
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS was released about a week ago and I want to start on packages.

The cool things about the LTS:
- systemd
- Java 8
- libvirt 1.3.1
- Qemu 2.5

I'm familiar with building DEB packages, but there is something which I don't 
know how to fix yet.

We want to build packages for Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 16.04, but the first 
still uses Upstart / sysvinit and the newest uses systemd.

We already have systemd service files in 'packaging/systemd', so that is no the 

I however don't know how to build packages for 14.04 (Trusty) and 16.04 
(Xenial) using dpkg-buildpackage.

I see other projects use tools like pbuilder [0], but I don't know how that 
exactly works.

Before I put a lot of effort in this: Does anybody know how to build packages 
for different Ubuntu versions?

Eventually we will end up with packages like:

- cloudstack-agent-XXX~trusty.deb
- cloudstack-agent-XXX~xenial.deb



[0]: https://pbuilder.alioth.debian.org/

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