Hi there,

We are currently using 4.4.2 in our production environment and we have Ubuntu 
12.04-5 VMs. That would be crucial to have support to Ubuntu 12.04.

Is there any bug already created that we can have a look and help to fix? Not 
being able to upgrade from 4.4.2 to 4.5 wouldn’t be cool.


On 02 Feb 2015, at 08:53, Mike Tutkowski 
<mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com<mailto:mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com>> wrote:

Also, just as an FYI, after I upgraded Ubuntu from 12.04 to 14.04, I was able 
to create a VM using CS 4.6 (as we expected would be the case).

As Marcus mentioned, we should try to determine if Ubuntu 12.04 should be a 
supported platform for CS 4.5.

On Sun, Feb 1, 2015 at 7:12 PM, Mike Tutkowski 
<mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com<mailto:mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com>> wrote:
Thanks, Rohit

As Marcus later commented, it's a compatibility issue with Ubuntu 12.04 (which 
is what I'm running).

On Sun, Feb 1, 2015 at 6:30 PM, Rohit Yadav 
<rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com<mailto:rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com>> wrote:
Hi Mike,

I’ve tested 4.5 branch with KVM/Ubuntu 14.04 and local storage seems to work 
for me. I’ve not tested it thoroughly things like migration, attaching/detach 
localstorage disks etc.

> On 31-Jan-2015, at 1:10 pm, Mike Tutkowski 
> <mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com<mailto:mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com>> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Any news on this?
> I am still having trouble creating a VM on local storage on KVM (with or 
> without kvmclock.disable=true in agent.properties).
> I'm on Ubuntu 12.04.1.
> Thanks!
> Mike
> On Sat, Jan 24, 2015 at 2:19 AM, Wilder Rodrigues 
> <wrodrig...@schubergphilis.com<mailto:wrodrig...@schubergphilis.com>> wrote:
> Okay, thanks for the clarification.
> I will test it over the weekend.
> Cheers,
> Wilder
> On 22 Jan 2015, at 15:20, Rohit Yadav 
> <rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com<mailto:rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com>> wrote:
> > Hi Wilder,
> >
> > If you’re testing please use latest 4.5 branch which should become the next 
> > RC. At the moment the latest is SHA 
> > d08369ad06b6d5ef801f79493c2aa4bdaeab1b83. Thanks.
> >
> >> On 22-Jan-2015, at 6:29 pm, Wilder Rodrigues 
> >> <wrodrig...@schubergphilis.com<mailto:wrodrig...@schubergphilis.com>> 
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi Rohit,
> >>
> >> Tests were based on the commit id gave put in the RC1: 
> >> 8db3cbd4ff62b17a8b496026b68cf60ee0c76740
> >>
> >> Please let me know if there is a new commit ID to be used and I will test 
> >> it.
> >>
> >> Apologies for the misunderstanding, I have been a bit away from the list. 
> >> :)
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >> Wilder
> >>
> >> On 22 Jan 2015, at 12:29, Rohit Yadav 
> >> <rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com<mailto:rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com>> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hi Wilder,
> >>>
> >>> Thanks for sharing, but I’m confused if these tests were against latest 
> >>> 4.5 branch or the RC1? Looking forward to your tests (on latest 4.5). 
> >>> Thanks.
> >>>
> >>> Regards.
> >>>
> >>>> On 22-Jan-2015, at 4:24 pm, Wilder Rodrigues 
> >>>> <wrodrig...@schubergphilis.com<mailto:wrodrig...@schubergphilis.com>> 
> >>>> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> Hi all,
> >>>>
> >>>> Sorry for the delay on the tests and also coming to it only after the RC 
> >>>> has been cancelled, but I was way too busy with the redundant VPC work.
> >>>>
> >>>> Remarks:
> >>>>
> >>>> * I will test Basic Zone later today
> >>>> * For those willing to read, I added the whole events log after the 
> >>>> tests results. :)
> >>>>
> >>>> There go my results:
> >>>>
> >>>> :: Environment ::
> >>>>
> >>>> Host: XenServer 6.2 - running under a VMware zone within our ACS 
> >>>> Beta-Cloud infra
> >>>> Management Server: MacBook Pro
> >>>> Database: MySQL running locally on my MacBook Pro
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> :: Advanced Zone ::
> >>>>
> >>>> ===========================================================================
> >>>> Test Create Account and user for that account ... === TestName: 
> >>>> test_01_create_account | Status : SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> Test Sub domain allowed to launch VM  when a Domain level zone is 
> >>>> created ... === TestName: test_01_add_vm_to_subdomain | Status : SUCCESS 
> >>>> ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> Test delete domain without force option ... === TestName: 
> >>>> test_DeleteDomain | Status : SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> Test delete domain with force option ... === TestName: 
> >>>> test_forceDeleteDomain | Status : SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> Test update admin details ... === TestName: test_updateAdminDetails | 
> >>>> Status : SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> Test update domain admin details ... === TestName: 
> >>>> test_updateDomainAdminDetails | Status : SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> Test user update API ... === TestName: test_updateUserDetails | Status : 
> >>>> SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> Test login API with domain ... === TestName: test_LoginApiDomain | 
> >>>> Status : SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> Test if Login API does not return UUID's ... === TestName: 
> >>>> test_LoginApiUuidResponse | Status : SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>>
> >>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>>> Ran 9 tests in 1094.799s
> >>>>
> >>>> OK
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Test reset virtual machine on reboot ... === TestName: 
> >>>> test_01_reset_vm_on_reboot | Status : SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>>
> >>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>>> Ran 1 test in 217.296s
> >>>>
> >>>> OK
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Test advanced zone virtual router ... === TestName: 
> >>>> test_advZoneVirtualRouter | Status : SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> Test Deploy Virtual Machine ... === TestName: test_deploy_vm | Status : 
> >>>> SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> Test Multiple Deploy Virtual Machine ... === TestName: 
> >>>> test_deploy_vm_multiple | Status : SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> Test Stop Virtual Machine ... === TestName: test_01_stop_vm | Status : 
> >>>> SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> Test Start Virtual Machine ... === TestName: test_02_start_vm | Status : 
> >>>> SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> Test Reboot Virtual Machine ... === TestName: test_03_reboot_vm | Status 
> >>>> : SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> Test destroy Virtual Machine ... === TestName: test_06_destroy_vm | 
> >>>> Status : SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> Test recover Virtual Machine ... === TestName: test_07_restore_vm | 
> >>>> Status : SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> Test migrate VM ... SKIP: At least two hosts should be present in the 
> >>>> zone for migration
> >>>> Test destroy(expunge) Virtual Machine ... === TestName: 
> >>>> test_09_expunge_vm | Status : SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>>
> >>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>>> Ran 10 tests in 816.707s
> >>>>
> >>>> OK (SKIP=1)
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> test_privategw_acl 
> >>>> (integration.acs.tests.test_privategw_acl.TestPrivateGwACL) ... === 
> >>>> TestName: test_privategw_acl | Status : SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>>
> >>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>>> Ran 1 test in 85.883s
> >>>>
> >>>> OK
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Test to create service offering ... === TestName: 
> >>>> test_01_create_service_offering | Status : SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> Test to update existing service offering ... === TestName: 
> >>>> test_02_edit_service_offering | Status : SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> Test to delete service offering ... === TestName: 
> >>>> test_03_delete_service_offering | Status : SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>>
> >>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>>> Ran 3 tests in 196.733s
> >>>>
> >>>> OK
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Test router internal advanced zone ... SKIP: Marvin configuration has no 
> >>>> host credentials to check router services
> >>>> Test restart network ... === TestName: test_03_restart_network_cleanup | 
> >>>> Status : SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> Test router basic setup ... === TestName: test_05_router_basic | Status 
> >>>> : SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> Test router advanced setup ... === TestName: test_06_router_advanced | 
> >>>> Status : SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> Test stop router ... === TestName: test_07_stop_router | Status : 
> >>>> SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> Test start router ... === TestName: test_08_start_router | Status : 
> >>>> SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> Test reboot router ... === TestName: test_09_reboot_router | Status : 
> >>>> SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>>
> >>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>>> Ran 7 tests in 413.426s
> >>>>
> >>>> OK (SKIP=1)
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Test VPN in VPC ... === TestName: test_vpc_remote_access_vpn | Status : 
> >>>> SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> Test VPN in VPC ... === TestName: test_vpc_site2site_vpn | Status : 
> >>>> SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>>
> >>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>>> Ran 2 tests in 481.417s
> >>>>
> >>>> OK
> >>>>
> >>>> Test create VPC offering ... === TestName: test_01_create_vpc_offering | 
> >>>> Status : SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> Test VPC offering without load balancing service ... === TestName: 
> >>>> test_03_vpc_off_without_lb | Status : SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> Test VPC offering without static NAT service ... === TestName: 
> >>>> test_04_vpc_off_without_static_nat | Status : SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> Test VPC offering without port forwarding service ... === TestName: 
> >>>> test_05_vpc_off_without_pf | Status : SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> Test VPC offering with invalid services ... === TestName: 
> >>>> test_06_vpc_off_invalid_services | Status : SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> Test update VPC offering ... === TestName: test_07_update_vpc_off | 
> >>>> Status : SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> Test list VPC offering ... === TestName: test_08_list_vpc_off | Status : 
> >>>> SUCCESS ===
> >>>> ok
> >>>> test_09_create_redundant_vpc_offering 
> >>>> (integration.acs.tests.test_vpc_offerings.TestVPCOffering) ... === 
> >>>> TestName: test_09_create_redundant_vpc_offering | Status : EXCEPTION ===
> >>>> ERROR
> >>>>
> >>>> ======================================================================
> >>>> ERROR: test_09_create_redundant_vpc_offering 
> >>>> (integration.acs.tests.test_vpc_offerings.TestVPCOffering)
> >>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>>> Ran 8 tests in 501.205s
> >>>>
> >>>> FAILED (errors=1)
> >>>>
> >>>> This is expected because we do not have Redundant VPC on 4.5.0, but I 
> >>>> already have tests for that.
> >>>>
> >>>> :: CloudStack Events Log ::
> >>>>
> >>>> It’s a CSV output from MySQL. You can put it in a cdv file and open with 
> >>>> MS Excel or any other spreadsheet tool.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> "1","REGISTER.USER.KEY","Completed","Successfully completed register for 
> >>>> the developer API keys","2015-01-22 08:40:57"
> >>>> "2","USER.LOGIN","Completed","user has logged in. The IP Address cannot 
> >>>> be determined","2015-01-22 08:41:22"
> >>>> "3","CONFIGURATION.VALUE.EDIT","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> updating configuration.  Name: host New Value:","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 08:41:36"
> >>>> "4","REGISTER.USER.KEY","Completed","Successfully completed register for 
> >>>> the developer API keys","2015-01-22 08:43:05"
> >>>> "5","ZONE.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating zone. 
> >>>> Zone Name: Summer","2015-01-22 08:43:05"
> >>>> "6","PHYSICAL.NETWORK.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> Creating Physical Network","2015-01-22 08:43:05"
> >>>> "7","PHYSICAL.NETWORK.CREATE","Scheduled","creating Physical Network. 
> >>>> Id: 200","2015-01-22 08:43:05"
> >>>> "8","PHYSICAL.NETWORK.CREATE","Started","Creating Physical Network. 
> >>>> Physical Network Id: 200","2015-01-22 08:43:05"
> >>>> "9","PHYSICAL.NETWORK.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> Creating Physical Network. Physical Network Id: 200","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 08:43:05"
> >>>> "10","TRAFFIC.TYPE.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> Creating Physical Network TrafficType","2015-01-22 08:43:05"
> >>>> "11","TRAFFIC.TYPE.CREATE","Scheduled","Adding physical network traffic 
> >>>> type: 1","2015-01-22 08:43:05"
> >>>> "12","TRAFFIC.TYPE.CREATE","Started","Creating Physical Network 
> >>>> TrafficType. TrafficType Id: 1","2015-01-22 08:43:05"
> >>>> "13","TRAFFIC.TYPE.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed Creating 
> >>>> Physical Network TrafficType. TrafficType Id: 1","2015-01-22 08:43:05"
> >>>> "14","TRAFFIC.TYPE.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> Creating Physical Network TrafficType","2015-01-22 08:43:10"
> >>>> "15","TRAFFIC.TYPE.CREATE","Scheduled","Adding physical network traffic 
> >>>> type: 2","2015-01-22 08:43:10"
> >>>> "16","TRAFFIC.TYPE.CREATE","Started","Creating Physical Network 
> >>>> TrafficType. TrafficType Id: 2","2015-01-22 08:43:10"
> >>>> "17","TRAFFIC.TYPE.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed Creating 
> >>>> Physical Network TrafficType. TrafficType Id: 2","2015-01-22 08:43:10"
> >>>> "18","NETWORK.ELEMENT.CONFIGURE","Scheduled","configuring virtual router 
> >>>> provider: 1","2015-01-22 08:43:15"
> >>>> "19","SERVICE.PROVIDER.UPDATE","Scheduled","Updating physical network 
> >>>> ServiceProvider: 1","2015-01-22 08:43:15"
> >>>> "20","SERVICE.PROVIDER.UPDATE","Started","Updating physical network 
> >>>> ServiceProvider","2015-01-22 08:43:15"
> >>>> "21","SERVICE.PROVIDER.UPDATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> Updating physical network ServiceProvider","2015-01-22 08:43:15"
> >>>> "22","USER.LOGIN","Completed","user has logged in. The IP Address cannot 
> >>>> be determined","2015-01-22 08:43:19"
> >>>> "23","NETWORK.ELEMENT.CONFIGURE","Scheduled","configuring virtual router 
> >>>> provider: 2","2015-01-22 08:43:20"
> >>>> "24","SERVICE.PROVIDER.UPDATE","Scheduled","Updating physical network 
> >>>> ServiceProvider: 3","2015-01-22 08:43:20"
> >>>> "25","SERVICE.PROVIDER.UPDATE","Started","Updating physical network 
> >>>> ServiceProvider","2015-01-22 08:43:20"
> >>>> "26","SERVICE.PROVIDER.UPDATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> Updating physical network ServiceProvider","2015-01-22 08:43:20"
> >>>> "27","NETWORK.ELEMENT.CONFIGURE","Scheduled","configuring internal load 
> >>>> balancer element: 3","2015-01-22 08:43:26"
> >>>> "28","SERVICE.PROVIDER.UPDATE","Scheduled","Updating physical network 
> >>>> ServiceProvider: 5","2015-01-22 08:43:26"
> >>>> "29","SERVICE.PROVIDER.UPDATE","Started","Updating physical network 
> >>>> ServiceProvider","2015-01-22 08:43:26"
> >>>> "30","SERVICE.PROVIDER.UPDATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> Updating physical network ServiceProvider","2015-01-22 08:43:26"
> >>>> "31","PHYSICAL.NETWORK.UPDATE","Scheduled","Updating Physical network: 
> >>>> 200","2015-01-22 08:43:31"
> >>>> "32","PHYSICAL.NETWORK.UPDATE","Started","updating physical 
> >>>> network","2015-01-22 08:43:31"
> >>>> "33","PHYSICAL.NETWORK.UPDATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> updating physical network","2015-01-22 08:43:31"
> >>>> "34","PHYSICAL.NETWORK.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity 
> >>>> for Creating Physical Network","2015-01-22 08:43:36"
> >>>> "35","PHYSICAL.NETWORK.CREATE","Scheduled","creating Physical Network. 
> >>>> Id: 201","2015-01-22 08:43:36"
> >>>> "36","PHYSICAL.NETWORK.CREATE","Started","Creating Physical Network. 
> >>>> Physical Network Id: 201","2015-01-22 08:43:36"
> >>>> "37","PHYSICAL.NETWORK.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> Creating Physical Network. Physical Network Id: 201","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 08:43:36"
> >>>> "38","TRAFFIC.TYPE.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> Creating Physical Network TrafficType","2015-01-22 08:43:41"
> >>>> "39","TRAFFIC.TYPE.CREATE","Scheduled","Adding physical network traffic 
> >>>> type: 3","2015-01-22 08:43:41"
> >>>> "40","TRAFFIC.TYPE.CREATE","Started","Creating Physical Network 
> >>>> TrafficType. TrafficType Id: 3","2015-01-22 08:43:41"
> >>>> "41","TRAFFIC.TYPE.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed Creating 
> >>>> Physical Network TrafficType. TrafficType Id: 3","2015-01-22 08:43:41"
> >>>> "42","NETWORK.ELEMENT.CONFIGURE","Scheduled","configuring virtual router 
> >>>> provider: 4","2015-01-22 08:43:46"
> >>>> "43","SERVICE.PROVIDER.UPDATE","Scheduled","Updating physical network 
> >>>> ServiceProvider: 6","2015-01-22 08:43:46"
> >>>> "44","SERVICE.PROVIDER.UPDATE","Started","Updating physical network 
> >>>> ServiceProvider","2015-01-22 08:43:46"
> >>>> "45","SERVICE.PROVIDER.UPDATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> Updating physical network ServiceProvider","2015-01-22 08:43:46"
> >>>> "46","PHYSICAL.NETWORK.UPDATE","Scheduled","Updating Physical network: 
> >>>> 201","2015-01-22 08:43:51"
> >>>> "47","PHYSICAL.NETWORK.UPDATE","Started","updating physical 
> >>>> network","2015-01-22 08:43:51"
> >>>> "48","PHYSICAL.NETWORK.UPDATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> updating physical network","2015-01-22 08:43:51"
> >>>> "49","VLAN.IP.RANGE.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> vlan ip range","2015-01-22 08:45:07"
> >>>> "50","TRAFFIC.TYPE.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> Creating Physical Network TrafficType. Zone Id: 1","2015-01-22 08:45:07"
> >>>> "51","ZONE.EDIT","Completed","Successfully completed editing zone. Zone 
> >>>> Id: 1","2015-01-22 08:45:07"
> >>>> "52","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for creating 
> >>>> firewall rule","2015-01-22 08:45:25"
> >>>> "53","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for creating 
> >>>> firewall rule","2015-01-22 08:45:25"
> >>>> "54","SERVICE.OFFERING.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> creating service offering. Service offering id=30","2015-01-22 08:55:48"
> >>>> "55","ACCOUNT.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Account. Account Name: null, Domain Id:null","2015-01-22 08:55:48"
> >>>> "56","USER.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating User. 
> >>>> Account Name: null, Domain Id:null","2015-01-22 08:55:48"
> >>>> "57","USER.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating User. 
> >>>> UserName: User-FGFAQX, FirstName :User, LastName: User","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 08:55:49"
> >>>> "58","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Scheduled","deleting User 
> >>>> test-TestUserLogin-test_01_create_account-TPZITS (id: 4) and accountId = 
> >>>> 4","2015-01-22 08:55:49"
> >>>> "59","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Started","deleting account. Account Id: 
> >>>> 4","2015-01-22 08:55:49"
> >>>> "60","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> account. Account Id: 4","2015-01-22 08:55:49"
> >>>> "61","SERVICE.OFFERING.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> deleting service offering. Service offering id=30","2015-01-22 08:55:54"
> >>>> "62","DOMAIN.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Domain. Domain Name: Domain-F8DWZU, Parent DomainId :1","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 08:55:54"
> >>>> "63","ACCOUNT.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Account. Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 08:55:54"
> >>>> "64","USER.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating User. 
> >>>> Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 08:55:54"
> >>>> "65","ACCOUNT.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Account. Account Name: null, Domain Id:2","2015-01-22 08:55:54"
> >>>> "66","USER.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating User. 
> >>>> Account Name: null, Domain Id:2","2015-01-22 08:55:54"
> >>>> "67","SERVICE.OFFERING.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> creating service offering. Service offering id=31","2015-01-22 08:55:54"
> >>>> "68","VM.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for deploying 
> >>>> Vm. Vm Id: 3","2015-01-22 08:55:54"
> >>>> "69","VM.CREATE","Scheduled","starting Vm. Vm Id: 3","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 08:55:54"
> >>>> "70","VM.CREATE","Started","starting Vm. Vm Id: 3","2015-01-22 08:55:55"
> >>>> "71","ZONE.VLAN.ASSIGN","Completed","Assigned Zone Vlan: 132 Network Id: 
> >>>> 204","2015-01-22 08:55:56"
> >>>> "72","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for creating 
> >>>> firewall rule","2015-01-22 08:55:56"
> >>>> "73","VM.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed starting Vm. Vm Id: 
> >>>> 3","2015-01-22 08:58:29"
> >>>> "74","VM.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for deploying 
> >>>> Vm. Vm Id: 5","2015-01-22 08:58:30"
> >>>> "75","VM.CREATE","Scheduled","starting Vm. Vm Id: 5","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 08:58:30"
> >>>> "76","VM.CREATE","Started","starting Vm. Vm Id: 5","2015-01-22 08:58:30"
> >>>> "77","ZONE.VLAN.ASSIGN","Completed","Assigned Zone Vlan: 121 Network Id: 
> >>>> 205","2015-01-22 08:58:32"
> >>>> "78","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for creating 
> >>>> firewall rule","2015-01-22 08:58:32"
> >>>> "79","VM.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed starting Vm. Vm Id: 
> >>>> 5","2015-01-22 09:00:52"
> >>>> "80","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Scheduled","deleting User 
> >>>> test-TestUserLogin-test_01_create_account-M48UPS (id: 6) and accountId = 
> >>>> 5","2015-01-22 09:00:56"
> >>>> "81","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Started","deleting account. Account Id: 
> >>>> 6","2015-01-22 09:00:56"
> >>>> "82","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 6","2015-01-22 09:01:08"
> >>>> "83","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 6","2015-01-22 09:01:08"
> >>>> "84","ZONE.VLAN.RELEASE","Completed","Released Zone Vnet: 121 for 
> >>>> Network: 205","2015-01-22 09:01:19"
> >>>> "85","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 6","2015-01-22 09:01:19"
> >>>> "86","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 6","2015-01-22 09:01:19"
> >>>> "87","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 6","2015-01-22 09:01:19"
> >>>> "88","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 6","2015-01-22 09:01:19"
> >>>> "89","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Started","removing remote access vpn. 
> >>>> Account Id: 6","2015-01-22 09:01:19"
> >>>> "90","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> removing remote access vpn. Account Id: 6","2015-01-22 09:01:19"
> >>>> "91","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> account. Account Id: 6","2015-01-22 09:01:20"
> >>>> "92","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Scheduled","user delete, but this user does not 
> >>>> exist in the system","2015-01-22 09:01:21"
> >>>> "93","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Started","deleting account. Account Id: 
> >>>> 5","2015-01-22 09:01:21"
> >>>> "94","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 5","2015-01-22 09:01:30"
> >>>> "95","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 5","2015-01-22 09:01:30"
> >>>> "96","ZONE.VLAN.RELEASE","Completed","Released Zone Vnet: 132 for 
> >>>> Network: 204","2015-01-22 09:01:43"
> >>>> "97","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 5","2015-01-22 09:01:43"
> >>>> "98","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 5","2015-01-22 09:01:43"
> >>>> "99","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 5","2015-01-22 09:01:43"
> >>>> "100","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 5","2015-01-22 09:01:43"
> >>>> "101","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Started","removing remote access vpn. 
> >>>> Account Id: 5","2015-01-22 09:01:43"
> >>>> "102","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> removing remote access vpn. Account Id: 5","2015-01-22 09:01:43"
> >>>> "103","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> account. Account Id: 5","2015-01-22 09:01:44"
> >>>> "104","DOMAIN.DELETE","Scheduled","deleting domain: 2","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:01:46"
> >>>> "105","DOMAIN.DELETE","Started","deleting Domain. Domain Id: 
> >>>> 2","2015-01-22 09:01:46"
> >>>> "106","DOMAIN.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> Domain. Domain Id: 2","2015-01-22 09:01:46"
> >>>> "107","SERVICE.OFFERING.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> deleting service offering. Service offering id=31","2015-01-22 09:01:51"
> >>>> "108","DOMAIN.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Domain. Domain Name: Domain-7XW3QP, Parent DomainId :1","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:01:52"
> >>>> "109","ACCOUNT.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Account. Account Name: null, Domain Id:3","2015-01-22 09:01:52"
> >>>> "110","USER.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating User. 
> >>>> Account Name: null, Domain Id:3","2015-01-22 09:01:52"
> >>>> "111","ACCOUNT.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Account. Account Name: null, Domain Id:3","2015-01-22 09:01:52"
> >>>> "112","USER.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating User. 
> >>>> Account Name: null, Domain Id:3","2015-01-22 09:01:52"
> >>>> "113","SERVICE.OFFERING.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> creating service offering. Service offering id=32","2015-01-22 09:01:52"
> >>>> "114","VM.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for deploying 
> >>>> Vm. Vm Id: 7","2015-01-22 09:01:52"
> >>>> "115","VM.CREATE","Scheduled","starting Vm. Vm Id: 7","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:01:52"
> >>>> "116","VM.CREATE","Started","starting Vm. Vm Id: 7","2015-01-22 09:01:52"
> >>>> "117","ZONE.VLAN.ASSIGN","Completed","Assigned Zone Vlan: 105 Network 
> >>>> Id: 206","2015-01-22 09:01:54"
> >>>> "118","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 09:01:54"
> >>>> "119","VM.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed starting Vm. Vm 
> >>>> Id: 7","2015-01-22 09:04:17"
> >>>> "120","VM.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for deploying 
> >>>> Vm. Vm Id: 9","2015-01-22 09:04:18"
> >>>> "121","VM.CREATE","Scheduled","starting Vm. Vm Id: 9","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:04:18"
> >>>> "122","VM.CREATE","Started","starting Vm. Vm Id: 9","2015-01-22 09:04:18"
> >>>> "123","ZONE.VLAN.ASSIGN","Completed","Assigned Zone Vlan: 106 Network 
> >>>> Id: 207","2015-01-22 09:04:20"
> >>>> "124","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 09:04:20"
> >>>> "125","VM.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed starting Vm. Vm 
> >>>> Id: 9","2015-01-22 09:06:41"
> >>>> "126","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule. Rule Id: 2","2015-01-22 09:06:44"
> >>>> "127","NET.RULEADD","Created","Successfully created entity for creating 
> >>>> forwarding rule. Rule Id: 1","2015-01-22 09:06:44"
> >>>> "128","NET.RULEADD","Scheduled","Applying port forwarding  rule for Ip: 
> >>>> with virtual machine:7","2015-01-22 09:06:44"
> >>>> "129","NET.RULEADD","Started","applying port forwarding rule. Rule Id: 
> >>>> 1","2015-01-22 09:06:44"
> >>>> "130","NET.RULEADD","Completed","Successfully completed applying port 
> >>>> forwarding rule. Rule Id: 1","2015-01-22 09:06:45"
> >>>> "131","DOMAIN.DELETE","Scheduled","deleting domain: 3","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:06:49"
> >>>> "132","DOMAIN.DELETE","Started","deleting Domain. Domain Id: 
> >>>> 3","2015-01-22 09:06:49"
> >>>> "133","DOMAIN.DELETE","Completed","Error while deleting Domain. Domain 
> >>>> Id: 3","2015-01-22 09:06:49"
> >>>> "134","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Scheduled","user delete, but this user does not 
> >>>> exist in the system","2015-01-22 09:06:54"
> >>>> "135","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Started","deleting account. Account Id: 
> >>>> 7","2015-01-22 09:06:54"
> >>>> "136","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 7","2015-01-22 09:07:05"
> >>>> "137","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 7","2015-01-22 09:07:05"
> >>>> "138","ZONE.VLAN.RELEASE","Completed","Released Zone Vnet: 105 for 
> >>>> Network: 206","2015-01-22 09:07:19"
> >>>> "139","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 7","2015-01-22 09:07:19"
> >>>> "140","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 7","2015-01-22 09:07:19"
> >>>> "141","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 7","2015-01-22 09:07:19"
> >>>> "142","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 7","2015-01-22 09:07:19"
> >>>> "143","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Started","removing remote access vpn. 
> >>>> Account Id: 7","2015-01-22 09:07:19"
> >>>> "144","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> removing remote access vpn. Account Id: 7","2015-01-22 09:07:19"
> >>>> "145","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> account. Account Id: 7","2015-01-22 09:07:20"
> >>>> "146","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Scheduled","user delete, but this user does not 
> >>>> exist in the system","2015-01-22 09:07:24"
> >>>> "147","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Started","deleting account. Account Id: 
> >>>> 8","2015-01-22 09:07:24"
> >>>> "148","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 8","2015-01-22 09:07:35"
> >>>> "149","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 8","2015-01-22 09:07:35"
> >>>> "150","ZONE.VLAN.RELEASE","Completed","Released Zone Vnet: 106 for 
> >>>> Network: 207","2015-01-22 09:07:46"
> >>>> "151","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 8","2015-01-22 09:07:46"
> >>>> "152","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 8","2015-01-22 09:07:46"
> >>>> "153","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 8","2015-01-22 09:07:46"
> >>>> "154","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 8","2015-01-22 09:07:46"
> >>>> "155","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Started","removing remote access vpn. 
> >>>> Account Id: 8","2015-01-22 09:07:46"
> >>>> "156","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> removing remote access vpn. Account Id: 8","2015-01-22 09:07:46"
> >>>> "157","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> account. Account Id: 8","2015-01-22 09:07:46"
> >>>> "158","SERVICE.OFFERING.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> deleting service offering. Service offering id=32","2015-01-22 09:07:49"
> >>>> "159","DOMAIN.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Domain. Domain Name: Domain-PNY1F7, Parent DomainId :1","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:07:49"
> >>>> "160","ACCOUNT.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Account. Account Name: null, Domain Id:4","2015-01-22 09:07:49"
> >>>> "161","USER.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating User. 
> >>>> Account Name: null, Domain Id:4","2015-01-22 09:07:49"
> >>>> "162","ACCOUNT.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Account. Account Name: null, Domain Id:4","2015-01-22 09:07:49"
> >>>> "163","USER.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating User. 
> >>>> Account Name: null, Domain Id:4","2015-01-22 09:07:49"
> >>>> "164","SERVICE.OFFERING.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> creating service offering. Service offering id=33","2015-01-22 09:07:49"
> >>>> "165","VM.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for deploying 
> >>>> Vm. Vm Id: 11","2015-01-22 09:07:50"
> >>>> "166","VM.CREATE","Scheduled","starting Vm. Vm Id: 11","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:07:50"
> >>>> "167","VM.CREATE","Started","starting Vm. Vm Id: 11","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:07:50"
> >>>> "168","ZONE.VLAN.ASSIGN","Completed","Assigned Zone Vlan: 118 Network 
> >>>> Id: 208","2015-01-22 09:07:52"
> >>>> "169","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 09:07:52"
> >>>> "170","VM.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed starting Vm. Vm 
> >>>> Id: 11","2015-01-22 09:10:11"
> >>>> "171","VM.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for deploying 
> >>>> Vm. Vm Id: 13","2015-01-22 09:10:16"
> >>>> "172","VM.CREATE","Scheduled","starting Vm. Vm Id: 13","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:10:16"
> >>>> "173","VM.CREATE","Started","starting Vm. Vm Id: 13","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:10:16"
> >>>> "174","ZONE.VLAN.ASSIGN","Completed","Assigned Zone Vlan: 121 Network 
> >>>> Id: 209","2015-01-22 09:10:18"
> >>>> "175","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 09:10:18"
> >>>> "176","VM.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed starting Vm. Vm 
> >>>> Id: 13","2015-01-22 09:12:38"
> >>>> "177","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule. Rule Id: 4","2015-01-22 09:12:41"
> >>>> "178","NET.RULEADD","Created","Successfully created entity for creating 
> >>>> forwarding rule. Rule Id: 3","2015-01-22 09:12:41"
> >>>> "179","NET.RULEADD","Scheduled","Applying port forwarding  rule for Ip: 
> >>>> with virtual machine:11","2015-01-22 09:12:41"
> >>>> "180","NET.RULEADD","Started","applying port forwarding rule. Rule Id: 
> >>>> 3","2015-01-22 09:12:42"
> >>>> "181","NET.RULEADD","Completed","Successfully completed applying port 
> >>>> forwarding rule. Rule Id: 3","2015-01-22 09:12:43"
> >>>> "182","DOMAIN.DELETE","Scheduled","deleting domain: 4","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:12:47"
> >>>> "183","DOMAIN.DELETE","Started","deleting Domain. Domain Id: 
> >>>> 4","2015-01-22 09:12:47"
> >>>> "184","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Domain Id: 
> >>>> 4","2015-01-22 09:12:56"
> >>>> "185","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Domain Id: 4","2015-01-22 09:12:57"
> >>>> "186","ZONE.VLAN.RELEASE","Completed","Released Zone Vnet: 118 for 
> >>>> Network: 208","2015-01-22 09:13:08"
> >>>> "187","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Domain Id: 
> >>>> 4","2015-01-22 09:13:08"
> >>>> "188","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Domain Id: 4","2015-01-22 09:13:08"
> >>>> "189","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Domain Id: 
> >>>> 4","2015-01-22 09:13:08"
> >>>> "190","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Domain Id: 4","2015-01-22 09:13:08"
> >>>> "191","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Started","removing remote access vpn. 
> >>>> Domain Id: 4","2015-01-22 09:13:08"
> >>>> "192","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> removing remote access vpn. Domain Id: 4","2015-01-22 09:13:08"
> >>>> "193","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Domain Id: 
> >>>> 4","2015-01-22 09:13:22"
> >>>> "194","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Domain Id: 4","2015-01-22 09:13:22"
> >>>> "195","ZONE.VLAN.RELEASE","Completed","Released Zone Vnet: 121 for 
> >>>> Network: 209","2015-01-22 09:13:33"
> >>>> "196","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Domain Id: 
> >>>> 4","2015-01-22 09:13:33"
> >>>> "197","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Domain Id: 4","2015-01-22 09:13:33"
> >>>> "198","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Domain Id: 
> >>>> 4","2015-01-22 09:13:33"
> >>>> "199","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Domain Id: 4","2015-01-22 09:13:33"
> >>>> "200","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Started","removing remote access vpn. 
> >>>> Domain Id: 4","2015-01-22 09:13:33"
> >>>> "201","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> removing remote access vpn. Domain Id: 4","2015-01-22 09:13:33"
> >>>> "202","DOMAIN.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> Domain. Domain Id: 4","2015-01-22 09:13:34"
> >>>> "203","ACCOUNT.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Account. Account Name: null, Domain Id:null","2015-01-22 09:13:37"
> >>>> "204","USER.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating User. 
> >>>> Account Name: null, Domain Id:null","2015-01-22 09:13:37"
> >>>> "205","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Scheduled","user delete, but this user does not 
> >>>> exist in the system","2015-01-22 09:13:37"
> >>>> "206","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Started","deleting account. Account Id: 
> >>>> 11","2015-01-22 09:13:37"
> >>>> "207","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> account. Account Id: 11","2015-01-22 09:13:37"
> >>>> "208","ACCOUNT.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Account. Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 09:13:42"
> >>>> "209","USER.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating User. 
> >>>> Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 09:13:42"
> >>>> "210","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Scheduled","user delete, but this user does not 
> >>>> exist in the system","2015-01-22 09:13:42"
> >>>> "211","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Started","deleting account. Account Id: 
> >>>> 12","2015-01-22 09:13:42"
> >>>> "212","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> account. Account Id: 12","2015-01-22 09:13:42"
> >>>> "213","ACCOUNT.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Account. Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 09:13:47"
> >>>> "214","USER.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating User. 
> >>>> Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 09:13:47"
> >>>> "215","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Scheduled","user delete, but this user does not 
> >>>> exist in the system","2015-01-22 09:13:47"
> >>>> "216","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Started","deleting account. Account Id: 
> >>>> 13","2015-01-22 09:13:47"
> >>>> "217","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> account. Account Id: 13","2015-01-22 09:13:48"
> >>>> "218","DOMAIN.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Domain. Domain Name: Domain-MHWGT8, Parent DomainId :1","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:13:53"
> >>>> "219","ACCOUNT.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Account. Account Name: null, Domain Id:5","2015-01-22 09:13:53"
> >>>> "220","USER.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating User. 
> >>>> Account Name: null, Domain Id:5","2015-01-22 09:13:53"
> >>>> "221","USER.LOGIN","Completed","user has logged in from IP Address 
> >>>>","2015-01-22 09:13:53"
> >>>> "222","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Scheduled","user delete, but this user does not 
> >>>> exist in the system","2015-01-22 09:13:53"
> >>>> "223","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Started","deleting account. Account Id: 
> >>>> 14","2015-01-22 09:13:53"
> >>>> "224","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> account. Account Id: 14","2015-01-22 09:13:53"
> >>>> "225","ACCOUNT.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Account. Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 09:13:58"
> >>>> "226","USER.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating User. 
> >>>> Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 09:13:58"
> >>>> "227","USER.LOGIN","Completed","user has logged in from IP Address 
> >>>>","2015-01-22 09:13:58"
> >>>> "228","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Scheduled","user delete, but this user does not 
> >>>> exist in the system","2015-01-22 09:13:58"
> >>>> "229","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Started","deleting account. Account Id: 
> >>>> 15","2015-01-22 09:13:58"
> >>>> "230","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> account. Account Id: 15","2015-01-22 09:13:58"
> >>>> "231","ACCOUNT.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Account. Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 09:29:34"
> >>>> "232","USER.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating User. 
> >>>> Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 09:29:34"
> >>>> "233","SERVICE.OFFERING.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> creating service offering. Service offering id=34","2015-01-22 09:29:34"
> >>>> "234","VM.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for deploying 
> >>>> Vm. Vm Id: 15","2015-01-22 09:29:34"
> >>>> "235","VM.CREATE","Scheduled","starting Vm. Vm Id: 15","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:29:34"
> >>>> "236","VM.CREATE","Started","starting Vm. Vm Id: 15","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:29:34"
> >>>> "237","ZONE.VLAN.ASSIGN","Completed","Assigned Zone Vlan: 141 Network 
> >>>> Id: 210","2015-01-22 09:29:36"
> >>>> "238","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 09:29:36"
> >>>> "239","VM.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed starting Vm. Vm 
> >>>> Id: 15","2015-01-22 09:31:57"
> >>>> "240","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 09:32:00"
> >>>> "241","NET.IPASSIGN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> allocating Ip. Ip Id: 4","2015-01-22 09:32:00"
> >>>> "242","NET.IPASSIGN","Scheduled","associating ip to network id: 210 in 
> >>>> zone 1","2015-01-22 09:32:00"
> >>>> "243","NET.IPASSIGN","Started","associating Ip. Ip Id: 4","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:32:00"
> >>>> "244","NET.IPASSIGN","Completed","Successfully completed associating Ip. 
> >>>> Ip Id: 4","2015-01-22 09:32:00"
> >>>> "245","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule. Rule Id: 5","2015-01-22 09:32:05"
> >>>> "246","FIREWALL.OPEN","Scheduled","Creating firewall rule for Ip: 
> >>>> for protocol:TCP","2015-01-22 09:32:05"
> >>>> "247","FIREWALL.OPEN","Started","creating firewall rule. Rule Id: 
> >>>> 5","2015-01-22 09:32:05"
> >>>> "248","FIREWALL.OPEN","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> firewall rule. Rule Id: 5","2015-01-22 09:32:08"
> >>>> "249","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 09:32:10"
> >>>> "250","NET.RULEADD","Created","Successfully created entity for creating 
> >>>> forwarding rule. Rule Id: 6","2015-01-22 09:32:10"
> >>>> "251","NET.RULEADD","Scheduled","Applying port forwarding  rule for Ip: 
> >>>> with virtual machine:15","2015-01-22 09:32:10"
> >>>> "252","NET.RULEADD","Started","applying port forwarding rule. Rule Id: 
> >>>> 6","2015-01-22 09:32:11"
> >>>> "253","NET.RULEADD","Completed","Successfully completed applying port 
> >>>> forwarding rule. Rule Id: 6","2015-01-22 09:32:12"
> >>>> "254","FIREWALL.EGRESS.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating egress firewall rule for network. Rule Id: 7","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:32:15"
> >>>> "255","FIREWALL.EGRESS.OPEN","Scheduled","Creating firewall rule for 
> >>>> network: Ntwk[210|Guest|8] for protocol:All","2015-01-22 09:32:15"
> >>>> "256","FIREWALL.EGRESS.OPEN","Started","creating egress firewall rule. 
> >>>> Rule Id: 7","2015-01-22 09:32:15"
> >>>> "257","FIREWALL.EGRESS.OPEN","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> creating egress firewall rule. Rule Id: 7","2015-01-22 09:32:16"
> >>>> "258","VM.REBOOT","Scheduled","rebooting user vm: 15","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:32:20"
> >>>> "259","VM.REBOOT","Started","rebooting Vm. Vm Id: 15","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:32:21"
> >>>> "260","VM.REBOOT","Completed","Successfully completed rebooting Vm. Vm 
> >>>> Id: 15","2015-01-22 09:32:39"
> >>>> "261","SERVICE.OFFERING.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> deleting service offering. Service offering id=34","2015-01-22 09:32:41"
> >>>> "262","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Scheduled","user delete, but this user does not 
> >>>> exist in the system","2015-01-22 09:32:41"
> >>>> "263","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Started","deleting account. Account Id: 
> >>>> 16","2015-01-22 09:32:41"
> >>>> "264","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 16","2015-01-22 09:32:51"
> >>>> "265","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 16","2015-01-22 09:32:51"
> >>>> "266","ZONE.VLAN.RELEASE","Completed","Released Zone Vnet: 141 for 
> >>>> Network: 210","2015-01-22 09:33:04"
> >>>> "267","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 16","2015-01-22 09:33:04"
> >>>> "268","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 16","2015-01-22 09:33:04"
> >>>> "269","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 16","2015-01-22 09:33:04"
> >>>> "270","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 16","2015-01-22 09:33:04"
> >>>> "271","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Started","removing remote access vpn. 
> >>>> Account Id: 16","2015-01-22 09:33:04"
> >>>> "272","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> removing remote access vpn. Account Id: 16","2015-01-22 09:33:04"
> >>>> "273","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 16","2015-01-22 09:33:04"
> >>>> "274","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 16","2015-01-22 09:33:04"
> >>>> "275","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Started","removing remote access vpn. 
> >>>> Account Id: 16","2015-01-22 09:33:04"
> >>>> "276","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> removing remote access vpn. Account Id: 16","2015-01-22 09:33:04"
> >>>> "277","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> account. Account Id: 16","2015-01-22 09:33:07"
> >>>> "278","ACCOUNT.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Account. Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 09:38:06"
> >>>> "279","USER.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating User. 
> >>>> Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 09:38:06"
> >>>> "280","SERVICE.OFFERING.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> creating service offering. Service offering id=35","2015-01-22 09:38:06"
> >>>> "281","VM.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for deploying 
> >>>> Vm. Vm Id: 17","2015-01-22 09:38:06"
> >>>> "282","VM.CREATE","Scheduled","starting Vm. Vm Id: 17","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:38:06"
> >>>> "283","VM.CREATE","Started","starting Vm. Vm Id: 17","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:38:06"
> >>>> "284","ZONE.VLAN.ASSIGN","Completed","Assigned Zone Vlan: 113 Network 
> >>>> Id: 211","2015-01-22 09:38:08"
> >>>> "285","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 09:38:08"
> >>>> "286","VM.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed starting Vm. Vm 
> >>>> Id: 17","2015-01-22 09:40:29"
> >>>> "287","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 09:40:32"
> >>>> "288","NET.IPASSIGN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> allocating Ip. Ip Id: 4","2015-01-22 09:40:32"
> >>>> "289","NET.IPASSIGN","Scheduled","associating ip to network id: 211 in 
> >>>> zone 1","2015-01-22 09:40:32"
> >>>> "290","NET.IPASSIGN","Started","associating Ip. Ip Id: 4","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:40:32"
> >>>> "291","NET.IPASSIGN","Completed","Successfully completed associating Ip. 
> >>>> Ip Id: 4","2015-01-22 09:40:32"
> >>>> "292","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule. Rule Id: 8","2015-01-22 09:40:37"
> >>>> "293","FIREWALL.OPEN","Scheduled","Creating firewall rule for Ip: 
> >>>> for protocol:TCP","2015-01-22 09:40:37"
> >>>> "294","FIREWALL.OPEN","Started","creating firewall rule. Rule Id: 
> >>>> 8","2015-01-22 09:40:37"
> >>>> "295","FIREWALL.OPEN","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> firewall rule. Rule Id: 8","2015-01-22 09:40:39"
> >>>> "296","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 09:40:42"
> >>>> "297","NET.RULEADD","Created","Successfully created entity for creating 
> >>>> forwarding rule. Rule Id: 9","2015-01-22 09:40:42"
> >>>> "298","NET.RULEADD","Scheduled","Applying port forwarding  rule for Ip: 
> >>>> with virtual machine:17","2015-01-22 09:40:42"
> >>>> "299","NET.RULEADD","Started","applying port forwarding rule. Rule Id: 
> >>>> 9","2015-01-22 09:40:50"
> >>>> "300","NET.RULEADD","Completed","Successfully completed applying port 
> >>>> forwarding rule. Rule Id: 9","2015-01-22 09:40:51"
> >>>> "301","FIREWALL.EGRESS.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating egress firewall rule for network. Rule Id: 10","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:40:52"
> >>>> "302","FIREWALL.EGRESS.OPEN","Scheduled","Creating firewall rule for 
> >>>> network: Ntwk[211|Guest|8] for protocol:All","2015-01-22 09:40:52"
> >>>> "303","FIREWALL.EGRESS.OPEN","Started","creating egress firewall rule. 
> >>>> Rule Id: 10","2015-01-22 09:40:52"
> >>>> "304","FIREWALL.EGRESS.OPEN","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> creating egress firewall rule. Rule Id: 10","2015-01-22 09:40:53"
> >>>> "305","ACCOUNT.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Account. Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 09:40:58"
> >>>> "306","USER.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating User. 
> >>>> Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 09:40:58"
> >>>> "307","VM.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for deploying 
> >>>> Vm. Vm Id: 19","2015-01-22 09:40:58"
> >>>> "308","VM.CREATE","Scheduled","starting Vm. Vm Id: 19","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:40:58"
> >>>> "309","VM.CREATE","Started","starting Vm. Vm Id: 19","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:40:58"
> >>>> "310","ZONE.VLAN.ASSIGN","Completed","Assigned Zone Vlan: 126 Network 
> >>>> Id: 212","2015-01-22 09:41:00"
> >>>> "311","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 09:41:00"
> >>>> "312","VM.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed starting Vm. Vm 
> >>>> Id: 19","2015-01-22 09:43:20"
> >>>> "313","VM.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for deploying 
> >>>> Vm. Vm Id: 21","2015-01-22 09:43:24"
> >>>> "314","VM.CREATE","Scheduled","starting Vm. Vm Id: 21","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:43:24"
> >>>> "315","VM.CREATE","Started","starting Vm. Vm Id: 21","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:43:24"
> >>>> "316","VM.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed starting Vm. Vm 
> >>>> Id: 21","2015-01-22 09:43:33"
> >>>> "317","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Scheduled","deleting User 
> >>>> test-a-TestDeployVM-SF0VGH (id: 18) and accountId = 17","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:43:34"
> >>>> "318","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Started","deleting account. Account Id: 
> >>>> 18","2015-01-22 09:43:34"
> >>>> "319","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 18","2015-01-22 09:43:43"
> >>>> "320","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 18","2015-01-22 09:43:43"
> >>>> "321","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 18","2015-01-22 09:43:52"
> >>>> "322","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 18","2015-01-22 09:43:52"
> >>>> "323","ZONE.VLAN.RELEASE","Completed","Released Zone Vnet: 126 for 
> >>>> Network: 212","2015-01-22 09:44:05"
> >>>> "324","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 18","2015-01-22 09:44:05"
> >>>> "325","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 18","2015-01-22 09:44:05"
> >>>> "326","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 18","2015-01-22 09:44:05"
> >>>> "327","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 18","2015-01-22 09:44:05"
> >>>> "328","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Started","removing remote access vpn. 
> >>>> Account Id: 18","2015-01-22 09:44:05"
> >>>> "329","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> removing remote access vpn. Account Id: 18","2015-01-22 09:44:05"
> >>>> "330","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> account. Account Id: 18","2015-01-22 09:44:06"
> >>>> "331","SERVICE.OFFERING.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> deleting service offering. Service offering id=35","2015-01-22 09:44:09"
> >>>> "332","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Scheduled","user delete, but this user does not 
> >>>> exist in the system","2015-01-22 09:44:09"
> >>>> "333","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Started","deleting account. Account Id: 
> >>>> 17","2015-01-22 09:44:09"
> >>>> "334","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 17","2015-01-22 09:44:18"
> >>>> "335","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 17","2015-01-22 09:44:18"
> >>>> "336","ZONE.VLAN.RELEASE","Completed","Released Zone Vnet: 113 for 
> >>>> Network: 211","2015-01-22 09:44:31"
> >>>> "337","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 17","2015-01-22 09:44:31"
> >>>> "338","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 17","2015-01-22 09:44:31"
> >>>> "339","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 17","2015-01-22 09:44:31"
> >>>> "340","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 17","2015-01-22 09:44:31"
> >>>> "341","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Started","removing remote access vpn. 
> >>>> Account Id: 17","2015-01-22 09:44:31"
> >>>> "342","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> removing remote access vpn. Account Id: 17","2015-01-22 09:44:31"
> >>>> "343","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 17","2015-01-22 09:44:31"
> >>>> "344","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 17","2015-01-22 09:44:31"
> >>>> "345","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Started","removing remote access vpn. 
> >>>> Account Id: 17","2015-01-22 09:44:31"
> >>>> "346","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> removing remote access vpn. Account Id: 17","2015-01-22 09:44:31"
> >>>> "347","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> account. Account Id: 17","2015-01-22 09:44:32"
> >>>> "348","ACCOUNT.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Account. Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 09:44:34"
> >>>> "349","USER.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating User. 
> >>>> Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 09:44:34"
> >>>> "350","SERVICE.OFFERING.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> creating service offering. Service offering id=36","2015-01-22 09:44:34"
> >>>> "351","SERVICE.OFFERING.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> creating service offering. Service offering id=37","2015-01-22 09:44:34"
> >>>> "352","VM.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for deploying 
> >>>> Vm. Vm Id: 22","2015-01-22 09:44:34"
> >>>> "353","VM.CREATE","Scheduled","starting Vm. Vm Id: 22","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:44:34"
> >>>> "354","VM.CREATE","Started","starting Vm. Vm Id: 22","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:44:34"
> >>>> "355","ZONE.VLAN.ASSIGN","Completed","Assigned Zone Vlan: 131 Network 
> >>>> Id: 213","2015-01-22 09:44:36"
> >>>> "356","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 09:44:36"
> >>>> "357","VM.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed starting Vm. Vm 
> >>>> Id: 22","2015-01-22 09:46:57"
> >>>> "358","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 09:47:00"
> >>>> "359","NET.IPASSIGN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> allocating Ip. Ip Id: 4","2015-01-22 09:47:00"
> >>>> "360","NET.IPASSIGN","Scheduled","associating ip to network id: 213 in 
> >>>> zone 1","2015-01-22 09:47:00"
> >>>> "361","NET.IPASSIGN","Started","associating Ip. Ip Id: 4","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:47:00"
> >>>> "362","NET.IPASSIGN","Completed","Successfully completed associating Ip. 
> >>>> Ip Id: 4","2015-01-22 09:47:00"
> >>>> "363","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule. Rule Id: 11","2015-01-22 09:47:05"
> >>>> "364","FIREWALL.OPEN","Scheduled","Creating firewall rule for Ip: 
> >>>> for protocol:TCP","2015-01-22 09:47:05"
> >>>> "365","FIREWALL.OPEN","Started","creating firewall rule. Rule Id: 
> >>>> 11","2015-01-22 09:47:05"
> >>>> "366","FIREWALL.OPEN","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> firewall rule. Rule Id: 11","2015-01-22 09:47:08"
> >>>> "367","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 09:47:10"
> >>>> "368","NET.RULEADD","Created","Successfully created entity for creating 
> >>>> forwarding rule. Rule Id: 12","2015-01-22 09:47:10"
> >>>> "369","NET.RULEADD","Scheduled","Applying port forwarding  rule for Ip: 
> >>>> with virtual machine:22","2015-01-22 09:47:10"
> >>>> "370","NET.RULEADD","Started","applying port forwarding rule. Rule Id: 
> >>>> 12","2015-01-22 09:47:11"
> >>>> "371","NET.RULEADD","Completed","Successfully completed applying port 
> >>>> forwarding rule. Rule Id: 12","2015-01-22 09:47:11"
> >>>> "372","FIREWALL.EGRESS.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating egress firewall rule for network. Rule Id: 13","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:47:15"
> >>>> "373","FIREWALL.EGRESS.OPEN","Scheduled","Creating firewall rule for 
> >>>> network: Ntwk[213|Guest|8] for protocol:All","2015-01-22 09:47:15"
> >>>> "374","FIREWALL.EGRESS.OPEN","Started","creating egress firewall rule. 
> >>>> Rule Id: 13","2015-01-22 09:47:15"
> >>>> "375","FIREWALL.EGRESS.OPEN","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> creating egress firewall rule. Rule Id: 13","2015-01-22 09:47:16"
> >>>> "376","VM.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for deploying 
> >>>> Vm. Vm Id: 24","2015-01-22 09:47:20"
> >>>> "377","VM.CREATE","Scheduled","starting Vm. Vm Id: 24","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:47:20"
> >>>> "378","VM.CREATE","Started","starting Vm. Vm Id: 24","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:47:20"
> >>>> "379","VM.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed starting Vm. Vm 
> >>>> Id: 24","2015-01-22 09:47:29"
> >>>> "380","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 09:47:31"
> >>>> "381","NET.IPASSIGN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> allocating Ip. Ip Id: 5","2015-01-22 09:47:31"
> >>>> "382","NET.IPASSIGN","Scheduled","associating ip to network id: 213 in 
> >>>> zone 1","2015-01-22 09:47:31"
> >>>> "383","NET.IPASSIGN","Started","associating Ip. Ip Id: 5","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:47:31"
> >>>> "384","NET.IPASSIGN","Completed","Successfully completed associating Ip. 
> >>>> Ip Id: 5","2015-01-22 09:47:31"
> >>>> "385","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule. Rule Id: 14","2015-01-22 09:47:36"
> >>>> "386","FIREWALL.OPEN","Scheduled","Creating firewall rule for Ip: 
> >>>> for protocol:TCP","2015-01-22 09:47:36"
> >>>> "387","FIREWALL.OPEN","Started","creating firewall rule. Rule Id: 
> >>>> 14","2015-01-22 09:47:36"
> >>>> "388","FIREWALL.OPEN","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> firewall rule. Rule Id: 14","2015-01-22 09:47:39"
> >>>> "389","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 09:47:41"
> >>>> "390","NET.RULEADD","Created","Successfully created entity for creating 
> >>>> forwarding rule. Rule Id: 15","2015-01-22 09:47:41"
> >>>> "391","NET.RULEADD","Scheduled","Applying port forwarding  rule for Ip: 
> >>>> with virtual machine:24","2015-01-22 09:47:41"
> >>>> "392","NET.RULEADD","Started","applying port forwarding rule. Rule Id: 
> >>>> 15","2015-01-22 09:47:41"
> >>>> "393","NET.RULEADD","Completed","Successfully completed applying port 
> >>>> forwarding rule. Rule Id: 15","2015-01-22 09:47:42"
> >>>> "394","FIREWALL.EGRESS.OPEN","Created","Error while creating entity for 
> >>>> creating egress firewall rule for network","2015-01-22 09:47:46"
> >>>> "395","VM.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for deploying 
> >>>> Vm. Vm Id: 25","2015-01-22 09:47:46"
> >>>> "396","VM.CREATE","Scheduled","starting Vm. Vm Id: 25","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:47:46"
> >>>> "397","VM.CREATE","Started","starting Vm. Vm Id: 25","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:47:46"
> >>>> "398","VM.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed starting Vm. Vm 
> >>>> Id: 25","2015-01-22 09:47:55"
> >>>> "399","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 09:47:56"
> >>>> "400","NET.IPASSIGN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> allocating Ip. Ip Id: 6","2015-01-22 09:47:56"
> >>>> "401","NET.IPASSIGN","Scheduled","associating ip to network id: 213 in 
> >>>> zone 1","2015-01-22 09:47:56"
> >>>> "402","NET.IPASSIGN","Started","associating Ip. Ip Id: 6","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:47:56"
> >>>> "403","NET.IPASSIGN","Completed","Successfully completed associating Ip. 
> >>>> Ip Id: 6","2015-01-22 09:47:56"
> >>>> "404","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule. Rule Id: 17","2015-01-22 09:48:01"
> >>>> "405","FIREWALL.OPEN","Scheduled","Creating firewall rule for Ip: 
> >>>> for protocol:TCP","2015-01-22 09:48:01"
> >>>> "406","FIREWALL.OPEN","Started","creating firewall rule. Rule Id: 
> >>>> 17","2015-01-22 09:48:01"
> >>>> "407","FIREWALL.OPEN","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> firewall rule. Rule Id: 17","2015-01-22 09:48:05"
> >>>> "408","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 09:48:06"
> >>>> "409","NET.RULEADD","Created","Successfully created entity for creating 
> >>>> forwarding rule. Rule Id: 18","2015-01-22 09:48:06"
> >>>> "410","NET.RULEADD","Scheduled","Applying port forwarding  rule for Ip: 
> >>>> with virtual machine:25","2015-01-22 09:48:06"
> >>>> "411","NET.RULEADD","Started","applying port forwarding rule. Rule Id: 
> >>>> 18","2015-01-22 09:48:07"
> >>>> "412","NET.RULEADD","Completed","Successfully completed applying port 
> >>>> forwarding rule. Rule Id: 18","2015-01-22 09:48:08"
> >>>> "413","FIREWALL.EGRESS.OPEN","Created","Error while creating entity for 
> >>>> creating egress firewall rule for network","2015-01-22 09:48:12"
> >>>> "414","VM.STOP","Scheduled","stopping user vm: 22","2015-01-22 09:48:12"
> >>>> "415","VM.STOP","Started","stopping Vm. Vm Id: 22","2015-01-22 09:48:12"
> >>>> "416","VM.STOP","Completed","Successfully completed stopping Vm. Vm Id: 
> >>>> 22","2015-01-22 09:48:20"
> >>>> "417","VM.START","Scheduled","starting user vm: 22","2015-01-22 09:48:22"
> >>>> "418","VM.START","Started","starting Vm. Vm Id: 22","2015-01-22 09:48:22"
> >>>> "419","VM.START","Completed","Successfully completed starting Vm. Vm Id: 
> >>>> 22","2015-01-22 09:48:29"
> >>>> "420","VM.REBOOT","Scheduled","rebooting user vm: 22","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:48:32"
> >>>> "421","VM.REBOOT","Started","rebooting Vm. Vm Id: 22","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:48:32"
> >>>> "422","VM.REBOOT","Completed","Successfully completed rebooting Vm. Vm 
> >>>> Id: 22","2015-01-22 09:48:46"
> >>>> "423","VM.DESTROY","Scheduled","destroying vm: 22","2015-01-22 09:48:47"
> >>>> "424","VM.DESTROY","Started","destroying Vm. Vm Id: 22","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:48:47"
> >>>> "425","VM.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed destroying Vm. Vm 
> >>>> Id: 22","2015-01-22 09:48:58"
> >>>> "426","VM.DESTROY","Scheduled","destroying vm: 22","2015-01-22 09:49:02"
> >>>> "427","VM.DESTROY","Started","destroying Vm. Vm Id: 22","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:49:02"
> >>>> "428","VM.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed destroying Vm. Vm 
> >>>> Id: 22","2015-01-22 09:49:06"
> >>>> "429","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:50:42"
> >>>> "430","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule","2015-01-22 09:50:42"
> >>>> "431","SERVICE.OFFERING.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> deleting service offering. Service offering id=36","2015-01-22 09:51:08"
> >>>> "432","SERVICE.OFFERING.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> deleting service offering. Service offering id=37","2015-01-22 09:51:08"
> >>>> "433","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Scheduled","user delete, but this user does not 
> >>>> exist in the system","2015-01-22 09:51:08"
> >>>> "434","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Started","deleting account. Account Id: 
> >>>> 19","2015-01-22 09:51:08"
> >>>> "435","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 19","2015-01-22 09:51:16"
> >>>> "436","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 19","2015-01-22 09:51:16"
> >>>> "437","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 19","2015-01-22 09:51:26"
> >>>> "438","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 19","2015-01-22 09:51:26"
> >>>> "439","ZONE.VLAN.RELEASE","Completed","Released Zone Vnet: 131 for 
> >>>> Network: 213","2015-01-22 09:51:39"
> >>>> "440","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 19","2015-01-22 09:51:39"
> >>>> "441","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 19","2015-01-22 09:51:39"
> >>>> "442","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 19","2015-01-22 09:51:39"
> >>>> "443","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 19","2015-01-22 09:51:39"
> >>>> "444","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Started","removing remote access vpn. 
> >>>> Account Id: 19","2015-01-22 09:51:39"
> >>>> "445","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> removing remote access vpn. Account Id: 19","2015-01-22 09:51:39"
> >>>> "446","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 19","2015-01-22 09:51:39"
> >>>> "447","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 19","2015-01-22 09:51:39"
> >>>> "448","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Started","removing remote access vpn. 
> >>>> Account Id: 19","2015-01-22 09:51:39"
> >>>> "449","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> removing remote access vpn. Account Id: 19","2015-01-22 09:51:39"
> >>>> "450","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 19","2015-01-22 09:51:39"
> >>>> "451","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 19","2015-01-22 09:51:39"
> >>>> "452","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Started","removing remote access vpn. 
> >>>> Account Id: 19","2015-01-22 09:51:39"
> >>>> "453","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> removing remote access vpn. Account Id: 19","2015-01-22 09:51:39"
> >>>> "454","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 19","2015-01-22 09:51:39"
> >>>> "455","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 19","2015-01-22 09:51:39"
> >>>> "456","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Started","removing remote access vpn. 
> >>>> Account Id: 19","2015-01-22 09:51:39"
> >>>> "457","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> removing remote access vpn. Account Id: 19","2015-01-22 09:51:39"
> >>>> "458","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> account. Account Id: 19","2015-01-22 09:51:40"
> >>>> "459","VPC.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for creating 
> >>>> vpc","2015-01-22 09:53:46"
> >>>> "460","VPC.CREATE","Scheduled","creating VPC. Id: 1","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:53:46"
> >>>> "461","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 09:53:46"
> >>>> "462","NETWORK.ACL.CREATE","Scheduled","Creating Network ACL with id: 
> >>>> b0100bc3-cba4-4b62-9fe5-d2b6e54369c8","2015-01-22 09:54:51"
> >>>> "463","NETWORK.ACL.CREATE","Started","creating network acl 
> >>>> list","2015-01-22 09:54:51"
> >>>> "464","NETWORK.ACL.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> network acl list","2015-01-22 09:54:51"
> >>>> "465","NETWORK.ACL.ITEM.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity 
> >>>> for creating network ACL Item. ACL Item Id: 5","2015-01-22 09:54:57"
> >>>> "466","NETWORK.ACL.ITEM.CREATE","Scheduled","Creating Network ACL 
> >>>> Item","2015-01-22 09:54:57"
> >>>> "467","NETWORK.ACL.ITEM.CREATE","Started","Applying Network ACL Item. 
> >>>> Rule Id: 5","2015-01-22 09:54:57"
> >>>> "468","NETWORK.ACL.ITEM.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> Applying Network ACL Item. Rule Id: 5","2015-01-22 09:54:57"
> >>>> "469","NETWORK.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> network. Network Id: 214","2015-01-22 09:55:02"
> >>>> "470","PRIVATE.GATEWAY.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity 
> >>>> for creating VPC private gateway. Private Gateway Id: 1","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:55:02"
> >>>> "471","PRIVATE.GATEWAY.CREATE","Scheduled","Applying VPC private 
> >>>> gateway. Private gateway Id: 1","2015-01-22 09:55:02"
> >>>> "472","PRIVATE.GATEWAY.CREATE","Started","Applying VPC private 
> >>>> gateway","2015-01-22 09:55:02"
> >>>> "473","PRIVATE.GATEWAY.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> Applying VPC private gateway. Private Gateway Id: 1","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 09:55:06"
> >>>> "474","NETWORK.ACL.REPLACE","Scheduled","Associating Network ACL id=3 
> >>>> with Network id=null","2015-01-22 09:55:07"
> >>>> "475","SERVICE.OFFERING.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> creating service offering. Service offering id=38","2015-01-22 10:10:01"
> >>>> "476","SERVICE.OFFERING.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> deleting service offering. Service offering id=38","2015-01-22 10:10:01"
> >>>> "477","SERVICE.OFFERING.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> creating service offering. Service offering id=39","2015-01-22 10:10:01"
> >>>> "478","SERVICE.OFFERING.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> creating service offering. Service offering id=40","2015-01-22 10:10:01"
> >>>> "479","ACCOUNT.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Account. Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 10:10:01"
> >>>> "480","USER.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating User. 
> >>>> Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 10:10:01"
> >>>> "481","SERVICE.OFFERING.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> creating service offering. Service offering id=41","2015-01-22 10:10:01"
> >>>> "482","SERVICE.OFFERING.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> creating service offering. Service offering id=42","2015-01-22 10:10:01"
> >>>> "483","VM.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for deploying 
> >>>> Vm. Vm Id: 27","2015-01-22 10:10:01"
> >>>> "484","VM.CREATE","Scheduled","starting Vm. Vm Id: 27","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:10:01"
> >>>> "485","VM.CREATE","Started","starting Vm. Vm Id: 27","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:10:01"
> >>>> "486","ZONE.VLAN.ASSIGN","Completed","Assigned Zone Vlan: 147 Network 
> >>>> Id: 216","2015-01-22 10:10:02"
> >>>> "487","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 10:10:02"
> >>>> "488","VM.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed starting Vm. Vm 
> >>>> Id: 27","2015-01-22 10:12:22"
> >>>> "489","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 10:12:27"
> >>>> "490","NET.IPASSIGN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> allocating Ip. Ip Id: 5","2015-01-22 10:12:27"
> >>>> "491","NET.IPASSIGN","Scheduled","associating ip to network id: 216 in 
> >>>> zone 1","2015-01-22 10:12:27"
> >>>> "492","NET.IPASSIGN","Started","associating Ip. Ip Id: 5","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:12:27"
> >>>> "493","NET.IPASSIGN","Completed","Successfully completed associating Ip. 
> >>>> Ip Id: 5","2015-01-22 10:12:27"
> >>>> "494","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule. Rule Id: 20","2015-01-22 10:12:32"
> >>>> "495","FIREWALL.OPEN","Scheduled","Creating firewall rule for Ip: 
> >>>> for protocol:TCP","2015-01-22 10:12:32"
> >>>> "496","FIREWALL.OPEN","Started","creating firewall rule. Rule Id: 
> >>>> 20","2015-01-22 10:12:32"
> >>>> "497","FIREWALL.OPEN","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> firewall rule. Rule Id: 20","2015-01-22 10:12:34"
> >>>> "498","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 10:12:37"
> >>>> "499","NET.RULEADD","Created","Successfully created entity for creating 
> >>>> forwarding rule. Rule Id: 21","2015-01-22 10:12:37"
> >>>> "500","NET.RULEADD","Scheduled","Applying port forwarding  rule for Ip: 
> >>>> with virtual machine:27","2015-01-22 10:12:37"
> >>>> "501","NET.RULEADD","Started","applying port forwarding rule. Rule Id: 
> >>>> 21","2015-01-22 10:12:37"
> >>>> "502","NET.RULEADD","Completed","Successfully completed applying port 
> >>>> forwarding rule. Rule Id: 21","2015-01-22 10:12:38"
> >>>> "503","FIREWALL.EGRESS.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating egress firewall rule for network. Rule Id: 22","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:12:42"
> >>>> "504","FIREWALL.EGRESS.OPEN","Scheduled","Creating firewall rule for 
> >>>> network: Ntwk[216|Guest|8] for protocol:All","2015-01-22 10:12:42"
> >>>> "505","FIREWALL.EGRESS.OPEN","Started","creating egress firewall rule. 
> >>>> Rule Id: 22","2015-01-22 10:12:42"
> >>>> "506","FIREWALL.EGRESS.OPEN","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> creating egress firewall rule. Rule Id: 22","2015-01-22 10:12:42"
> >>>> "507","SERVICE.OFFERING.EDIT","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> updating service offering. Service offering id=39","2015-01-22 10:12:47"
> >>>> "508","SERVICE.OFFERING.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> deleting service offering. Service offering id=40","2015-01-22 10:12:47"
> >>>> "509","SERVICE.OFFERING.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> deleting service offering. Service offering id=41","2015-01-22 10:12:47"
> >>>> "510","SERVICE.OFFERING.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> deleting service offering. Service offering id=42","2015-01-22 10:12:47"
> >>>> "511","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Scheduled","user delete, but this user does not 
> >>>> exist in the system","2015-01-22 10:12:47"
> >>>> "512","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Started","deleting account. Account Id: 
> >>>> 20","2015-01-22 10:12:47"
> >>>> "513","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 20","2015-01-22 10:12:57"
> >>>> "514","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 20","2015-01-22 10:12:57"
> >>>> "515","ZONE.VLAN.RELEASE","Completed","Released Zone Vnet: 147 for 
> >>>> Network: 216","2015-01-22 10:13:10"
> >>>> "516","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 20","2015-01-22 10:13:10"
> >>>> "517","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 20","2015-01-22 10:13:10"
> >>>> "518","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 20","2015-01-22 10:13:10"
> >>>> "519","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 20","2015-01-22 10:13:10"
> >>>> "520","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Started","removing remote access vpn. 
> >>>> Account Id: 20","2015-01-22 10:13:10"
> >>>> "521","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> removing remote access vpn. Account Id: 20","2015-01-22 10:13:10"
> >>>> "522","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 20","2015-01-22 10:13:10"
> >>>> "523","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 20","2015-01-22 10:13:10"
> >>>> "524","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Started","removing remote access vpn. 
> >>>> Account Id: 20","2015-01-22 10:13:10"
> >>>> "525","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> removing remote access vpn. Account Id: 20","2015-01-22 10:13:10"
> >>>> "526","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> account. Account Id: 20","2015-01-22 10:13:12"
> >>>> "527","ACCOUNT.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Account. Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 10:17:52"
> >>>> "528","USER.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating User. 
> >>>> Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 10:17:52"
> >>>> "529","SERVICE.OFFERING.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> creating service offering. Service offering id=43","2015-01-22 10:17:52"
> >>>> "530","VM.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for deploying 
> >>>> Vm. Vm Id: 29","2015-01-22 10:17:52"
> >>>> "531","VM.CREATE","Scheduled","starting Vm. Vm Id: 29","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:17:52"
> >>>> "532","VM.CREATE","Started","starting Vm. Vm Id: 29","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:17:52"
> >>>> "533","ZONE.VLAN.ASSIGN","Completed","Assigned Zone Vlan: 131 Network 
> >>>> Id: 217","2015-01-22 10:17:54"
> >>>> "534","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 10:17:54"
> >>>> "535","VM.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed starting Vm. Vm 
> >>>> Id: 29","2015-01-22 10:20:15"
> >>>> "536","NETWORK.RESTART","Scheduled","Restarting network: 
> >>>> 217","2015-01-22 10:20:18"
> >>>> "537","NETWORK.RESTART","Started","restarting network","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:20:18"
> >>>> "538","NETWORK.RESTART","Completed","Successfully completed restarting 
> >>>> network","2015-01-22 10:22:47"
> >>>> "539","ROUTER.STOP","Scheduled","stopping router: 31","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:22:50"
> >>>> "540","ROUTER.STOP","Started","stopping router Vm. Router Id: 
> >>>> 31","2015-01-22 10:22:50"
> >>>> "541","ROUTER.STOP","Completed","Successfully completed stopping router 
> >>>> Vm. Router Id: 31","2015-01-22 10:22:59"
> >>>> "542","ROUTER.START","Scheduled","starting router: 31","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:23:00"
> >>>> "543","ROUTER.START","Started","starting router Vm. Router Id: 
> >>>> 31","2015-01-22 10:23:00"
> >>>> "544","ROUTER.START","Completed","Successfully completed starting router 
> >>>> Vm. Router Id: 31","2015-01-22 10:23:35"
> >>>> "545","ROUTER.REBOOT","Scheduled","rebooting router: 31","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:23:35"
> >>>> "546","ROUTER.REBOOT","Started","rebooting router Vm. Router Id: 
> >>>> 31","2015-01-22 10:23:35"
> >>>> "547","ROUTER.REBOOT","Completed","Successfully completed rebooting 
> >>>> router Vm. Router Id: 31","2015-01-22 10:24:19"
> >>>> "548","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Scheduled","user delete, but this user does not 
> >>>> exist in the system","2015-01-22 10:24:20"
> >>>> "549","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Started","deleting account. Account Id: 
> >>>> 21","2015-01-22 10:24:20"
> >>>> "550","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 21","2015-01-22 10:24:31"
> >>>> "551","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 21","2015-01-22 10:24:31"
> >>>> "552","ZONE.VLAN.RELEASE","Completed","Released Zone Vnet: 131 for 
> >>>> Network: 217","2015-01-22 10:24:43"
> >>>> "553","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 21","2015-01-22 10:24:43"
> >>>> "554","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 21","2015-01-22 10:24:43"
> >>>> "555","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 21","2015-01-22 10:24:43"
> >>>> "556","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 21","2015-01-22 10:24:43"
> >>>> "557","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Started","removing remote access vpn. 
> >>>> Account Id: 21","2015-01-22 10:24:43"
> >>>> "558","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> removing remote access vpn. Account Id: 21","2015-01-22 10:24:43"
> >>>> "559","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> account. Account Id: 21","2015-01-22 10:24:44"
> >>>> "560","SERVICE.OFFERING.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> deleting service offering. Service offering id=43","2015-01-22 10:24:45"
> >>>> "561","SERVICE.OFFERING.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> creating service offering. Service offering id=44","2015-01-22 10:25:40"
> >>>> "562","ACCOUNT.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Account. Account Name: null, Domain Id:null","2015-01-22 10:25:40"
> >>>> "563","USER.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating User. 
> >>>> Account Name: null, Domain Id:null","2015-01-22 10:25:40"
> >>>> "564","VPC.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for creating 
> >>>> vpc","2015-01-22 10:25:40"
> >>>> "565","VPC.CREATE","Scheduled","creating VPC. Id: 2","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:25:40"
> >>>> "566","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 10:25:40"
> >>>> "567","NETWORK.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> network. Network Id: 218","2015-01-22 10:26:56"
> >>>> "568","VM.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for deploying 
> >>>> Vm. Vm Id: 33","2015-01-22 10:26:56"
> >>>> "569","VM.CREATE","Scheduled","starting Vm. Vm Id: 33","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:26:56"
> >>>> "570","VM.CREATE","Started","starting Vm. Vm Id: 33","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:26:56"
> >>>> "571","ZONE.VLAN.ASSIGN","Completed","Assigned Zone Vlan: 145 Network 
> >>>> Id: 218","2015-01-22 10:26:58"
> >>>> "572","VM.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed starting Vm. Vm 
> >>>> Id: 33","2015-01-22 10:27:15"
> >>>> "573","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.CREATE","Scheduled","Create Remote Access VPN 
> >>>> for account 22 using public ip id=4","2015-01-22 10:27:16"
> >>>> "574","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.CREATE","Started","creating remote access 
> >>>> vpn","2015-01-22 10:27:16"
> >>>> "575","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> creating remote access vpn","2015-01-22 10:27:19"
> >>>> "576","VPN.USER.ADD","Scheduled","Add Remote Access VPN user for account 
> >>>> 22 username= test-01XAVE","2015-01-22 10:27:22"
> >>>> "577","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Scheduled","Delete Remote Access VPN 
> >>>> for account 22 for  ip id=4","2015-01-22 10:27:27"
> >>>> "578","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Started","removing remote access 
> >>>> vpn","2015-01-22 10:27:27"
> >>>> "579","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> removing remote access vpn","2015-01-22 10:27:28"
> >>>> "580","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Scheduled","user delete, but this user does not 
> >>>> exist in the system","2015-01-22 10:27:32"
> >>>> "581","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Started","deleting account. Account Id: 
> >>>> 22","2015-01-22 10:27:32"
> >>>> "582","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 22","2015-01-22 10:27:43"
> >>>> "583","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 22","2015-01-22 10:27:43"
> >>>> "584","ZONE.VLAN.RELEASE","Completed","Released Zone Vnet: 145 for 
> >>>> Network: 218","2015-01-22 10:27:49"
> >>>> "585","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 22","2015-01-22 10:27:49"
> >>>> "586","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 22","2015-01-22 10:27:49"
> >>>> "587","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 22","2015-01-22 10:27:59"
> >>>> "588","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 22","2015-01-22 10:27:59"
> >>>> "589","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Started","removing remote access vpn. 
> >>>> Account Id: 22","2015-01-22 10:27:59"
> >>>> "590","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> removing remote access vpn. Account Id: 22","2015-01-22 10:27:59"
> >>>> "591","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> account. Account Id: 22","2015-01-22 10:27:59"
> >>>> "592","SERVICE.OFFERING.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> creating service offering. Service offering id=45","2015-01-22 10:28:02"
> >>>> "593","ACCOUNT.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Account. Account Name: null, Domain Id:null","2015-01-22 10:28:02"
> >>>> "594","USER.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating User. 
> >>>> Account Name: null, Domain Id:null","2015-01-22 10:28:02"
> >>>> "595","VPC.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for creating 
> >>>> vpc","2015-01-22 10:28:03"
> >>>> "596","VPC.CREATE","Scheduled","creating VPC. Id: 3","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:28:03"
> >>>> "597","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 10:28:03"
> >>>> "598","VPC.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for creating 
> >>>> vpc","2015-01-22 10:29:19"
> >>>> "599","VPC.CREATE","Scheduled","creating VPC. Id: 4","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:29:19"
> >>>> "600","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 10:29:19"
> >>>> "601","NETWORK.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> network. Network Id: 219","2015-01-22 10:30:34"
> >>>> "602","NETWORK.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> network. Network Id: 220","2015-01-22 10:30:34"
> >>>> "603","VM.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for deploying 
> >>>> Vm. Vm Id: 36","2015-01-22 10:30:35"
> >>>> "604","VM.CREATE","Scheduled","starting Vm. Vm Id: 36","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:30:35"
> >>>> "605","VM.CREATE","Started","starting Vm. Vm Id: 36","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:30:35"
> >>>> "606","ZONE.VLAN.ASSIGN","Completed","Assigned Zone Vlan: 104 Network 
> >>>> Id: 219","2015-01-22 10:30:36"
> >>>> "607","VM.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed starting Vm. Vm 
> >>>> Id: 36","2015-01-22 10:30:52"
> >>>> "608","VM.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for deploying 
> >>>> Vm. Vm Id: 37","2015-01-22 10:30:55"
> >>>> "609","VM.CREATE","Scheduled","starting Vm. Vm Id: 37","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:30:55"
> >>>> "610","VM.CREATE","Started","starting Vm. Vm Id: 37","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:30:55"
> >>>> "611","ZONE.VLAN.ASSIGN","Completed","Assigned Zone Vlan: 144 Network 
> >>>> Id: 220","2015-01-22 10:30:56"
> >>>> "612","VM.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed starting Vm. Vm 
> >>>> Id: 37","2015-01-22 10:31:13"
> >>>> "613","VPN.S2S.VPN.GATEWAY.CREATE","Started","creating s2s vpn 
> >>>> gateway","2015-01-22 10:31:15"
> >>>> "614","VPN.S2S.VPN.GATEWAY.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> creating s2s vpn gateway","2015-01-22 10:31:15"
> >>>> "615","VPN.S2S.VPN.GATEWAY.CREATE","Scheduled","Create site-to-site VPN 
> >>>> gateway for account 23","2015-01-22 10:31:15"
> >>>> "616","VPN.S2S.VPN.GATEWAY.CREATE","Started","creating s2s vpn 
> >>>> gateway","2015-01-22 10:31:15"
> >>>> "617","VPN.S2S.VPN.GATEWAY.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> creating s2s vpn gateway","2015-01-22 10:31:15"
> >>>> "618","VPN.S2S.VPN.GATEWAY.CREATE","Scheduled","Create site-to-site VPN 
> >>>> gateway for account 23","2015-01-22 10:31:15"
> >>>> "619","VPN.S2S.CUSTOMER.GATEWAY.CREATE","Scheduled","Create site-to-site 
> >>>> VPN customer gateway for account 23","2015-01-22 10:31:15"
> >>>> "620","VPN.S2S.CUSTOMER.GATEWAY.CREATE","Created","Successfully created 
> >>>> entity for creating s2s customer gateway","2015-01-22 10:31:15"
> >>>> "621","VPN.S2S.CUSTOMER.GATEWAY.CREATE","Scheduled","Create site-to-site 
> >>>> VPN customer gateway for account 23","2015-01-22 10:31:20"
> >>>> "622","VPN.S2S.CUSTOMER.GATEWAY.CREATE","Created","Successfully created 
> >>>> entity for creating s2s customer gateway","2015-01-22 10:31:20"
> >>>> "623","VPN.S2S.CONNECTION.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity 
> >>>> for creating s2s vpn connection","2015-01-22 10:31:25"
> >>>> "624","VPN.S2S.CONNECTION.CREATE","Scheduled","Create site-to-site VPN 
> >>>> connection for account 23","2015-01-22 10:31:25"
> >>>> "625","VPN.S2S.CONNECTION.CREATE","Started","starting s2s vpn 
> >>>> connection","2015-01-22 10:31:26"
> >>>> "626","VPN.S2S.CONNECTION.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> starting s2s vpn connection","2015-01-22 10:31:27"
> >>>> "627","VPN.S2S.CONNECTION.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity 
> >>>> for creating s2s vpn connection","2015-01-22 10:31:31"
> >>>> "628","VPN.S2S.CONNECTION.CREATE","Scheduled","Create site-to-site VPN 
> >>>> connection for account 23","2015-01-22 10:31:31"
> >>>> "629","VPN.S2S.CONNECTION.CREATE","Started","starting s2s vpn 
> >>>> connection","2015-01-22 10:31:31"
> >>>> "630","VPN.S2S.CONNECTION.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> starting s2s vpn connection","2015-01-22 10:32:42"
> >>>> "631","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Scheduled","user delete, but this user does not 
> >>>> exist in the system","2015-01-22 10:32:46"
> >>>> "632","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Started","deleting account. Account Id: 
> >>>> 23","2015-01-22 10:32:46"
> >>>> "633","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 23","2015-01-22 10:32:56"
> >>>> "634","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 23","2015-01-22 10:32:56"
> >>>> "635","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 23","2015-01-22 10:33:06"
> >>>> "636","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 23","2015-01-22 10:33:06"
> >>>> "637","ZONE.VLAN.RELEASE","Completed","Released Zone Vnet: 104 for 
> >>>> Network: 219","2015-01-22 10:33:13"
> >>>> "638","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 23","2015-01-22 10:33:13"
> >>>> "639","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 23","2015-01-22 10:33:13"
> >>>> "640","ZONE.VLAN.RELEASE","Completed","Released Zone Vnet: 144 for 
> >>>> Network: 220","2015-01-22 10:33:20"
> >>>> "641","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 23","2015-01-22 10:33:20"
> >>>> "642","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 23","2015-01-22 10:33:20"
> >>>> "643","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 23","2015-01-22 10:33:31"
> >>>> "644","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 23","2015-01-22 10:33:31"
> >>>> "645","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Started","removing remote access vpn. 
> >>>> Account Id: 23","2015-01-22 10:33:31"
> >>>> "646","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> removing remote access vpn. Account Id: 23","2015-01-22 10:33:31"
> >>>> "647","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 23","2015-01-22 10:33:41"
> >>>> "648","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 23","2015-01-22 10:33:41"
> >>>> "649","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Started","removing remote access vpn. 
> >>>> Account Id: 23","2015-01-22 10:33:41"
> >>>> "650","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> removing remote access vpn. Account Id: 23","2015-01-22 10:33:41"
> >>>> "651","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> account. Account Id: 23","2015-01-22 10:33:41"
> >>>> "652","SERVICE.OFFERING.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> creating service offering. Service offering id=46","2015-01-22 10:34:41"
> >>>> "653","ACCOUNT.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Account. Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 10:34:41"
> >>>> "654","USER.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating User. 
> >>>> Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 10:34:41"
> >>>> "655","VPC.OFFERING.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating vpc offering.  Id: 3 Name: VPC off-Y4C7X1","2015-01-22 10:34:41"
> >>>> "656","VPC.OFFERING.CREATE","Scheduled","creating VPC offering. Id: 
> >>>> 3","2015-01-22 10:34:41"
> >>>> "657","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Scheduled","user delete, but this user does not 
> >>>> exist in the system","2015-01-22 10:34:41"
> >>>> "658","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Started","deleting account. Account Id: 
> >>>> 24","2015-01-22 10:34:41"
> >>>> "659","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> account. Account Id: 24","2015-01-22 10:34:41"
> >>>> "660","VPC.OFFERING.DELETE","Scheduled","Deleting VPC offering 
> >>>> id=3","2015-01-22 10:34:46"
> >>>> "661","VPC.OFFERING.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> vpc offering.  Id: 3","2015-01-22 10:34:46"
> >>>> "662","ACCOUNT.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Account. Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 10:34:51"
> >>>> "663","USER.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating User. 
> >>>> Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 10:34:51"
> >>>> "664","NETWORK.OFFERING.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> creating network offering.  Id: 15 Name: VPC Network 
> >>>> offering-NGZL2I","2015-01-22 10:34:51"
> >>>> "665","NETWORK.OFFERING.EDIT","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> updating network offering.  Id: 15","2015-01-22 10:34:51"
> >>>> "666","VPC.OFFERING.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating vpc offering.  Id: 4 Name: VPC off-UORCAW","2015-01-22 10:34:51"
> >>>> "667","VPC.OFFERING.CREATE","Scheduled","creating VPC offering. Id: 
> >>>> 4","2015-01-22 10:34:51"
> >>>> "668","VPC.OFFERING.UPDATE","Scheduled","Updating VPC offering 
> >>>> id=4","2015-01-22 10:34:51"
> >>>> "669","VPC.OFFERING.UPDATE","Completed","Successfully completed updating 
> >>>> vpc offering.  Id: 4","2015-01-22 10:34:51"
> >>>> "670","VPC.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for creating 
> >>>> vpc","2015-01-22 10:34:56"
> >>>> "671","VPC.CREATE","Scheduled","creating VPC. Id: 5","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:34:56"
> >>>> "672","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 10:34:56"
> >>>> "673","NETWORK.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> network. Network Id: 221","2015-01-22 10:36:12"
> >>>> "674","VM.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for deploying 
> >>>> Vm. Vm Id: 39","2015-01-22 10:36:12"
> >>>> "675","VM.CREATE","Scheduled","starting Vm. Vm Id: 39","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:36:12"
> >>>> "676","VM.CREATE","Started","starting Vm. Vm Id: 39","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:36:12"
> >>>> "677","ZONE.VLAN.ASSIGN","Completed","Assigned Zone Vlan: 138 Network 
> >>>> Id: 221","2015-01-22 10:36:14"
> >>>> "678","VM.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed starting Vm. Vm 
> >>>> Id: 39","2015-01-22 10:36:30"
> >>>> "679","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 10:36:32"
> >>>> "680","NET.IPASSIGN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> allocating Ip. Ip Id: 5","2015-01-22 10:36:32"
> >>>> "681","NET.IPASSIGN","Scheduled","associating ip to network id: null in 
> >>>> zone 1","2015-01-22 10:36:32"
> >>>> "682","NET.IPASSIGN","Started","associating Ip. Ip Id: 5","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:36:32"
> >>>> "683","NET.IPASSIGN","Completed","Successfully completed associating Ip. 
> >>>> Ip Id: 5","2015-01-22 10:36:32"
> >>>> "684","LB.CREATE","Completed","Error while creating load 
> >>>> balancer","2015-01-22 10:36:37"
> >>>> "685","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Scheduled","user delete, but this user does not 
> >>>> exist in the system","2015-01-22 10:36:37"
> >>>> "686","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Started","deleting account. Account Id: 
> >>>> 25","2015-01-22 10:36:37"
> >>>> "687","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 25","2015-01-22 10:36:46"
> >>>> "688","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 25","2015-01-22 10:36:46"
> >>>> "689","ZONE.VLAN.RELEASE","Completed","Released Zone Vnet: 138 for 
> >>>> Network: 221","2015-01-22 10:36:53"
> >>>> "690","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 25","2015-01-22 10:36:53"
> >>>> "691","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 25","2015-01-22 10:36:53"
> >>>> "692","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 25","2015-01-22 10:37:02"
> >>>> "693","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 25","2015-01-22 10:37:02"
> >>>> "694","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Started","removing remote access vpn. 
> >>>> Account Id: 25","2015-01-22 10:37:02"
> >>>> "695","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> removing remote access vpn. Account Id: 25","2015-01-22 10:37:02"
> >>>> "696","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 25","2015-01-22 10:37:02"
> >>>> "697","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 25","2015-01-22 10:37:02"
> >>>> "698","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Started","removing remote access vpn. 
> >>>> Account Id: 25","2015-01-22 10:37:02"
> >>>> "699","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> removing remote access vpn. Account Id: 25","2015-01-22 10:37:02"
> >>>> "700","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> account. Account Id: 25","2015-01-22 10:37:02"
> >>>> "701","NETWORK.OFFERING.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> deleting network offering.  Id: 15","2015-01-22 10:37:02"
> >>>> "702","VPC.OFFERING.DELETE","Scheduled","Deleting VPC offering 
> >>>> id=4","2015-01-22 10:37:02"
> >>>> "703","VPC.OFFERING.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> vpc offering.  Id: 4","2015-01-22 10:37:02"
> >>>> "704","ACCOUNT.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Account. Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 10:37:03"
> >>>> "705","USER.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating User. 
> >>>> Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 10:37:03"
> >>>> "706","NETWORK.OFFERING.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> creating network offering.  Id: 16 Name: VPC Network 
> >>>> offering-9VG07G","2015-01-22 10:37:03"
> >>>> "707","NETWORK.OFFERING.EDIT","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> updating network offering.  Id: 16","2015-01-22 10:37:03"
> >>>> "708","VPC.OFFERING.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating vpc offering.  Id: 5 Name: VPC off-39NVFU","2015-01-22 10:37:03"
> >>>> "709","VPC.OFFERING.CREATE","Scheduled","creating VPC offering. Id: 
> >>>> 5","2015-01-22 10:37:03"
> >>>> "710","VPC.OFFERING.UPDATE","Scheduled","Updating VPC offering 
> >>>> id=5","2015-01-22 10:37:03"
> >>>> "711","VPC.OFFERING.UPDATE","Completed","Successfully completed updating 
> >>>> vpc offering.  Id: 5","2015-01-22 10:37:03"
> >>>> "712","VPC.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for creating 
> >>>> vpc","2015-01-22 10:37:03"
> >>>> "713","VPC.CREATE","Scheduled","creating VPC. Id: 6","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:37:03"
> >>>> "714","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 10:37:03"
> >>>> "715","NETWORK.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> network. Network Id: 222","2015-01-22 10:38:18"
> >>>> "716","VM.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for deploying 
> >>>> Vm. Vm Id: 41","2015-01-22 10:38:18"
> >>>> "717","VM.CREATE","Scheduled","starting Vm. Vm Id: 41","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:38:18"
> >>>> "718","VM.CREATE","Started","starting Vm. Vm Id: 41","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:38:18"
> >>>> "719","ZONE.VLAN.ASSIGN","Completed","Assigned Zone Vlan: 142 Network 
> >>>> Id: 222","2015-01-22 10:38:20"
> >>>> "720","VM.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed starting Vm. Vm 
> >>>> Id: 41","2015-01-22 10:38:36"
> >>>> "721","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 10:38:38"
> >>>> "722","NET.IPASSIGN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> allocating Ip. Ip Id: 5","2015-01-22 10:38:38"
> >>>> "723","NET.IPASSIGN","Scheduled","associating ip to network id: null in 
> >>>> zone 1","2015-01-22 10:38:38"
> >>>> "724","NET.IPASSIGN","Started","associating Ip. Ip Id: 5","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:38:38"
> >>>> "725","NET.IPASSIGN","Completed","Successfully completed associating Ip. 
> >>>> Ip Id: 5","2015-01-22 10:38:38"
> >>>> "726","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Error while creating entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 10:38:44"
> >>>> "727","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Scheduled","user delete, but this user does not 
> >>>> exist in the system","2015-01-22 10:38:44"
> >>>> "728","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Started","deleting account. Account Id: 
> >>>> 26","2015-01-22 10:38:44"
> >>>> "729","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 26","2015-01-22 10:38:52"
> >>>> "730","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 26","2015-01-22 10:38:52"
> >>>> "731","ZONE.VLAN.RELEASE","Completed","Released Zone Vnet: 142 for 
> >>>> Network: 222","2015-01-22 10:38:59"
> >>>> "732","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 26","2015-01-22 10:38:59"
> >>>> "733","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 26","2015-01-22 10:38:59"
> >>>> "734","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 26","2015-01-22 10:39:08"
> >>>> "735","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 26","2015-01-22 10:39:08"
> >>>> "736","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Started","removing remote access vpn. 
> >>>> Account Id: 26","2015-01-22 10:39:08"
> >>>> "737","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> removing remote access vpn. Account Id: 26","2015-01-22 10:39:08"
> >>>> "738","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 26","2015-01-22 10:39:08"
> >>>> "739","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 26","2015-01-22 10:39:08"
> >>>> "740","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Started","removing remote access vpn. 
> >>>> Account Id: 26","2015-01-22 10:39:08"
> >>>> "741","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> removing remote access vpn. Account Id: 26","2015-01-22 10:39:08"
> >>>> "742","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> account. Account Id: 26","2015-01-22 10:39:08"
> >>>> "743","NETWORK.OFFERING.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> deleting network offering.  Id: 16","2015-01-22 10:39:09"
> >>>> "744","VPC.OFFERING.DELETE","Scheduled","Deleting VPC offering 
> >>>> id=5","2015-01-22 10:39:09"
> >>>> "745","VPC.OFFERING.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> vpc offering.  Id: 5","2015-01-22 10:39:09"
> >>>> "746","ACCOUNT.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Account. Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 10:39:09"
> >>>> "747","USER.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating User. 
> >>>> Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 10:39:09"
> >>>> "748","NETWORK.OFFERING.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> creating network offering.  Id: 17 Name: VPC Network 
> >>>> offering-QIE8MV","2015-01-22 10:39:09"
> >>>> "749","NETWORK.OFFERING.EDIT","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> updating network offering.  Id: 17","2015-01-22 10:39:09"
> >>>> "750","VPC.OFFERING.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating vpc offering.  Id: 6 Name: VPC off-3RO7V8","2015-01-22 10:39:09"
> >>>> "751","VPC.OFFERING.CREATE","Scheduled","creating VPC offering. Id: 
> >>>> 6","2015-01-22 10:39:09"
> >>>> "752","VPC.OFFERING.UPDATE","Scheduled","Updating VPC offering 
> >>>> id=6","2015-01-22 10:39:09"
> >>>> "753","VPC.OFFERING.UPDATE","Completed","Successfully completed updating 
> >>>> vpc offering.  Id: 6","2015-01-22 10:39:09"
> >>>> "754","VPC.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for creating 
> >>>> vpc","2015-01-22 10:39:09"
> >>>> "755","VPC.CREATE","Scheduled","creating VPC. Id: 7","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:39:09"
> >>>> "756","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 10:39:09"
> >>>> "757","NETWORK.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> network. Network Id: 223","2015-01-22 10:40:19"
> >>>> "758","VM.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for deploying 
> >>>> Vm. Vm Id: 43","2015-01-22 10:40:19"
> >>>> "759","VM.CREATE","Scheduled","starting Vm. Vm Id: 43","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:40:19"
> >>>> "760","VM.CREATE","Started","starting Vm. Vm Id: 43","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:40:19"
> >>>> "761","ZONE.VLAN.ASSIGN","Completed","Assigned Zone Vlan: 106 Network 
> >>>> Id: 223","2015-01-22 10:40:20"
> >>>> "762","VM.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed starting Vm. Vm 
> >>>> Id: 43","2015-01-22 10:40:36"
> >>>> "763","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 10:40:40"
> >>>> "764","NET.IPASSIGN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> allocating Ip. Ip Id: 5","2015-01-22 10:40:40"
> >>>> "765","NET.IPASSIGN","Scheduled","associating ip to network id: null in 
> >>>> zone 1","2015-01-22 10:40:40"
> >>>> "766","NET.IPASSIGN","Started","associating Ip. Ip Id: 5","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:40:40"
> >>>> "767","NET.IPASSIGN","Completed","Successfully completed associating Ip. 
> >>>> Ip Id: 5","2015-01-22 10:40:40"
> >>>> "768","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Scheduled","user delete, but this user does not 
> >>>> exist in the system","2015-01-22 10:40:45"
> >>>> "769","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Started","deleting account. Account Id: 
> >>>> 27","2015-01-22 10:40:45"
> >>>> "770","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 27","2015-01-22 10:40:55"
> >>>> "771","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 27","2015-01-22 10:40:55"
> >>>> "772","ZONE.VLAN.RELEASE","Completed","Released Zone Vnet: 106 for 
> >>>> Network: 223","2015-01-22 10:41:02"
> >>>> "773","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 27","2015-01-22 10:41:02"
> >>>> "774","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 27","2015-01-22 10:41:02"
> >>>> "775","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 27","2015-01-22 10:41:12"
> >>>> "776","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 27","2015-01-22 10:41:12"
> >>>> "777","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Started","removing remote access vpn. 
> >>>> Account Id: 27","2015-01-22 10:41:12"
> >>>> "778","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> removing remote access vpn. Account Id: 27","2015-01-22 10:41:12"
> >>>> "779","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 27","2015-01-22 10:41:12"
> >>>> "780","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 27","2015-01-22 10:41:12"
> >>>> "781","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Started","removing remote access vpn. 
> >>>> Account Id: 27","2015-01-22 10:41:12"
> >>>> "782","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> removing remote access vpn. Account Id: 27","2015-01-22 10:41:12"
> >>>> "783","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> account. Account Id: 27","2015-01-22 10:41:12"
> >>>> "784","NETWORK.OFFERING.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> deleting network offering.  Id: 17","2015-01-22 10:41:15"
> >>>> "785","VPC.OFFERING.DELETE","Scheduled","Deleting VPC offering 
> >>>> id=6","2015-01-22 10:41:15"
> >>>> "786","VPC.OFFERING.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> vpc offering.  Id: 6","2015-01-22 10:41:15"
> >>>> "787","ACCOUNT.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Account. Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 10:41:15"
> >>>> "788","USER.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating User. 
> >>>> Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 10:41:15"
> >>>> "789","VPC.OFFERING.CREATE","Created","Error while creating entity for 
> >>>> creating vpc offering","2015-01-22 10:41:15"
> >>>> "790","VPC.OFFERING.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating vpc offering.  Id: 7 Name: VPC off-LW949P","2015-01-22 10:41:15"
> >>>> "791","VPC.OFFERING.CREATE","Scheduled","creating VPC offering. Id: 
> >>>> 7","2015-01-22 10:41:15"
> >>>> "792","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Scheduled","user delete, but this user does not 
> >>>> exist in the system","2015-01-22 10:41:15"
> >>>> "793","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Started","deleting account. Account Id: 
> >>>> 28","2015-01-22 10:41:15"
> >>>> "794","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> account. Account Id: 28","2015-01-22 10:41:15"
> >>>> "795","VPC.OFFERING.DELETE","Scheduled","Deleting VPC offering 
> >>>> id=7","2015-01-22 10:41:20"
> >>>> "796","VPC.OFFERING.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> vpc offering.  Id: 7","2015-01-22 10:41:20"
> >>>> "797","ACCOUNT.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Account. Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 10:41:20"
> >>>> "798","USER.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating User. 
> >>>> Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 10:41:20"
> >>>> "799","VPC.OFFERING.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating vpc offering.  Id: 8 Name: VPC off-M69E0A","2015-01-22 10:41:20"
> >>>> "800","VPC.OFFERING.CREATE","Scheduled","creating VPC offering. Id: 
> >>>> 8","2015-01-22 10:41:20"
> >>>> "801","VPC.OFFERING.UPDATE","Scheduled","Updating VPC offering 
> >>>> id=8","2015-01-22 10:41:20"
> >>>> "802","VPC.OFFERING.UPDATE","Completed","Successfully completed updating 
> >>>> vpc offering.  Id: 8","2015-01-22 10:41:20"
> >>>> "803","VPC.CREATE","Created","Error while creating entity for creating 
> >>>> vpc","2015-01-22 10:41:20"
> >>>> "804","VPC.OFFERING.UPDATE","Scheduled","Updating VPC offering 
> >>>> id=8","2015-01-22 10:41:20"
> >>>> "805","VPC.OFFERING.UPDATE","Completed","Successfully completed updating 
> >>>> vpc offering.  Id: 8","2015-01-22 10:41:20"
> >>>> "806","VPC.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for creating 
> >>>> vpc","2015-01-22 10:41:20"
> >>>> "807","VPC.CREATE","Scheduled","creating VPC. Id: 8","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:41:20"
> >>>> "808","FIREWALL.OPEN","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating firewall rule","2015-01-22 10:41:20"
> >>>> "809","VPC.OFFERING.UPDATE","Scheduled","Updating VPC offering 
> >>>> id=8","2015-01-22 10:42:36"
> >>>> "810","VPC.OFFERING.UPDATE","Completed","Successfully completed updating 
> >>>> vpc offering.  Id: 8","2015-01-22 10:42:36"
> >>>> "811","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Scheduled","user delete, but this user does not 
> >>>> exist in the system","2015-01-22 10:42:36"
> >>>> "812","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Started","deleting account. Account Id: 
> >>>> 29","2015-01-22 10:42:36"
> >>>> "813","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Started","revoking firewall rule. Account Id: 
> >>>> 29","2015-01-22 10:42:46"
> >>>> "814","FIREWALL.CLOSE","Completed","Successfully completed revoking 
> >>>> firewall rule. Account Id: 29","2015-01-22 10:42:46"
> >>>> "815","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Started","removing remote access vpn. 
> >>>> Account Id: 29","2015-01-22 10:42:46"
> >>>> "816","VPN.REMOTE.ACCESS.DESTROY","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> removing remote access vpn. Account Id: 29","2015-01-22 10:42:46"
> >>>> "817","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> account. Account Id: 29","2015-01-22 10:42:46"
> >>>> "818","VPC.OFFERING.DELETE","Scheduled","Deleting VPC offering 
> >>>> id=8","2015-01-22 10:42:51"
> >>>> "819","VPC.OFFERING.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> vpc offering.  Id: 8","2015-01-22 10:42:51"
> >>>> "820","ACCOUNT.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Account. Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 10:42:51"
> >>>> "821","USER.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating User. 
> >>>> Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 10:42:51"
> >>>> "822","VPC.OFFERING.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating vpc offering.  Id: 9 Name: VPC off-KSP0J0","2015-01-22 10:42:51"
> >>>> "823","VPC.OFFERING.CREATE","Scheduled","creating VPC offering. Id: 
> >>>> 9","2015-01-22 10:42:51"
> >>>> "824","VPC.OFFERING.UPDATE","Scheduled","Updating VPC offering 
> >>>> id=9","2015-01-22 10:42:51"
> >>>> "825","VPC.OFFERING.UPDATE","Completed","Successfully completed updating 
> >>>> vpc offering.  Id: 9","2015-01-22 10:42:51"
> >>>> "826","VPC.OFFERING.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating vpc offering.  Id: 10 Name: VPC off-5F6N9C","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:42:51"
> >>>> "827","VPC.OFFERING.CREATE","Scheduled","creating VPC offering. Id: 
> >>>> 10","2015-01-22 10:42:51"
> >>>> "828","VPC.OFFERING.UPDATE","Scheduled","Updating VPC offering 
> >>>> id=10","2015-01-22 10:42:51"
> >>>> "829","VPC.OFFERING.UPDATE","Completed","Successfully completed updating 
> >>>> vpc offering.  Id: 10","2015-01-22 10:42:51"
> >>>> "830","VPC.OFFERING.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating vpc offering.  Id: 11 Name: VPC off-BFBSJ2","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:42:51"
> >>>> "831","VPC.OFFERING.CREATE","Scheduled","creating VPC offering. Id: 
> >>>> 11","2015-01-22 10:42:51"
> >>>> "832","VPC.OFFERING.UPDATE","Scheduled","Updating VPC offering 
> >>>> id=11","2015-01-22 10:42:51"
> >>>> "833","VPC.OFFERING.UPDATE","Completed","Successfully completed updating 
> >>>> vpc offering.  Id: 11","2015-01-22 10:42:51"
> >>>> "834","VPC.OFFERING.CREATE","Created","Successfully created entity for 
> >>>> creating vpc offering.  Id: 12 Name: VPC off-IJ90SQ","2015-01-22 
> >>>> 10:42:51"
> >>>> "835","VPC.OFFERING.CREATE","Scheduled","creating VPC offering. Id: 
> >>>> 12","2015-01-22 10:42:51"
> >>>> "836","VPC.OFFERING.UPDATE","Scheduled","Updating VPC offering 
> >>>> id=12","2015-01-22 10:42:51"
> >>>> "837","VPC.OFFERING.UPDATE","Completed","Successfully completed updating 
> >>>> vpc offering.  Id: 12","2015-01-22 10:42:51"
> >>>> "838","VPC.OFFERING.DELETE","Scheduled","Deleting VPC offering 
> >>>> id=12","2015-01-22 10:42:51"
> >>>> "839","VPC.OFFERING.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> vpc offering.  Id: 12","2015-01-22 10:42:51"
> >>>> "840","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Scheduled","user delete, but this user does not 
> >>>> exist in the system","2015-01-22 10:42:51"
> >>>> "841","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Started","deleting account. Account Id: 
> >>>> 30","2015-01-22 10:42:51"
> >>>> "842","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> account. Account Id: 30","2015-01-22 10:42:52"
> >>>> "843","VPC.OFFERING.DELETE","Scheduled","Deleting VPC offering 
> >>>> id=9","2015-01-22 10:42:56"
> >>>> "844","VPC.OFFERING.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> vpc offering.  Id: 9","2015-01-22 10:42:57"
> >>>> "845","VPC.OFFERING.DELETE","Scheduled","Deleting VPC offering 
> >>>> id=10","2015-01-22 10:42:57"
> >>>> "846","VPC.OFFERING.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> vpc offering.  Id: 10","2015-01-22 10:42:57"
> >>>> "847","VPC.OFFERING.DELETE","Scheduled","Deleting VPC offering 
> >>>> id=11","2015-01-22 10:42:57"
> >>>> "848","VPC.OFFERING.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> vpc offering.  Id: 11","2015-01-22 10:42:57"
> >>>> "849","ACCOUNT.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating 
> >>>> Account. Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 10:42:57"
> >>>> "850","USER.CREATE","Completed","Successfully completed creating User. 
> >>>> Account Name: null, Domain Id:1","2015-01-22 10:42:57"
> >>>> "851","VPC.OFFERING.CREATE","Created","Error while creating entity for 
> >>>> creating vpc offering","2015-01-22 10:42:57"
> >>>> "852","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Scheduled","user delete, but this user does not 
> >>>> exist in the system","2015-01-22 10:42:57"
> >>>> "853","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Started","deleting account. Account Id: 
> >>>> 31","2015-01-22 10:42:57"
> >>>> "854","ACCOUNT.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed deleting 
> >>>> account. Account Id: 31","2015-01-22 10:42:57"
> >>>> "855","SERVICE.OFFERING.DELETE","Completed","Successfully completed 
> >>>> deleting service offering. Service offering id=46","2015-01-22 10:43:02"
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> On 20 Jan 2015, at 18:05, David Nalley 
> >>>> <da...@gnsa.us<mailto:da...@gnsa.us><mailto:da...@gnsa.us<mailto:da...@gnsa.us>>>
> >>>>  wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> So we likely will cancel this, but there's good discussion and problem
> >>>> solving going on in this, I don't want people to ignore this because I
> >>>> cancelled it.
> >>>>
> >>>> --David
> >>>>
> >>>> On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 9:05 AM, Daan Hoogland 
> >>>> <daan.hoogl...@gmail.com<mailto:daan.hoogl...@gmail.com><mailto:daan.hoogl...@gmail.com<mailto:daan.hoogl...@gmail.com>>>
> >>>>  wrote:
> >>>> -1 (binding), just to be formal. As said, Rohit found a regression in
> >>>> comparison to 4.4!
> >>>>
> >>>> On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 1:51 PM, Rohit Yadav 
> >>>> <rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com<mailto:rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com><mailto:rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com<mailto:rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com>>>
> >>>>  wrote:
> >>>> Hi,
> >>>>
> >>>> On Monday 19 January 2015 06:00 PM, Daan Hoogland wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> Rohit is mentioning regression here. I suggest we drop this rc.
> >>>>
> >>>> mobile dev with bilingual spelling checker used (read at your own risk)
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Yes please let'd do that.
> >>>>
> >>>> Since yesterday, I've scanned over 400 issues on JIRA and cherry-picked
> >>>> bugfixes which were fixed on master or older branches but not on 4.5.
> >>>> Travis seems to be happy about it:
> >>>> https://travis-ci.org/apache/cloudstack/builds/47628745
> >>>>
> >>>> I've been testing 4.5 branch since today morning with KVM and except for
> >>>> few issues it looks promising:
> >>>>
> >>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-8171 (seen in
> >>>> xenserver, kvm setups)
> >>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-8172 (could be
> >>>> environment based)
> >>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-8150 (build related)
> >>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-8043
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> --
> >>>> Regards,
> >>>> Rohit Yadav
> >>>> Software Architect, ShapeBlue
> >>>> M. +91 8826230892<tel:%2B91%208826230892> | 
> >>>> rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com<mailto:rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com>
> >>>> Blog: bhaisaab.org<http://bhaisaab.org/> | Twitter: @_bhaisaab
> >>>> PS. If you see any footer below, I did not add it :)
> >>>> Find out more about ShapeBlue and our range of CloudStack related 
> >>>> services
> >>>>
> >>>> IaaS Cloud Design &
> >>>> Build<http://shapeblue.com/iaas-cloud-design-and-build//>
> >>>> CSForge – rapid IaaS deployment framework<http://shapeblue.com/csforge/>
> >>>> CloudStack Consulting<http://shapeblue.com/cloudstack-consultancy/>
> >>>> CloudStack Software
> >>>> Engineering<http://shapeblue.com/cloudstack-software-engineering/>
> >>>> CloudStack Infrastructure
> >>>> Support<http://shapeblue.com/cloudstack-infrastructure-support/>
> >>>> CloudStack Bootcamp Training
> >>>> Courses<http://shapeblue.com/cloudstack-training/>
> >>>>
> >>>> This email and any attachments to it may be confidential and are intended
> >>>> solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. Any views 
> >>>> or
> >>>> opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily
> >>>> represent those of Shape Blue Ltd or related companies. If you are not 
> >>>> the
> >>>> intended recipient of this email, you must neither take any action based
> >>>> upon its contents, nor copy or show it to anyone. Please contact the 
> >>>> sender
> >>>> if you believe you have received this email in error. Shape Blue Ltd is a
> >>>> company incorporated in England & Wales. ShapeBlue Services India LLP is 
> >>>> a
> >>>> company incorporated in India and is operated under license from Shape 
> >>>> Blue
> >>>> Ltd. Shape Blue Brasil Consultoria Ltda is a company incorporated in 
> >>>> Brasil
> >>>> and is operated under license from Shape Blue Ltd. ShapeBlue SA Pty Ltd 
> >>>> is a
> >>>> company registered by The Republic of South Africa and is traded under
> >>>> license from Shape Blue Ltd. ShapeBlue is a registered trademark.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> --
> >>>> Daan
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>> Regards,
> >>> Rohit Yadav
> >>> Software Architect, ShapeBlue
> >>> M. +91 88 262 30892 | 
> >>> rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com<mailto:rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com>
> >>> Blog: bhaisaab.org<http://bhaisaab.org/> | Twitter: @_bhaisaab
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Find out more about ShapeBlue and our range of CloudStack related services
> >>>
> >>> IaaS Cloud Design & 
> >>> Build<http://shapeblue.com/iaas-cloud-design-and-build//>
> >>> CSForge – rapid IaaS deployment framework<http://shapeblue.com/csforge/>
> >>> CloudStack Consulting<http://shapeblue.com/cloudstack-consultancy/>
> >>> CloudStack Software 
> >>> Engineering<http://shapeblue.com/cloudstack-software-engineering/>
> >>> CloudStack Infrastructure 
> >>> Support<http://shapeblue.com/cloudstack-infrastructure-support/>
> >>> CloudStack Bootcamp Training 
> >>> Courses<http://shapeblue.com/cloudstack-training/>
> >>>
> >>> This email and any attachments to it may be confidential and are intended 
> >>> solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. Any views 
> >>> or opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not 
> >>> necessarily represent those of Shape Blue Ltd or related companies. If 
> >>> you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must neither take 
> >>> any action based upon its contents, nor copy or show it to anyone. Please 
> >>> contact the sender if you believe you have received this email in error. 
> >>> Shape Blue Ltd is a company incorporated in England & Wales. ShapeBlue 
> >>> Services India LLP is a company incorporated in India and is operated 
> >>> under license from Shape Blue Ltd. Shape Blue Brasil Consultoria Ltda is 
> >>> a company incorporated in Brasil and is operated under license from Shape 
> >>> Blue Ltd. ShapeBlue SA Pty Ltd is a company registered by The Republic of 
> >>> South Africa and is traded under license from Shape Blue Ltd. ShapeBlue 
> >>> is a registered trademark.
> >>
> >
> > Regards,
> > Rohit Yadav
> > Software Architect, ShapeBlue
> > M. +91 88 262 30892 | 
> > rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com<mailto:rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com>
> > Blog: bhaisaab.org<http://bhaisaab.org/> | Twitter: @_bhaisaab
> >
> >
> >
> > Find out more about ShapeBlue and our range of CloudStack related services
> >
> > IaaS Cloud Design & 
> > Build<http://shapeblue.com/iaas-cloud-design-and-build//>
> > CSForge – rapid IaaS deployment framework<http://shapeblue.com/csforge/>
> > CloudStack Consulting<http://shapeblue.com/cloudstack-consultancy/>
> > CloudStack Software 
> > Engineering<http://shapeblue.com/cloudstack-software-engineering/>
> > CloudStack Infrastructure 
> > Support<http://shapeblue.com/cloudstack-infrastructure-support/>
> > CloudStack Bootcamp Training 
> > Courses<http://shapeblue.com/cloudstack-training/>
> >
> > This email and any attachments to it may be confidential and are intended 
> > solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. Any views or 
> > opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily 
> > represent those of Shape Blue Ltd or related companies. If you are not the 
> > intended recipient of this email, you must neither take any action based 
> > upon its contents, nor copy or show it to anyone. Please contact the sender 
> > if you believe you have received this email in error. Shape Blue Ltd is a 
> > company incorporated in England & Wales. ShapeBlue Services India LLP is a 
> > company incorporated in India and is operated under license from Shape Blue 
> > Ltd. Shape Blue Brasil Consultoria Ltda is a company incorporated in Brasil 
> > and is operated under license from Shape Blue Ltd. ShapeBlue SA Pty Ltd is 
> > a company registered by The Republic of South Africa and is traded under 
> > license from Shape Blue Ltd. ShapeBlue is a registered trademark.
> --
> Mike Tutkowski
> Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.
> e: mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com<mailto:mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com>
> o: 303.746.7302<tel:303.746.7302>
> Advancing the way the world uses the cloud™

Rohit Yadav
Software Architect, ShapeBlue
M. +91 88 262 30892 | 
Blog: bhaisaab.org<http://bhaisaab.org/> | Twitter: @_bhaisaab

Find out more about ShapeBlue and our range of CloudStack related services

IaaS Cloud Design & Build<http://shapeblue.com/iaas-cloud-design-and-build//>
CSForge – rapid IaaS deployment framework<http://shapeblue.com/csforge/>
CloudStack Consulting<http://shapeblue.com/cloudstack-consultancy/>
CloudStack Software 
CloudStack Infrastructure 
CloudStack Bootcamp Training Courses<http://shapeblue.com/cloudstack-training/>

This email and any attachments to it may be confidential and are intended 
solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. Any views or 
opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily 
represent those of Shape Blue Ltd or related companies. If you are not the 
intended recipient of this email, you must neither take any action based upon 
its contents, nor copy or show it to anyone. Please contact the sender if you 
believe you have received this email in error. Shape Blue Ltd is a company 
incorporated in England & Wales. ShapeBlue Services India LLP is a company 
incorporated in India and is operated under license from Shape Blue Ltd. Shape 
Blue Brasil Consultoria Ltda is a company incorporated in Brasil and is 
operated under license from Shape Blue Ltd. ShapeBlue SA Pty Ltd is a company 
registered by The Republic of South Africa and is traded under license from 
Shape Blue Ltd. ShapeBlue is a registered trademark.

Mike Tutkowski
Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.
e: mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com<mailto:mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com>
o: 303.746.7302<tel:303.746.7302>
Advancing the way the world uses the 

Mike Tutkowski
Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.
e: mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com<mailto:mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com>
o: 303.746.7302
Advancing the way the world uses the 

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