The GPU section on page seems to be lacking some information (at least as far as I can tell). 1) What does the GPU do? It says to select a card that I want to use. No hint about the basis on which I should make the selection or if there are any restrictions on the choice (based on hardware?) 2) It mentions support for 2 NVIDIA cards and says that if you want to use another card "make the createServiceOffering API call". How is this done on a UI screen? 3) The Type selection is worded in an odd way with 3 selections explicitly named and a "so on" thrown in. Then it goes on to talk about a passthrough vGPU type in a separate paragraph.

Perhaps there should be links to external web sites to clarify the definitions of these cards and types.

If someone can explain what this section actually means, I will try to write it in a clearer fashion.


Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software Inc
skype: ronaldmwheeler
phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

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