I've played a little with Docker over the weekend,  here are some thought
and I'd like to have some input from community around this,

1.  simulator:
I'v create a Jenkins[1] job that build a simulator container an push it to
the docker org: apachecloudstack [2]. It is only done for master branch at
the moment and the image is fairly big, ~2GB, using  Sebastien's Dockerfile.

This will be perform for other branches but based on commit instead of
daily, probably.

2. cloudstack-management + database

As the current simulator image contain MySQL, Maven, CloudStack git repo,..
it's quite big and not the "Docker" way, IMO. So I'd like to see how it
would make sense provide two containers instead of one:
  1. cloudstack-database: mysql database with the initialized DB's (cloud,
  2. cloudstack-management: pre installed cloudstack-management server
including tomcat dependencies,...
  3. cloudstack-usage: pre installed cloudstack-usage

This imply that build of those containers would be done thru Jenkins for
the most part and use of Dockerfile might be difficult, which wouldn't
allow to use dockers automatic builds.

[1] http://jenkins.buildacloud.org/job/build-master-simulator-docker/
[2] https://registry.hub.docker.com/repos/apachecloudstack/

On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 4:04 AM, Sebastien Goasguen <run...@gmail.com>

> > On Mar 20, 2015, at 2:43 AM, Pierre-Luc Dion <pd...@cloudops.com> wrote:
> >
> > Look like some work as been done to have a Dockerfile in our repo which
> > build a CloudStack container easily. I'm curious to know if one of us own
> > the cloudstack organisation and if so, if it would make sense to start to
> > have our own automated build of container for CloudStack. I would easily
> > see 2 build job for two containers:  cloudstack-management and
> > cloudstack-simulator.
> > we could easily build a nightly build of master and offer latest GA
> > releases.
> >
> > Look like it would be easy to automate builds and the simulator container
> > could be use for the CI as it is for the fast-simulator jenkins tasks.
> >
> >
> > any thought?
> +1, I committed the Dockerfile.
> But yes we should have a cloudstack organization in docker hub and setup
> automated builds.
> Ideally we can also setup a drone.io instance to do some continuous
> deployment…but this ties with the overalll jenkins/testing infra that we
> really need to get cleaned up and organized.
> -sebastuen

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