Yes that is how it been design right. PVLAN

On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 6:53 PM, Simon Weller <> wrote:

> Just for clarity here, are talking QinQ?. I.e. A Vlan within a vlan?
> ________________________________________
> From: Keerthiraja SJ <>
> Sent: Saturday, February 27, 2016 11:44 PM
> To:
> Subject: Anyone Can Help
> Hi All,
> I was been following up and testing past three version about the PVLAN
> setup. Which was worked on 4.2. It failed on version 4.5 / 4.6 / 4.7/ 4.8.
> I raised issue in jira.
> Two of my consulting company implemented PVLAN using Cloudstack 4.2 there
> is no chance for them to upgrade because this was really help there
> business needs in cloudstack providing VM to there customer on same subnet.
> It will be great could someone can say that is it really working or is the
> fetures been depecreated
> Reference WiKi
> Issues
> I tested in 4.5 and 4.7 is not working. It will great that in CS community
> could someone really help on this.
> Thanks,
> Keerthi

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