anyone :)

On 3 May 2015 at 13:49, Andrija Panic <> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I was wondering if someone experienced would be kind to share their
> opinion on folowing subject - since I'm 95% clear with design/ho stuff
> works, but again missing some info - after I have done my RTFM many times,
> and I had also check in details ShapeBlue's diagrams on Networking Deep
> Dive etc.
> Subject: Management vs Secondary Storage connectivity dependencies
> Current setup:
> - We start with 1 POD, 1 Cluster
> - All KVM hosts are directly attached to mgmt, primary storage, and
> secondary storage networks/vlans (via 3 dedicated NICs/vlans - each one on
> a separate/non-overlapping /16 network), so no rouing required for any KVM
> host to reach any resource on all of these 3 networks...
> - Zone-wide Primary Storage (CEPH) - again, directly attached to all KVM
> hosts - this means all future PODs will be also directly attached to
> CEPH/Primary Storage Net - no routing...
> - NFS Zone-Wide Secondary Storage (of course)
> For Primary Storage traffic/network I dont have any questions - I
> understand how stuff works (thx for latest docs and ShapeBlue blogs) -
> except possible zone-wide vs cluster-wide discussion...
> Questions that I have - Secondary Storage network...:
>    1. Since all KVM hosts are directly attached  (via dedicated
>    interface) to both MGMT and SEC storage network - is there any routing that
>    needs to be done on the L3 switch ? My understanding not, but some
>    confirmation would be nice please.
>    2. What about when we have multiple PODs/Clusters - does it make any
>    difference versus 1 single POD/Cluster? I understand there needs to be
>    routing connectivity over L3 switch between different Management networks
>    of each POD, but what about storage? I expect I would need to attach/trunk
>    Secondary Storage Net to all KVM hosts in all PODs... ?
>    3. What other networks (except MGMT) does Management server needs to
>    be connected to ? I understand there needs to be eather routed or dirrect
>    (dedicated NIC) connection to Secondary Storage network - at least during
>    ACS deployment, during sys template preseed on  NFS ?
>    4. Is Secondary Storage network required for anything else on MGMT
>    servers, after the ACS template preseed/provisioning ? I understand not,
>    but again would benefit some confirmation please.
>    5. Finally - in terms of pure ACS aspect - is there a difference
>    between KVM hosts being connected directly to Secondary Stor Net (via
>    dedicated NIC/trunked) or using routing - in other words, can we say that
>    something like folowing is true:    If the KVM host doesnt have direct
>    attached network to it self (primary, secondary) = it will used Management
>    Net gateway to try to reach its destination (Pimary/Secondary storage for
>    example) meaning it will use routing for this.
>    6. What is really Secondary Storage Network Gateway used for in ACS ?
> I apologize for having long questions - I just try to understand
> connectivity dependencies between Sec and Mgmt networks and will be really
> thankfull for clarifying these...
> Regards,
> --
> Andrija Panić


Andrija Panić

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