On 16/10/15 00:21, ilya wrote:
I noticed several attempts to address the issue with KVM HA in Jira and
Dev ML. As we all know, there are many ways to solve the same problem,
on our side, we've given it some thought as well - and its on our to do

Specifically a mail thread "KVM HA is broken, let's fix it"
JIRA: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-8943
JIRA: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-8643

We propose the following solution that in our understanding should cover
all use cases and provide a fencing mechanism.

NOTE: Proposed IPMI fencing, is just a script. If you are using HP
hardware with ILO, it could be an ILO executable with specific
parameters. In theory - this can be *any* action script not just IPMI.

Please take few minutes to read this through, to avoid duplicate efforts...

Proposed FS below:


Hi Ilja, thanks for the design; I've put a comment int 8943, here it is verbatim as my 5c in the discussion:

ilya musayev: Thanks for the design document. I can't comment in Confluence, so here goes: When to fence; Simon Weller: Of course you're right that it should be highly unlikely that your storage completely dissappears from the cluster. Be that as it may, as you yourself note, first of all if you're using NFS without HA that likelihood increases manyfold. Secondly, defining it as an anlikely disastrous event seems no reason not to take it into account; making it a catastrophic event by 'fencing' all affected hypervisors will not serve anyone as it would be unexpected and unwelcome. The entire concept of fencing exists to absolutely ensure state. Specifically in this regard the state of the block devices and their data. Marcus Sorensen: For that same reason it's not reasonable to 'just assume' VM's gone. There's a ton of failure domains that could cause an agent to disconnect from the manager but still have the same VM's running, and there's nothing stopping CloudStack from starting the same VM twice on the same block devices, with desastrous results. That's why you need to know the VM's are very definitely not running anymore, which is exactly what fencing is supposed to do. For this, IPMI fencing is a nice and very often used option; absolutely ensuring a hypervisor has died, and ergo the running VM's. It will however not fix the case of the mass rebooting hypervisors (but rather quite likely making it even more of an adventure if not addressed properly) Now, with all that in mind, I'd like to make the following comments regarding ilya musayev 's design. First of the IPMI implementation: There's is IMHO no need to define IPMI (Executable,Start,Stop,Reboot,Blink,Test). IPMI is a protocol, all these are standard commands. For example, using the venerable `ipmitool` gives you `chassis power (on,status,poweroff,identify,reset)` etc. which will work on any IPMI device; only authentication details (User, Pass, Proto) differ. There's bound to be some library that does it without having to resort to (possibly numerous) different (versions of) external binaries. Secondly you're assuming that hypervisors can access the IPMI's of their cluster/pod peers; although I'm not against this assumption per sé, I'm also not convinced we're servicing everybody by forcing that assumption to be true; some kind of IPMI agent/proxy comes to mind, or even relegating the task back to the manager or some SystemVM. Also bear in mind that you need access to those IPMI's to ensure cluster functionality, so a failure domain should be in maintenance state if any of the fence devices can't be reached Thirdly your proposed testing algorithm needs more discussion; after all, it directly hits the fundamental principal reasons for why to fence a host, and that's a lot more than just 'these disks still gets writes'. In fact, by the time you're checking this, you're probably already assuming something's very wrong with the hypervisor, so why not just fence it then? The decision to fence should lie with the first notification that some is (very) wrong with the hypervisor, and only limited attempts should be made to get it out. Say it can't reach it's storage and that get's you your HA actions; why check for the disks first? Try to get the storage back up like 3 times, or for 90 sec or so, then fence the fucker and HA the VM's immediately after confirmation. In fact, that's exactly what it's doing now, with the side note that confirmation can only reasonably follow after the hypervisor is done rebooting. Finally as mentioned you're not solving the 'o look, my storage is gone, let's fence' * (N) problem; in the case of a failing NFS: Every host will start IPMI resetting every other hypervisor; by then there's a good chance every hypervisor in all connected clusters are rebooting, leaving a state where there's no hypervisors in the cluster to fence others; that in turn should lead to the cluster falling in maintenance state, which will lead to even more bells & whistles going off. They'll come back, find the NFS still gone, and continue resetting each other like there's no tomorrow Support staff already panicking over the NFS/network outage now has to deal with entire clusters of hypervisors in perpetual reboot as well as clusters which are completely unreachable because there's no one left to check state; this all while the outage might simply require the revert of some inadvertent network ACL snafu Although I well understand Simon Weller's concerns regarding agent complexity in this regard, quorum is the standard way of solving that problem. On the other hand, once the Agents start talking to each other and the Manager over some standard messaging API/bus this problem might well be solved for you; getting, say, Gossip or Paxos or any other clustering/quorum protocol shouldn't be that hard considering the amount of Java software already doing just that out there. Another idea would be to introduce some other kind of storage monitoring, for example by a SystemVM or something. If you'll insist on the 'clusters fence themselves' paradigm, you could maybe also introduce a constraint that a node is only allowed to fence others if itself is healthy; ergo if it doesn't have all storages available, it doesn't get to fence others whose storage isn't available.

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