can't find a config that runs. I can do with some help. last state was:

(CLOUDSTACK-8651)> nosetests --with-marvin
--marvin-config=../../tools/devcloud/devcloud.cfg -s -a

==== Marvin Init Started ====

=== Marvin Parse Config Successful ===

=== Marvin Setting TestData Successful===

==== Log Folder Path: /tmp//MarvinLogs//Jul_27_2015_13_59_07_QHRK18.
All logs will be available here ====

=== Marvin Init Logging Successful===

==== Marvin Init Successful ====
=== TestName: None | Status : EXCEPTION ===

===final results are now copied to: /tmp//MarvinLogs/test_suite_IGW70H===
(CLOUDSTACK-8651)> cat /tmp//MarvinLogs/test_suite_IGW70H/results.txt
=== TestName: None | Status : EXCEPTION ===

ERROR: test suite for <class
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/", line 209, in run
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/", line
292, in setUp
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/", line
315, in setupContext
    try_run(context, names)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/", line
471, in try_run
    return func()
line 84, in setUpClass
KeyError: 'browser_upload_template'
-------------------- >> begin captured logging << --------------------
CSLog: DEBUG: Payload: {'apiKey':
'command': 'listHosts', 'signature': 'Tm5IjuItrAMIg9ElRcLFQIb885Q=',
'type': 'Routing', 'response': 'json'}
CSLog: DEBUG: ========Sending GET Cmd : listHosts=======
requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool: INFO: Starting new HTTP
connection (1):
requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool: DEBUG: "GET
HTTP/1.1" 200 3083
CSLog: DEBUG: Response : [{cpuwithoverprovisioning : u'32000.0',
version : u'4.6.0-SNAPSHOT', memorytotal : 8589934592, zoneid :
u'7171e8fc-ca86-47d3-9ba4-58fdd9001196', cpunumber : 4,
managementserverid : 4278190080, cpuallocated : u'0%', memoryused : 0,
id : u'204677ca-dc48-4d38-abc5-b2be753758cf', cpuused : u'0%',
clusterid : u'8d2759a2-cbc2-4288-b6cb-aeafe3b3dc64', capabilities :
u'hvm', state : u'Up', memoryallocated : 0, networkkbswrite : 16384,
cpuspeed : 8000, type : u'Routing', events : u'ManagementServerDown;
AgentDisconnected; HostDown; Remove; Ping; AgentConnected;
StartAgentRebalance; PingTimeout; ShutdownRequested', zonename :
u'Sandbox-simulator', podid : u'1576694a-d70b-494a-b6fa-76b919892a39',
clustertype : u'CloudManaged', hahost : False, lastpinged :
u'1970-01-17T07:04:53+0100', ipaddress : u'', name :
u'SimulatedAgent.3228f38e-541b-4a9a-87d6-1e0c46f9385c', networkkbsread
: 32768, created : u'2015-07-27T13:28:18+0200', clustername : u'C1',
hypervisor : u'Simulator', islocalstorageactive : False, resourcestate
: u'Enabled', podname : u'POD0'}, {cpuwithoverprovisioning :
u'32000.0', version : u'4.6.0-SNAPSHOT', memorytotal : 8589934592,
zoneid : u'7171e8fc-ca86-47d3-9ba4-58fdd9001196', cpunumber : 4,
managementserverid : 4278190080, cpuallocated : u'3.12%', memoryused :
0, id : u'78e50eaa-8ff8-4fd8-b050-18357c16711a', cpuused : u'0%',
clusterid : u'0689d8ed-7d46-4f0b-a4fc-c5931aab969a', capabilities :
u'hvm', state : u'Up', memoryallocated : 1610612736, networkkbswrite :
16384, cpuspeed : 8000, type : u'Routing', events :
u'ManagementServerDown; AgentDisconnected; HostDown; Remove; Ping;
AgentConnected; StartAgentRebalance; PingTimeout; ShutdownRequested',
zonename : u'Sandbox-simulator', podid :
u'1576694a-d70b-494a-b6fa-76b919892a39', clustertype :
u'CloudManaged', hahost : False, lastpinged :
u'1970-01-17T07:04:53+0100', ipaddress : u'', name :
u'SimulatedAgent.8d99aff4-f3e5-4d15-9c5e-2321d0d9b0eb', networkkbsread
: 32768, created : u'2015-07-27T13:27:18+0200', clustername : u'C0',
hypervisor : u'Simulator', islocalstorageactive : False, resourcestate
: u'Enabled', podname : u'POD0'}, {cpuwithoverprovisioning :
u'32000.0', version : u'4.6.0-SNAPSHOT', memorytotal : 8589934592,
zoneid : u'7171e8fc-ca86-47d3-9ba4-58fdd9001196', cpunumber : 4,
managementserverid : 4278190080, cpuallocated : u'0%', memoryused : 0,
id : u'6f53ae39-0d83-4222-a88c-56432ef80e0a', cpuused : u'0%',
clusterid : u'0689d8ed-7d46-4f0b-a4fc-c5931aab969a', capabilities :
u'hvm', state : u'Up', memoryallocated : 0, networkkbswrite : 16384,
cpuspeed : 8000, type : u'Routing', events : u'ManagementServerDown;
AgentDisconnected; HostDown; Remove; Ping; AgentConnected;
StartAgentRebalance; PingTimeout; ShutdownRequested', zonename :
u'Sandbox-simulator', podid : u'1576694a-d70b-494a-b6fa-76b919892a39',
clustertype : u'CloudManaged', hahost : False, lastpinged :
u'1970-01-17T07:04:53+0100', ipaddress : u'', name :
u'SimulatedAgent.3f4e47b0-3082-4b39-8257-37f4c00fa188', networkkbsread
: 32768, created : u'2015-07-27T13:27:17+0200', clustername : u'C0',
hypervisor : u'Simulator', islocalstorageactive : False, resourcestate
: u'Enabled', podname : u'POD0'}]
CSLog: CRITICAL: EXCEPTION: None: ['Traceback (most recent call
last):\n', '  File
"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/", line 209, in
run\n    self.setUp()\n', '  File
"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/", line 292, in
setUp\n    self.setupContext(ancestor)\n', '  File
"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/", line 315, in
setupContext\n    try_run(context, names)\n', '  File
"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/", line 471, in
try_run\n    return func()\n', '  File
line 84, in setUpClass\n
"KeyError: 'browser_upload_template'\n"]
--------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------

Ran 0 tests in 0.025s

FAILED (errors=1)

I can see the item should be loaded from

On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 12:21 PM, koushik-das <> wrote:
> Github user koushik-das commented on the pull request:
>     @DaanHoogland Are you running some private simulator test? If so is it 
> done?
> ---
> If your project is set up for it, you can reply to this email and have your
> reply appear on GitHub as well. If your project does not have this feature
> enabled and wishes so, or if the feature is enabled but not working, please
> contact infrastructure at or file a JIRA ticket
> with INFRA.
> ---


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