
The new stats for the translations of Web UI 4.6 (languages over 50%):

French (France)                 100%
Portuguese (Brazil)             99%
Japanese (Japan)                99%
Chinese (China)                 99%
Norwegian Bokmål (Norway)       99%
Hungarian                       98%
Dutch (Netherlands)             94%
German (Germany)                76%
Russian (Russia)                75%
Korean (Korea)                  66%
Spanish                         53%

Thanks for the translators! (especially to the Norwegian 70%->99%, 655 new translated strings!)

I will integrate all this new strings in a new PR the next week around the 30/31st October.

Hungarian / Dutch (@dahn), just a small work to go to 100%!

The transifex project to translate the Web UI:

That would be great to have a lot of localization Web UI for CloudStack 4.6!



PS. All languages stats for 4.6:

On 09/10/2015 09:49, Sebastien Goasguen wrote:
Milamber reminded me that before releasing 4.6 we should include the latest 
translated strings for the UI.
If you care about translation, you might be interested to work on it in the 
coming days.

Here is where we stand:

Portuguese (Brazil)             100%
French (France)                 100%

Japanese (Japan)                99%
Hungarian                       98%
Chinese (China)                 93%
Dutch (Netherlands)             89%
Russian (Russia)                75%
German (Germany)                71%
Norwegian Bokmål (Norway)       70%
Korean (Korea)                  66%
Spanish                         53%

Italian (Italy)                 36%
Polish                          21%
Catalan                         13%
Arabic                          12%
Persian                         11%
Romanian (Romania)              9%
Chinese (Taiwan)                7%
Georgian                        5%
Thai (Thailand)                 5%
Turkish (Turkey)                2%
Tatar                           2%
Indonesian                      1%

you can see that Japanese, Hungarian, Chinese and Dutch are really close to 



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