Great email, I love the enthusiasm. :-)

I hope we can tick many of those points this year.


Sent from the Delta quadrant using Borg technology!


----- Original Message -----
> From: "Sebastien Goasguen" <>
> To:,, 
> Sent: Monday, 23 March, 2015 14:15:47
> Subject: Thoughts on CloudStack while starting as new VP

> Dear members of the CloudStack community,
> Last week the Apache Software Foundation board unanimously voted a resolution 
> to
> make me the new VP of Apache CloudStack. This came after a unanimous vote of
> the CloudStack PMC and is regular process of our community as described in our
> bylaws.
> I am excited to take on this new role after two amazing VP (Chip and Hugo) 
> since
> CloudStack came to the ASF. Many thanks to them and especially Hugo for the
> work he has done in the past year.
> The ASF is setup so that the governance of a project really belongs to the
> community itself. CloudStack is what we all make it to be, we all have equal
> footing when time comes to develop the code, create events, take decisions and
> so on. As VP I do not have a special say in our direction. This governance
> model is in stark contrast with other open source project that follow more of 
> a
> benevolent dictator model. I mention this as a bit of disclaimer and to
> re-enforce the fact that while I have views about what we should do, they are
> my personal views and that they do not represent any sorts of official
> roadmaps, and that anyone is welcome to disagree :)
> In Budapest, we had a great conference. Chip and I showed several CloudStack 
> use
> cases. Our user base is strong with over 300 production deployments. Our
> community is large and diverse with 2000 people on the mailing lists, but we
> need to keep advocating for CloudStack, make it an even greater software and
> grow our community. At the very least this helps us learn from each other,
> better our own skills and our employers IT infrastructure. At the very best 
> switches to CloudStack :)
> So here are some food for thoughts that will hopefully excite you, want to get
> engage, talk about CloudStack and bring on board your friends:
> On the code:
> -----------------
> - Keep improving quality, remove dead code, cleanup JIRA, cleanup Review Board
> We have successfully moved to GitHub pull requests, we should stop using RB
> - Simplify the dev process and adopt a new committing system to avoid
> regressions at all costs.
> We have talked about this for a long time but have failed had doing something
> concrete. It is time.
> - Remove the AWSAPI (there is a branch without it right now), we should merge 
> it
> in master
> I am going to push for IP clearance of ec2stack and gstack to get them under 
> governance.
> - Several Cloud Providers have unveiled new CloudStack UI, maybe it’s time we 
> do
> the same.
> - Solidify the testing infrastructure, keep Jenkins builds running
> - Brainstorm on the future of CloudStack and IaaS in general. What should
> CloudStack be in 10 years ?
> While CloudStack is what it is now, nothing prevents us to re-architect,
> re-think, re-code it within the current framework.
> - Finally, package the mgt server and the KVM agent as Docker containers
> Docker is a great portability mechanism. We should embrace Docker as a 
> packaging
> tool (first) and provide container images for our mgt server (at a minimum).
> This could become a type of release artifact that could be easily continuously
> built.
> On the ecosystem:
> -------------------------
> We have a really strong ecosystem. From configuration management tools, API
> wrappers, PaaS plugins etc.
> We need to feature our ecosystem clearly on our website, support it and keep 
> on
> growing it as new technologies emerge.
> Things that come to mind:
> - Push to get our Ansible module into the Ansible core
> - Publish “official” chef recipes to deploy CloudStack
> - Identify and publish “official” Puppet recipes
> - Build Docker native templates (coreOS, rancherOS, Snappy, Atomic)
> - Finally cleanup cloud-init support for CloudStack, this is preventing us 
> from
> having upstream centOS templates.
> - Publish playbooks/recipes to deploy workloads on CloudStack (think Hadoop,
> Spark, Kubernetes)
> - Work actively on up to date integration with CloudFoundry
> On documentation:
> -------------------------
> I and couple others successfully moved our docs to the Read The Docs service.
> This was a first great move but we need to finish the job.
> We need to rethink our documentation tree, maybe merge all guides in one,
> correct the docs, create a new theme for it.
> This is an easy area to contribute to if you are using cloudstack. Just send a
> pull request (click on the top right ribbon).
> If you don’t know how, then it will teach you how to use github, great 
> exercise.
> We also need to routinely build the multi languages support.
> On Events:
> -------------------------
> We have at least four great events coming in 2015. Austin, Seattle, Tokyo and
> Dublin.
> Let’s meet at one of those events.
> Let’s submit a talk or a poster, tell everyone about the great stuff you are
> doing with CloudStack.
> If you are in a position at your company to sponsor the event, please do, we
> need your help to make those great events.
> Open Source is about collaboration and sharing, so let’s meet around the globe
> from Sao Paulo to Dublin to Tokyo and talk Cloud, DevOps and Docker :)
> Finally on the Website:
> -------------------------
> We can live without a website, but having a good one is a great way to 
> showcase
> our community and our work.
> The current website is an improvement to what it was before but we need to do
> much much better.
> I recently did a small experiment and we could use github page. There is now a
> gh-pages branch in our repo.
> Anyone can actually contribute to that branch and it will rebuild a site
> automatically.
> If we could find a great web designer in our community, we could rebuild our
> site and make it a very modern, polished site that would attract even more
> people.
> It’s an easy one, it just needs someone to step up and do it.
> There is much more to this list, It is almost a brain dump. I figure that if 
> we
> could work on those five areas and improve them, even just a bit, our project
> would be so much stronger. Some of them are easy, it’s just a question of
> sitting down and doing it.
> So while I cannot tell you what to do, and cannot assign people to some of 
> these
> tasks. I encourage you to look at that list and see if there is an area or a
> thought that strikes your mind and excites you. If there is, the only think I
> ask is that you send a pull request or at the very least an email to tell the
> rest of us what you are doing.
> To conclude, we do have a bit of bi-polar syndrome in tech, we need rock solid
> software in production but we also want to work on the latest cool
> technologies. I think we can do both, and if we can do something that is both
> cool and rock solid in prod than we will have that amazing feeling of
> accomplishment and doing great work
> Let’s keep on making CloudStack great in the coming year and let’s have fun
> doing it,
> -Sebastien
> @sebgoa

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