Thanks Milamber.  I will add my own vote.

Lead Developer

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On Mon, Aug 15, 2016 at 11:45 AM, Milamber <> wrote:

> Hello,
> This vote isn't compliant with the ASF release vote. We need as least 3
> PMC +1 vote [1].
> Will, you can just vote +1 and resend the result. (Or another PMC member)
> Milamber
> [1]
> On 15/08/2016 15:16, Will Stevens wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> After 72+ hours, the vote for CloudStack 4.8.1 *passes* with
>> 2 PMC + 1 non-PMC votes.
>> +1 (PMC / binding)
>> * Mike Tutkowski
>> * Milamber
>> +1 (non binding)
>> * Simon Weller
>> 0
>> none
>> -1
>> none
>> Thanks to everyone participating.
>> I will now prepare the release announcement to go out after 24 hours to
>> give the mirrors time to catch up.

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