@swill and @remibergsma

I saw this in the test
[dahn@blimbing ~]$ for i in 1 2 ; do ssh kvm$i virsh list; done
Warning: Permanently added 'kvm1,' (ECDSA) to the list of
known hosts.
 Id    Name                           State
 2     s-2-VM                         running
 3     v-1-VM                         running

Warning: Permanently added 'kvm2,' (ECDSA) to the list of
known hosts.
 Id    Name                           State
 10    i-6-14-VM                      running


It is still running but it doesn't promise success. You guys have seen this
as well? it seems the test kills the routers before it completes. talking
about the test_vpc_redundant of course.


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