
I want to step away from the discussion about the cycle of releases
before we get into another deadlock there. Just let it be said that
ShapeBlue and Schuberg Philis are clearly not the same company;)

We agreed on having a central reports database of test results to be
able to generate a compatibility matrix. (citation needed) I had a
short oiliest talk with Wido about this to align it with his usage
database. When the machine for this is ready @infra we can put either
an extra schema or an extension of the usage schema to contain the
test data. I opt for the latter as the usage itself is very useful as
compatibility data as well.

a first shot at the db design:
hardware: type, version
cloudstack: version
environment: hardware.id,cloudstack.id,testdate,reportdate,contactdata

- hardware and cloudstack can be shared tables with the usage db (@widoh right?)
- I put in contact data for audibility. Usage or test data that is
anonymous shouldn't be counted as there is no way of control or

catch22ish: contradicting reports may be submitted


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