnc screens running on the VM for user even when he is
not logged in, so its mere wastage of resource.
2) Manually doing the task of creating a vnc screen everytime a new user
arrives and replicating it on all the VMs
3) Insecure as any user can run ldapsearch command on the VM and look at
all the connections and vncpasswords for all the users defined in directory

So a solution to this problem I thought might be feasible creating vnc
screens on the fly for the end users i.e dynamically and not statically for
the end users. The only entry in ldap would be username and home directory
location and password as normally is there. There should not be any need to
install the guacamole ldap schema into ldap. The vncpassword for the user
will be same as his account password which can be easily implemented. The
basic idea is to create a service which does this vnc screen creation on
the fly and provide the port number to guacamole. The service would run on
the server where the guacamole web app resides. This service will have root
access to the VM. So after the user logs in the service runs *su <username>
and vncserver *command on the VM as the user and then returns the port
number to the server machine. Then this port is the one to which guacamole
connects the user to VM through the server. When the user logs out of the
VM the service again kills the vncscreen on the VM using the command *vncserver
-kill : <screennumber> *thus destroying the screen. This is the current
architecture I was thinking to have a Virtual Desktop interface for users
using guacamole, vnc and ldap on cloudstack.

Currently cloudstack has no VDI service of its own as opposed to openstack.
And so this thing would be highly appreciated I suppose.
I hope you understood my plan and the architecture I am having in mind. If
something is not clear please feel free to clear it with me. I wnt to know
what do you guys at guacamole think about this. Hoping for a positive reply
from your side.

Regards "

Iff anyone can mentor me on this project it will be greatly appreciated


[1] http://guac-dev.org/

On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 8:20 PM, Mike Tutkowski <mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com
> wrote:

> Just an FYI that I will probably have my student back this year. He doesn't
> graduate until after summer. That being the case, I'll start thinking of
> relevant work for him to do.
> On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 1:42 AM, Sebastien Goasguen <run...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > GSoC 2015 is back.
> > Time to enter your project proposals in jira if you want to mentor.
> >
> > Begin forwarded message:
> >
> > > From: Ulrich Stärk <u...@apache.org>
> > > Subject: Google Summer of Code 2015 is coming
> > > Date: February 2, 2015 5:44:52 PM EST
> > > To: ment...@community.apache.org
> > > Reply-To: ment...@community.apache.org
> > > Reply-To: ment...@community.apache.org
> > >
> > > Hello PMCs (incubator Mentors, please forward this email to your
> > podlings),
> > >
> > > Google Summer of Code [1] is a program sponsored by Google allowing
> > students to spend their summer
> > > working on open source software. Students will receive stipends for
> > developing open source software
> > > full-time for three months. Projects will provide mentoring and project
> > ideas, and in return have
> > > the chance to get new code developed and - most importantly - to
> > identify and bring in new committers.
> > >
> > > The ASF will apply as a participating organization meaning individual
> > projects don't have to apply
> > > separately.
> > >
> > > If you want to participate with your project we ask you to do the
> > following things by no later than
> > > 2015-02-13 19:00 UTC (applications from organizations close a week
> later)
> > >
> > > 1. understand what it means to be a mentor [2].
> > >
> > > 2. record your project ideas.
> > >
> > > Just create issues in JIRA, label them with gsoc2015, and they will
> show
> > up at [3]. Please be as
> > > specific as possible when describing your idea. Include the programming
> > language, the tools and
> > > skills required, but try not to scare potential students away. They are
> > supposed to learn what's
> > > required before the program starts.
> > >
> > > Use labels, e.g. for the programming language (java, c, c++, erlang,
> > python, brainfuck, ...) or
> > > technology area (cloud, xml, web, foo, bar, ...) and record them at
> [5].
> > >
> > > Please use the COMDEV JIRA project for recording your ideas if your
> > project doesn't use JIRA (e.g.
> > > httpd, ooo). Contact d...@community.apache.org if you need assistance.
> > >
> > > [4] contains some additional information (will be updated for 2015
> > shortly).
> > >
> > > 3. subscribe to ment...@community.apache.org; restricted to potential
> > mentors, meant to be used as a
> > > private list - general discussions on the public
> > d...@community.apache.org list as much as possible
> > > please). Use a recognized address when subscribing (@apache.org or one
> > of your alias addresses on
> > > record).
> > >
> > > Note that the ASF isn't accepted as a participating organization yet,
> > nevertheless you *have to*
> > > start recording your ideas now or we might not get accepted.
> > >
> > > Over the years we were able to complete hundreds of projects
> > successfully. Some of our prior
> > > students are active contributors now! Let's make this year a success
> > again!
> > >
> > > Cheers,
> > >
> > > Uli
> > >
> > > P.S.: Except for the private parts (label spreadsheet mostly), this
> > email is free to be shared
> > > publicly if you want to.
> > >
> > > [1] http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2015
> > > [2] http://community.apache.org/guide-to-being-a-mentor.html
> > > [3] http://s.apache.org/gsoc2015ideas
> > > [4] http://community.apache.org/gsoc.html
> > > [5] http://s.apache.org/gsoclabels
> > >
> >
> >
> --
> *Mike Tutkowski*
> *Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.*
> e: mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com
> o: 303.746.7302
> Advancing the way the world uses the cloud
> <http://solidfire.com/solution/overview/?video=play>*™*

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