I don't believe this is freely available, rather is a tool Citrix developed
for helping troubleshoot CCP customer deployments. I would imagine that
Accelerite owns this tool now and it is likely available if you are an ACP
customer, but not necessarily for ACS users.

Probably best for Accelerite to comment.

On Tuesday, 5 April 2016, Will Stevens <wstev...@cloudops.com> wrote:

> It used to be CCP Doctor and it is not in ACS from my understanding.  It is
> a set of scripts that will do basic validation of a CloudStack setup.  It
> does things like verify the system VMs are running and the connectivity is
> working between all of the systems.  It also does some checking to make
> sure the versions of software is correct and checks some things in the DB
> as well.  It also collects a whole crap ton of logs and database dumps (i
> think) and zips them up for easy transfer to support so they can get a
> solid feel for your setup.
> It also has 'suggestions' for things you can do to fix different aspects of
> your setup.  Things like setting 'ulimit' to 'unlimited' and will give you
> the command to run.  It also lets you pass a 'fix' flag and it will
> automagically make all the changes for you.  I am too paranoid to have
> actually used the fix flag because I was always using this in production
> environments and I am a little too risk averse to let a script do anything
> for me (unless I wrote it).
> Does that answer your question?  It should be freely available and you
> should be able to run it against ACS, so you should be able to try it
> out...
> It is a pretty useful tool to be honest.  Especially if you are
> troubleshooting an environment you didn't setup.
> *Will STEVENS*
> Lead Developer
> *CloudOps* *| *Cloud Solutions Experts
> 420 rue Guy *|* Montreal *|* Quebec *|* H3J 1S6
> w cloudops.com *|* tw @CloudOps_
> On Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 5:28 PM, ilya <ilya.mailing.li...@gmail.com
> <javascript:;>> wrote:
> > Saw ACP Doctor in CCP release notes from Accelerite.
> >
> > Curious what it is, is it integrated into cloudstack or collection of
> > shell scripts?
> >
> > Thanks
> > ilya
> >

Ian Rae
c: 514.944.4008

CloudOps | Cloud Infrastructure and Networking Solutions
www.cloudops.com | 420 rue Guy | Montreal | Canada | H3J 1S6

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